
Diary of a Teenage Alpha

Big-hearted and witty, Samantha Kingsley is the Alpha's daughter who grew up learning to meet everyone's expectations. But Samantha isn't a pup anymore, she's in high school now, and is just about to discover that her life is written by her choices. Not by dreams, or prophecies, or even the moon goddess. This girl is going to protect the happiness of her pack and everyone she loves. Read her diary here. Updated every night. Mon-Sat Volume Synopsis VOL 1 It's the first week of school. Despite my failed attempt to make a friend, I somehow ended up surrounded by a handful of wolf classmates, got accepted by the human "cool" girls, and became a vampire's guard dog? VOL 2 I think I'm just starting to get the hang of school. From navigating school halls, new friends, vampires, and school clubs... Back home it should have been the usual drill, but things started shifting. And I urm...might have been messing around where I shouldn't. VOL 3 I had to miss a couple of school days this week due to my ah, long term bout of "anemia". It's been pretty intense at home. My alpha position was challenged, rogues burnt down our home, I rescued my first fight dog, discovered the Lorent's secret oracle, almost rescued my mate...and accidentally stumbled into my Alpha Dad's secret. VOL 4 My worlds collide as some members from my pack come to my school to sell concert tickets. And when Grandpa Alpha shocked us all by dying, my dad's family comes together to pay their last respects at the Night Forest Pack. VOL 5 It's February and the Vampire Queen is celebrating her birthday. Would Rebel's plan to escape work out? Meanwhile, I'm stuck in school dealing with high school drama, an evolving wolf, and a new human sister. In the Red Packlands, war nearly breaks out. (This might have been a very little bit my fault.) VOL 6 It's the week of Valentine's Day, but I've got a highschool play, Lorent drama, Vampire slaying training, and an underground army to deal with first. And then warlock weather threw an extended snowstorm at us. The whole of Green Packlands goes into lockdown - but what about Valentine's Day? VOL 7 Exams are a week away, and it feels like my time at Winderhill is really coming to a close. I'm trying to be a good student, but there are paparazzi camped outside my school, I ran with rogues (I'm shocked too), Maria just had to enter her dark cycle in school...My life is too exciting to study for exams. VOL 8 It's exam week, but I've got far greater problems brewing at home. The prophecies are merging. River's stone had unlocked warlock trouble, the rogue king has moved in, and then there's Uncle Louis' economical problems... one at a time. Just let me survive Code Black and figure out what's going on at Heller's first, and I'm sure everything else will work out somehow. VOL 9 Its the last week of school and the exams are over. Its like for better or worse, all the big bad things are over now. At home, My pack works to clean up the aftermath of the rogue war, the warlock's defeat, and Jude's betrayal. In school, everyone treats me more or less the same... like a freak. Meanwhile, our school play is in dire straights, and as the Last Hurrah's debut draws near, I get ready to say good bye to Winderhill for good. VOL 10 We follow Dad to the past to stop the traitor (AKA Jude), from ever stepping into our Packlands. It would've been a good plan too - if it didn't change EVERYTHING. Now, I can't help but feel my life is ruined. Nobody understands me. Is it selfish of me to wish none of this ever happened? Why does my world have to be so magical?

katisnow · Fantasie
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1207 Chs



I sat up and realised Mount Savy was in my bed. She was curled up in a ball of blanket.

"Savy?" I panicked immediately. Did my dream traveling really cause Savy to have to implement her plan to sleep in my room with me?

This was all my fault! I had been selfish! Now Savy is suffering because of me, "Savy! Wake up!"

I shook her hard enough so that she had to wake up, "Wha... Sam? Oh Sam!"

Savy's silver grey eyes flew opened at once.

"Are you okay?!?" Savy and I yelled at each other.


"Why would I not be okay?" We both said at the same time again.

And then Savy figured it out first (as usual) and laughed, "Oh Sam!"

She leaned her blond curls against my shoulder, "I'm fine. I was just worried about you alone with vampires and all."

Oh. I smiled, "You don't have to worry. The vampires should be the ones afraid of me!"

Savy smiled, "Did you kill any?"

For some reason, I suddenly remembered the vampire family I saw at the cave and shrugged, "Not this time."

Savy frowned, and then she said, "It's mum. She's asking if you're awake. Ki hasn't come back yet, so you better hurry and pack your own bag and stuff."

Oh. I blinked. Savy curled back up into her ball, "Since you're okay, I'm going back to sleep."

"Don't you have exams this week too?" I asked.

"Yeah, but my first paper doesn't start till 10." Savy said to my pillow.

I narrowed my eyes at Mount Savy. It really wasn't fair! Why couldn't I go to New Leaf Academy too?

But then I remembered Winderhill and felt a little happy because highschool was quite fun. Even during exam week. I was kind of looking forward to the cool girls chatter and then I suddenly remembered Krystal's betrayal.

Oh bother!

What should I say to her? They had all avoided me after the English Paper yesterday. Would they still come to my desk to hang out now?

I couldn't go soft on her, or she would just treat me like a pushover. Krystal had to apologize first. In fact, she had to give me a nice fat apology with lots of sincerity too!

I found my phone... For the first time in a long while, it's battery wasn't full up. It wasn't exactly low either, I mean, it's not like I actually used it enough to drain it on any given day.

I slipped it into my bag and checked for the usual stuff. I even had to check my wallet to make sure I still had that twenty in it. My uniform was pressed and hanging, thank goddess Ki had prepared that in advance. My accessories had been laid out too. Today I picked a band with a transparent black bow attached to it.

Then I cast another glance at the immovable Mount Savy and took everything to the bathroom. I might as well take a shower. It had been a long night, and I felt like I needed time to think.

Bell was planning something crazy. What should I do? I turned on the shower and mulled over the conversation in the car. Then I got distracted and worried about the vamp family in the cave. Did they get out safely?

Alpha Solomon had said that it was good I was not seen. I was easily recognizable no thanks to my blue hair and eyes. I would also like the LNC to take some responsibility for the excessive media coverage.

But there was no point in pointing fingers. I hadn't killed them, was that bad? I don't think any of them saw me, so my tracks were covered right?

Nothing more uneasy than the thought of being featured in the vamp's wanted list.

This was not the most uneasy thing in my mind though. I was uneasy about Alpha Solomon too. I actually liked his wolf, even though my mate and betas didn't trust him one bit. Bell seemed particularly set on messing with Alpha Solomon. Why?

And then there's Alpha Gunter, who was on our side now right? He even too Ben and me as his disciples. But he was close to Alpha Solomon, and my betas had not trusted him either.

Okay, basically nobody trusts anybody else and that in itself made me feel edgey. Why was it that Mum and Dad brought me up to be always honest and true, if the world I had to step into was so untrustworthy?

And my mate! Bell had to be the worst! What was he thinking? I couldn't understand why he was determined to enact some kind of crazy curse over the whole of Black Forest. Trevor was his friend right?

I mean of that was how Bell treated his childhood friend, how was he going to treat his mate?

He was going to "sacrifice" me to the Tyger (himself), but yeah...

Goddess, I think there's some kind of mistake. Are you sure he was my mate? I'm not sure how it happened, but I was suddenly mated to the villain?

Like what? You gave up mating your blue wolf angels to the good guys and decided wth, YOLO, and whatever - let's bond her soul to a villian and see if she can fix history better from that side of the fence?


I know I wasn't the best planner, and it's not like I knew better about the Tyger or vampires than he did, but I had a bad feeling about this. It's just a vague feeling. Maybe this was what indigestion felt like.

Savy banged on my bathroom door. I knew it was Savy because no one else would dare to bang so loudly and rudely, "SAM! Hurry up! Mum won't stop mindlinking me to ask if you're going down for breakfast and I can't sleep."

"Then go sleep in your own room!" I yelled back.

Savy stopped banging at the door and then she said, "You know that Mum can still mindlink me in my room right?"


"Then just block it out." I yelled back.

"I can't. I'm chatting with Lizzy." Savy said.

I thought she was sleeping? Ah whatever, "Tell mum I'll be down in a minute."

"Why can't you just tell her yourself?" Savy grumbled, but she sounded like she was moving away from my door.

Because if I didn't block my mindlinks, mum would be able to nag at me right? And I felt sure it wouldnt just be mum. I had three workaholic betas too. I just didn't like having to answer anyone.

Besides, I liked having my own space to think.

By the time I changed and got out of the bathroom, Savy was gone. I guess she took my advice and left for her own room. I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.

Ki had just gotten back and was frying eggs on Brioche. We had been having a lot of brioche lately, because Savy had taken to making them.

"Good morning goddess." Ki smiled his usual smile as he placed my breakfast in front of me.

"Good morning." I said, "You look tired."

"I'm fine goddess. I will be off active duty in an hour." Ki smiled.

"Maybe you can leave the dishes, Ki." Mum said, "Go sleep. Thank you for returning Sam safely."

"Thank you, Luna. But please allow me to finish up in the kitchen." Ki smiled.

"I would've been fine." I said to my egg.

Mum gave me a censuring look, "Sam, you caused everyone trouble and worry last night."

Uh oh.

"Your dad and I have discussed it. You are grounded for the next two days." Mum continued.

I looked at Dad who was typing on his phone. He looked up briefly, "What your mum said."

"But Dad..." I tried to argue my case.

"Sam," Dad put down his phone, "I did specifically order you not to dream travel."

"But..." I tried again.

Dad growled. Okay. End of discussion.

"Fine." I conceded reluctantly, "So I'm grounded for two days. What exactly am I grounded to?"

"You may not leave the house except to go to school. You may not use your phone except to call home. You may not dream travel or engage in alpha meetings with your betas. This is the consequence to your irresponsible actions last night. In the meantime, I hope you would focus on your exams and reflect on your actions." Mum said firmly.

Wow. It looked like my parents really thought this through.

"Yeah, okay." I nodded.

What could I do? They were my parents, and even if I was going to pull the "I'm the alpha" card, Dad could easily pull the, "Not yet, you're not!"

Technically, I wasn't even the Young Alpha yet. Not until my inauguration.

Anyway, it's fine. I mean, it wasn't the easiest thing to swallow, but I can deal with two days of being grounded. After all, I was the Alpha. I can take it.

"Good girl." Dad patted my head, "It's just for two days."

I nodded, a lump suddenly forming in my throat. I swallowed it, "Yeah, it's no big deal."

"Oh Sam!" Mum rubbed my back, "I'm sorry. But you know your dad and I love you..."

You know what's worse than getting punished for messing up? Being consoled immediately after. I felt the tears burn behind my lids, just a little.

I shook my head and forced a smile, "I deserved it. It's no big deal. I know you're doing your job as my parents."

And then I quickly finished my breakfast and grabbed my stuff. Harvey's truck pulled up the driveway, "Harvey's here. I gotta go. Maybe I can do some last minute cramming when I get to school."

Mum smiled, "Have a good day in school, Sam."

I nodded and made my escape, "Thanks! Bye!"

Harvey looked surprised to see me meet him at the garage, "Apologies Alpha. I will arrive earlier from now on."

I laughed and shook my head, "No need, I was just escaping my parents."

"Understood, Alpha." Harvey answered with his usual wry smile. He opened the car door for me to get in and it quickly became like any other school day.

By the time our car was cruising down the road, Harvey had started running through my schedule... Which was absolutely nothing except school for the next two days.

My dad was truly the alpha in that the moment he said I was grounded, I was grounded on all fronts.

Oh well, all things put together, it wasn't a terrible punishment. Lately all my dream travels had become more like nightmare travels anyway. I could do with a break.

Yeah, I'm going to take it as a vacation and enjoy some me time. It's just two days - what can possibly go wrong?