
Diary: A Foreigner's Love

Her life wasn't perfect, she had to struggle with a secret keeping family and her not being good enough every single time. When she met him, everything changed. When she became his close friend, things became better. When she got to know him, her heart pulled her closer. But that doesn't mean their love story would be as easy as they thought . . .. Third Novel!!!! Please read the first few chapters before you decide if you like this novel or not I will really appreciate it ~Author

chenemi · Allgemein
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34 Chs

Becoming Better

Dear diary,

I got in!. I got into the university of my dreams,it was not easy but I did it. I am really happy.

It won't be easy, it won't be easy for me to leave my family but, I have no other choice.

Staying here just makes me feel more depressed every single day. As much as I would love to spend as much time as I can with my family and maybe ask my dad about what I heard a few days back.....I can't bring myself to do it. I know that I am practically running away but, I am not that strong... I am not as strong as everyone thinks I am.

I'm just a girl who wants her father's love....I'm just a girl who doesn't want to be hated by her father just because she wasn't born male.

I overhead my parent's argument a few weeks ago....Mr Thomas said he hates the fact that I wasn't a son....I still don't get why he would think that. I know it is common in our country and culture to want male sons but what about John?.....why am I suffering for something that isn't my fault?

This will be a new beginning for me, this will be a fresh start and maybe.....just maybe, one day I might become better and stronger....I might be able to face everyone.....finally.

~My loneliness is just beginning.... is there anyone out there who cares?...

Sorry for the lack of chapters....I have been quite busy with stuff but I promise to update more from now on

I am really sorry

chenemicreators' thoughts