
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

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123 Chs


***In the Inner Outskirts of Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..

***Clingford's Martial Academy..

***Duelling arena..




Nathan has been poisoned by the arrow, by that slithering snake's arrow.

For a death match of this level, poison is kot allowed but now, it seems this rule only applies to selective people as no-one spectating realises that a rule is being broken right under their tense noses.

 No wonder Montana had taken the rust to draw blood at the beginning of their clash.

No wonder the thin wound on Nadan's thigh has held him back so much. It seems the poison only gets worse when it strikes deeper.

*PUI!¡!*. ...≈~‡›°°×... .*BANG!*.

 Another arrow strikes hard against Nadan's chest and into his organs with the force bringing him down to his knee as he uses his shaky sword as support.

Nadan's shield falls to the ground and his body starts to feel cold, distant and unresponsive.

The end seems near.

After already losing so much, Nathan does not care much for dying so the thoughts running through his mind even in his last moment is that the he has not avenged his family.

He has not killed that b*tch who had ruthlessly taken it all from him!.

 How can he fall here?!, Under her blade worse of all!.

 Does the heavens not show any sympathy for the weak?!..

 Why did the heavens only send timely help to her?, To his rightful enemy?!!.

*PUI!¡!*. ...≈~‡›°°‡›×... .*CLANG!.*.

 Another arrow shoots out and hits Nadan's sword which he's using to support his kneeling and poisoned body.

The force against the sword's blade pushes it completely out of his hand and into the distance as Nadan falls face first to the ground.

 He cannot see a thing, he is bleeding out and he is in the dirt with two arrows in his chest and poison in his blood.

 The end truly is here.

 Nadan is angry, but his anger only made him bleed faster to his death as he struggles to find the strenght to get back to his feet.

 His will flares up though through a attempt but his body betrays his attempt to crawl back to his feet thus sending his face crashing into the ground once more as the sounds in the background slowly starts getting jumbled up.

 He can hear her footstep. Nadan can hear Montana's footsteps as she walks towards his broken body.

With his ears in the dirt, Nadan can hear Motana's footsteps alongside his own fading heartbeat. With a but of struggle, Nadan cacthes Motana's blurry visuals as she approaches him.

His breath feels heavier and his thoughts slower.

 The irony of it all.

A death duel for justice serves the life of the innocent up to the hands of the murderous guilty.

This is not justice, is just a 'dignified' test to see the strongest!. The strong is always right and the weak should keep their mouths shut or pay the consequences.

This is the moral of the so called justice and laws.

 Nadan wants to laugh out in anger and regret as his vision gets blurrier.

He should have waited until he is absolutely sure that he can destroy her and whatever backings she has. He should have waited till he is a strong cultivator.

Thus though runs through Nadan's head but even with his wishful thinking at this period, a whisper at the back of Nadan's head reminds him that even if he had chosen this alternative path, he may not sense mana in a lifetime considering his talent.

 Now, Nadan's sight is now completely a blur as Motana stops right in front of his limp and broken body.

He tries to look up and the crowd of disciples trembles and hold their breaths and then..


She kicks Nathan hard.

Her metal boot connects to his face with the force moving his limp body rolling to the side in sand. Nadan helmet breaks open alongside Nadan's jaw with bloody teeth breaking free.

 The sharp pain of the kicks impact gives Nadan some clarity back to his own situation as he feels the world ringing and turning dark.

 He would not be able to forgive himself even in the next ten lives for dying so pathetically!.

 Despite his anguish and desperate struggle for stranght, the world obviously does not care about Nadan's desperation.

Montana moves slowly and takes up Nadan's sword before lifting it high in the air as she stands in front of him.

The crowd of disciples explodes in yells and desperation but it is almost like Motana cannot hear them.


Motana clears her throat then spits on Nadan's bloody figure in disgust and anger with her last words to him being cold and casual.

 "Good riddance!.".

 Nadan's swords falls.

His blade claims not his enemy's life but his own with a splatter of Nadan's blood decorating Montana's armour.

 A head rolls and just like that,..

'Justice is served'.



 Navi has withnessed the entire fight up to the last scene with his mind calm and his mind open.

Nadan lost.

 Nadan had bet everything on this and he lost.

 Navi has always considered the high possibility of this happening so he is not much surprised this had happened.

A thought ravages through Navi's mind..


 For some reasons, Nvai remembers this madness filled question as he witnesses the end of the duel.

Gathering his thoughts on what has just happens, Navi cannot help but ask himself..

 Does things like balance and justice even exist?!.

 Navi does not get to ponder much on the question as he snaps himself out of it soon enough.

 On his right side lies his beautiful and cute senior who has started holding onto his hand in fear and anxiety as soon as the second arrow had gotten shot.

 Yuxi had been trembling and cursing nonstop in obvious worry and tension while bidding for Nadan to win.

Her face right now shows an expression that's both sad yet cute as she blinks to hold back her tears.

 "Senior are you okay?.", Navi calmly asks while Yuxi turns to look at him with watery doe eyes as she bites on her lower lips.

 A drop of tear finally slides down her cheek but she immediately wipes her face clean with the fabric on her sleeves before giving a Sniffle.

 *Sniffle¡*."I.. I'm fine", Yuxi says with a clearly sad smile while Navi just nods twice with pursed lips as he's not at all interested in calling her out.

'She would get over it..', Navi thinks to himself.

Looking around, Navi continues his thoughts..

'..they all would. Probably before the end of the new week.

 "What about you?. Are.. are you OK?.", Amado Yuxi asks as she finally remembers the image she has of the person sitting by her side.

 "You held my hand through it all so I'm fine.", Navi calmly says.

Amado Yuxi finally realises that she had been and is still holding onto Navi's hand though she does not remember the action starting to console a junior..quite the opposite actually.

 Yuxi immediately let's go of Navi's hand in a fluster as a small blush creeps up her face while leaving Navi confused.

He had only said those words to comfort her. To tell her that she had played the role of a senior well enough. Navi is definitely not expecting his that his words would bring by even more embarrassment to the senior.

 Looking at Yuxi, Navi tilts his head in confusion before realising he doesn't have enough curiosity nor energy to spare on the matter.

He would rather be preparing for his next dream or practicing meditation.

 "I have to go.", Navi politely says as he stands up while dusting his robes.

 "Wh.. what?, where?.", Yuxi asks while Navi just calmly stares at her with a raised brow confused by her curiosity. He realises he's introverted and that he's loner mindset is just thrown off by someone's else's curiosity and so Navi answers Yuxi normally.

 "To get some rest.. Goodbye Senior.", Navi says politely with his deep tone. He then gives a polite nod before he walks off as he uses the walking stairs upwards and out of the arena in order to get back on the martial campus.

 Most spectating disciples are still seated and discussing. It is almost as if that are waiting for some miracle for what is already done but as for Navi, he can give a fuck about a lot of things but he's not at all a fan of wasting time on anyone else but himself.


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