
Diary Of My Life In Highschool

The start of highschool is a new beginning for me and I can't wait to take the first step. Many highschool graduates have told me stories about highschool, one of them being that highschool is a place where crushes are made where we experience first love and of course love fight, be it struggle for one girl of struggle for one boy. Well mum had once told me that highschool is a place where irrelevant posts are given such as school belle, school hottie, queen bee and so on. That was the thought that brought me out of my room and couldn't help but think of how my own highschool story will be, but then in all of that I don't wish for any heart break, I mean my heart is way too weak to love someone and then suffer a heart break afterwards well I...      "Happy first day in highschool sweetie" mum said as she headed towards me with her protruded stomach.     "Thanks mum, can't help but feel nervous of what today holds" I said as I hugged her     "Oh don't be dear, I know it will be fun filled"    "Thanks mum" I said and was about to sit and have my break fast when dad came towards me while holding my ear pod and said     "You forgot this"    "Dad were you in my music room again?" I asked while collecting the ear pod    "Um I don't think that's a proper way of saying thank you"    "Dad the last time you were in my music room you broke my guitar"       "And I fixed it"     "Come on hun say thank you" mum intervened     "Fine thank you"    "You're welcome"

P8nk3ng3l · Teenager
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29 Chs

Chapter 23

After two weeks of writing exams, it finally cane to an end and with that, sophomore year also came to an end. The boys went wild, chanting 'SENIORS' where ever they go. While the girls just formed small groups to discuss their plans about summer together.

Well i had no plans for summer, i mean, i never have plans for any thing that is not my music.

"What are your plans for summer?" Rachel asked

"I don't have any" i replied

"Am sure your boyfriend has made plans for the both of you" Gideon said nudging Francis gently

"No he has not, what about you guys?" I said looking at Francis. Okay, i lied. Francis and i had made plans to go to Miami to pay his aunt a visit, we planed yo stay there for two weeks while visiting other fun places. After which we will cone back and act as if we didn't go anywhere. Then shocking everyone when we post pictures of our vacation. But it felt kind of weird. I mean this is the first time some one that is not a member of my nuclear family, had to plan for my vacation just because we are a couple. Also we didn't want Junior finding out and disrupting our plan. Plus, my Dad was also going to Miami for some business. And Junior being an intern as his assistant had to go with him. So him finding out we are also going , will make his head explode.

"But why are you guys here? Go join the rest of the boys" Rachel said

"Am here with my girl, so both of you shu shu" Francis said using his hands to wave them away.

After they left Junior came out off his car which i didn't notice up until now. And on his hand were s bunch of red roses

"Mae this is for you" he said handing it to me

"Junior, you claimed to have been with me all my life, but her you are offering me a bunch of red roses, i hate the color red" i said. Does this guy whom i call my best friend even know me at all. At that point someone taped me, turning around i saw Francis on one knee with a bunch of pink roses

"Mae, will you join me in the journey of senior year? I know its too early but i don't want to hear that its too late, i hope you like the colour pink" he said, of course i liked colour pink, so i collected it from him while others applauded and took pictures and videos.

"Mae know that this not the end, i am not giving up, you must belong to me and only me alone" Junior said and turned to leave but Sandra called him back and they left together.

Surprisingly no one cared for the reason Sandra had to go out together with Junior. Mae had also thought about it as a good thing. Reason bring that if Junior and Sandra were to get together and maybe start dating it would take, Junior's mind away from her, and Sandra's mind from Francis. But no one could have ever imagined what would come their way was more than Junior and sandra dating.