

With a gorgeous bestfrriend and a hot housemate, Jennifer,an 18years old transfer student finds it hard to choose between love and friendship,her bestfriend and her housemate . Chaos start when friendship grows into a budding romance

AzuraLuna · Teenager
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13 Chs


 After my long shower ,I wore a long shirt.then,I went downstairs,when I got to the dinning area, before I could seat down,I saw Kelvi's eyes widen,he looked like he has seen a ghost."is there something on my face?"I asked . He only managed to shake his head."then,tell me why do you look so shocked". "your shirt is wet ". He said. I looked down and saw the unexpected.my shirt was freaking damn wet, "oh gosh!.I forgot to dry my hair"i blurted out. I wrapped my hand above my breast.I looked at kelvi who was trying to control his laughter."could you please take your eyes off me"he raised his brow "and why should I?.to be honest I love the view and the expression you have on your face right now"he's reply made my blood boil."kelvi please close your eyes,If I stay like this for too long I'll definitely get sick.well, if you want me to get sick I'll seat down and enjoy dinner.its your call, let me inform you that I'm bad patient "i said threateningly but he only smirk. Then,he closed his eyes.what is going on in his mind. This guy is really confusing ,I don't think I can tolerate him for too long. i thought inwardly."are you going or not?"he asked and I vroom off. After a minute or two,I came back downstairs.jenny don't forget you're living with a guy now,this not your house,this is Kelvis house.i said to myself inwardly.jenny get your act together.I gave myself a mental shake.i sat down.then, Kelvi smiled."did you just smile?"i asked."no,I didn't smile"."well,I believe everybody has a reason to smile,beside you look handsome when you smile.".i said." you're right, but few people lost their smile when they lose their loved ones."he said in a calm but sorrowful tone.it felt like he was talking about himself.i wonder how much pain he must be feeling now."thanks for the compliment,you also look beautiful with your hair down " I didn't expect that.he stood up.then,he walked closer to me then he removed the clip on my hair .my hair fell to my back."he went to his seat.then he spoke "your hair is beautiful".i blushed"thank you". This guy is going to make me go crazy. After his comment,I couldn't look at him ,the silence elongated,then the food was served.we ate our food silently.

Boundaries between Kelvis relationship and friendship.

DEAR DIARY: it's only been a week since I got to New York,the city is beautiful.i didn't get to explore because I was busy adapting to my new school and new housemate.i moved in with Kelvi last week,we got along really well,I kinda like his character.what baffles the most is that he talks to me at home.but when we get to school, we become total strangers.i feel like we will always remain strangers.our homeroom teacher took us to the 'New York Botanical Garden'this weekend to do some research.on getting there I saw Naina lingering around kelvi.right there I made up my mind to draw a distance between Kelvi and I.for the sake of naina.i know she would have' The heart attack ' if she finds out that Kelvi and I stay in the same house.i heard a knock on my door" I'm coming".i wrote the final phrase : I need to go now I'll make sure to write more of my adventures in you. I wrote that down,I placed the diary inside the drawer. I went to open the door.i was surprised to see Kelvi waiting patiently."ohh_I'm for disturbing you.i can come back later if you don't mind"."i wasn't busy , please come in ."he came inside.then, he spoke "i have been meaning to talk to you since we got back from the park "i sat on the bed and gestured for him to sit on the couch .he sat down.then he continued "do you have a problem with me".well,that was new."I don't know why you think I've got a problem with you.frankly speaking, we are cool."he looked like he wasn't satisfied with my answer.the silence elongated, finally Kelvi spoke " Really?then why do you avoid me,you give me 'the silent treatment' in quote and you ate dinner in your room instead of downstairs". "kelvi you're making me look like a bad person.i only ate dinner in my room yesterday and today.tell me something, why do you care? ,it doesn't matter if I talk to you or give you the silent treatment.we're just housemate after all". "We're not only housemate, we are more than just housemates "i threw my head back and laughed out loud "if not housemate then what are we?" he hesitated "friends". What?, friends?,what is this guy saying."two strangers can't be friends,you know you avoid me at school.if that's friendship for you then you should know that I'm avoiding you for your own good ".he shot back "how's that for my own good?,tell me jenny." "I can't allow my friendship with you ruin your relationship with Naina,Kelvi try to understand, we need to set boundaries between our so called friendship and your relationship with Naina"."we can still be ...". I cut him off. "kelvi please let not talk about this now.i really need to rest.no matter what you do you can't change my decision." I stood up and walked to the door .i opened it and gestured him to leave .he walked out of the room before he could say anything I jammed the door."yes, this is the right thing to do, it's for your own good"i whispered to myself.

The new student.

The next morning,I went downstairs to eat, somewhere in my heart ,I was hoping to see Kelvi and appologize to him.to my surprise Kelvi already left the house.i assumed he left for school already .on getting to school, he was nowhere to be found. In the class I heard some students talking about a new transfer student.the bell rang ,the teacher came in with a tall slim figured boy,I couldn't see his face because he used his hoodie cap to cover his head."Settle down class"the teacher instructed then she continued"as you all can see we have a new student.please introduce yourself " the guy dropped his hoodie cap and I got the shock of my life."Hi, I'm Jack stawicky from L A .I use to be a model and I'm..."our eyes met and he gave me a cute little love sign . everybody turned to see who he was showing the love sign to.i almost died because of the embarrassment . I gave him the glare of his life . He only smiled back .he continued "that's all for now, thank you ma " he smiled to the teacher and she smiled back,even she was moved by his charm ."jennifer Winter" I stood up .she continued "let jack sit on that vacant seat till Kelvi comes back,you will be sharing your seat with one of our newest transfer student . Jennifer"he bowed slightly. he swayed pass the girls in the class, all of them blushed . he's jack my bestfriend,we met 2 years ago. my father organized a male pageant for common people.we met before the show began.what attracted me to him was his cool assent,his smile and also his handsome face. Even though his dad was rich enough to give anything he wants. he still participated in the competition.we spoke about many things the first day we met,we found out we had many things in common, we became so close.the only problem was that we studied in different school.i begged my dad to transfer me to his school but he wouldn't listen.i wonder why jack left LA for New York .he was doing great in his modelling career.now he lookd more gorgeous,handsome and breathtaking.Jenny stop it he's your bestfriend. He sat down next to me and said "hey beautiful,long time no see." "shut up pervert, we saw each other a day before I left for New York .it has only been a week so don't flatter me or else..."."woah woah, don't bite me .I missed your voice and your anger."he scattered my hair ."jack, I'm going to kill you ". "ma'am, this is not fair,jack can't sit on Kelvi's seat."Naina spoke and other students backed her up.after many reasons and discuss the homeroom teacher asked jack to seat beside Chloe.he looked at me and gave me a heartwarming smile.i felt like my life was coming back on track.i smiled back. I wonder where Kelvi was.why didn't he inform me that he was going out the next morning?.i am so stupid I shouldn't have slam the door to his face.he must be really angry.and why is jack here?.I must find out.