***On Planet Gieă, In the Outskirts of the Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans', Chingford's Academy grounds..
After a rather meddlesome meal at the Cafeteria, Navi is quick to lose his 'Breakfast-mates' as he finds his way straight into the wide grounds of the Academy.
The weather today is sunny with mostly clear blue skies and the atmosphere on the Academy's grounds is mostly normal yet strolling through the Academy's grounds for some weird reason, Navi's mood is a bit off.
Navi himself doesn't know exactly what this feeling is but it suddenly started almost at the end of his breakfast. This weird feeling had come over him and it tasted like the feeling of annoyance but it's quite not it.
It's more like a feeling you get before entering a room or conversation you're sure is going to push your odd buttons. It's like pre-annoyance to an unavoidable series of annoyances.
Shaking his head slightly as he continues his stroll to meditation class, Navi tries to shrug off the weird mood as he lets wild thoughts roam in his head.
'Whatever goes... goes.', He thinks to himself. His day to day is already too normal for him so as long as he can ease a bit of his boredom then the universe should bring it on.
Sweeping stray strands of his hair back, Navi calmly walks into the massive martial Hall for meditation classes.
Meditation class came and went as usual and still zero progress at it. Last Martial term, Navi reached a bottleneck at settling his mind and this Martial term is proving be no different. It's like no matter how hard he tries, there is this part of his mind that's always awake with or without his consent.
It is a very frustrating feeling to be stuck without a visible way out but Navi is anything but panicky as he is making progress in other parts of his mind as far as meditation is concerned. A clearer mind, a more coordinated body as well as much better use of his senses. The benefits he's getting makes his practice worth it.
Everything is coming together fluidly as far as Navi is concerned and he would rather worry about things he can control and improve rather than those he cannot control.
Navibstayed in the Meditation hall for a few minutes after morning class was over and he used this time to snap out of the relaxed state that comes with trying to meditate. He is lazy sometimes but he hates sluggishness.
Navi immediately leaves the hall after he is back to his fully conscious state and he moves on to the Martial Swords training grounds. The strange feeling of pre-annoyance have mostly faded by now and Navi soon joins the Swordsmanship class.
Different people with different types of wooden training swords took different positions uniformly as they arranged themselves in neat rows and Columns. Each person is well spaced from the other and they stood still like rigid poles with their swords in their hands, their breaths even and their gazes sharp and forward facing as they seemed to be looking both at and past a small stand.
Swordsmanship practice grounds is designed as a below ground level stadium structure and right now about a hundred students were currently starting still on this platform with their gaze to a small martial stand holding three masters.
On the stage, a martial disciple slaps the head of a.thick drum-stick in his hand hard against the skin of an even bigger bongos drum. The sound produced through the air isn't loud but it did reach a huge distance as the Martial disciples immediately adjusts themselves to a Martial posture with their legs apart and their swords(Whichever kind) pointing forward.
*DONG!!!*, The drum is hit again with action immediately following it's signal.
The martial disciples right legs all uniformly give a slow and circular sweep forward as they turned their bodies to face the left side with their swords slowly swinging through the air.
By now, the martial masters on the stage have already come down and were already adjusting various disciples postures while telling them their flaws.
Position after Position done uniformly with few errors and then repeated. This process goes on for minutes that felt like hours and then two hours that felt like six. After the time for afternoon lessons is up, a different drum is beat to signify the end of the session as countless exhausted disciples literally melted into the grounds with their body wet and sweaty and their muscles sore.
Still standing, Navi struggles to catch his breaths as sweat drips down his wet hair. His muscles ached slightly but not unbearably and he feels more than a little dehydrated after the not-so-pleasant warmth of the sun keeps planting cruel kisses all over his exercising pale frame all afternoon.
It took a minute of deep breaths with closed eyes but its enough to make Navi feel better as he reopens his eyes. With a casual pace, he walks slowly towards the side of the Swordsman's training ground to return his wooden Claymore sword but then he hears a commotion that draws his attention.
"MOVE!..", A loud yet chilling shout resounds from the outside of the Swordsman' training ground as a figure with bloodshot eyes stomps his way finally in view of the attention he has gathered from his cold shout.
Standing still for a moment and much to the confusion of everyone present, this obviously enraged figure pauses his destructive steps.
With fuming breaths and a sweat covered scalp, the enraged figure scans the entire training ground and when his gaze lands on Navi or atleast in Navi's direction, the veins on his head somehow became more visible from an internal blaze of intense anger.
Under the intense stare of the stranger, Navi tilts his head slightly as he suddenly feels an extreme rush of Deja vu!.
Something's not right. Navi isn't completely that sure the enraged figure is staring at him yet his physical exhaustion slowly become mental exhaustion as he observes the source of the scene.
Under the curious gazes of countless onlookers, the enraged other party puffs then starts to close the wide distance between himself and Navi. With every wide step the guy takes, Navi becomes more and more sure that the guy is heading towards him.
In a couple seconds, the enraged figure has walked down the Circular stairs of the Swordsmanship grounds before getting to plain grounds.
Still staring at the wild and approaching other person, Navi feels no tension or fear but still, a sense of unease still took over him. Its completely clear by now that the other person is coming at him_but.. Why?.
A strange sense of subtle excitement leaks into Navi's mind despite the unease cause for the first time in a period he considers too long, his heart is beating fast and hard because of something other than bodily exhaustion.
Finally(Within tense seconds), the other raging person stops his rage filled steps or rather forcefully stops himself just two wide steps away from Navi.
Navi cold orange iris looks gaze with that of the other party as he observes with interest.
‡The veins in his neck, the angry swallow of saliva, the tension in his jaws from gritting his teeth as well as the cold and sharp killing intent in his gaze. The other guys tense muscles shows he is barely holding back from a lethal pounce and in total, even a fool could realise the essence of the energy he radiates.
Pure unrestrained hatred and boundless rage!.
'Well that's new.", Navi's couldn't help but say sarcastically in his mind as he tilts his head once more with his brows squeezing into a almost playful frown.
"You!. You don't deserve to breath peacefully and you definitely don't deserve the leisure behind your expression neither do you deserve the freedom of life.", With words coated in venom and a shaky tone filled with anger, the other guy takes a firm and bold step towards the unmoving Navi with his raged and loud voice reaching the ears of countless interested disciples of the now silent crowd.
"But you.. *Raged Chuckle*.. you are very deserving of the torment and pains I plan to unleash on you!. You have earned the right to die slowly and painfully at my hands as you beg and scream!.", The still unidentified guy spits these words with vengeance while Navi watches on with an almost indifferent raise of his brow.
The crowd of disciples couldn't help but wonder the cause of such vile words. Navi is also curious but just as he is about to speak, heavier words were declared with a more lethal and determined tone.
"I demand a Death Duel!.".
!!! (*???*) !!!
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