She bends far forward, her tummy aching from holding her in place where she half hangs over the massive compost pod. The stench of rotting human waste hits her in the face every time she inhales, her nostrils flaring in grim determination despite her need to retch. At least her compressed stomach can't disgorge from this position, her booted feet swinging from the ground while she grunts against the weight of the massive wrench in her aching hands.
Didi's life used to be easier, days spent exploring her home on Trash Heaven, scrounging parts to build tech that made her life go the way she wanted. For the most part, that is. Even her month trapped on The Homestead had been heaven compared to this. She actually finds she misses the dusty remains of a planet she hated with a passion so powerful she betrayed herself and her friends to the man who ran it for a chance to escape.
Well, she's escaped, hasn't she? Just not as she'd intended.