
Chapter 27: Rescue

"The Underlord's people are here?" She won't go willingly after all, feels a tiny, furious animal wake in her chest, claw and fight and shriek until she's sure it will tear a hole in her body and run away on its own.

He turns and only then does she see the unconscious form of the large woman collapsed in the hall outside her door. She gapes as Bo tugs on her.

"I told you I wouldn't give up on you," he says. "Turns out I'm a bigger fool than you are. Now, if you want to escape and maybe not have my people kill us in the process, you'll get your feet moving, Didi Duke." He manages a grin at last. "This is a rescue."

Never mind he's the reason she's in this room to begin with. "Why?"

He exhales heavily and shakes his head. "Really? We're going to have this conversation right now?"

She resists him, can't trust him. Her jaw sets and he sighs, running his free hand, shaking, through his messy hair.