

A heartfelt story of a young doctor overcoming the loss and pain of losing his sister whose fault he sees as his. his traumatic past keeps haunting him as he blames himself , would he be able to overcome these or would these be a life long scar on him????

TEDDY0505 · Urban
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5 Chs


So how did it go with the therapist"; asked Arthur, a good friend of Andre who is a working psychaictric and a psychologist

yeah, it was ok but I won't be going back"; Andre said

why not!!, it was going well "; Arthur said looking worried.

no it wasn't at all, I just pretended to be ok, but you now what i will just put my ,mind more to my work and that is that and besides I have been doing well for the past few years now "; said Andre without a care to the world.

me and you know that you are not well!! and that your....

before Arthur could finish his sentence the door to the on-call room opened and then a fellow doctor named Molly who was a consultant came in and said; who is not well..

ohh, is just a patient that we were talking about you know... patients and stuff.. "; said Arthur is and off tone looking at Andre.

yeah is about a patient "; said Andre adding to the lie.

oh ok, "; said Molly as she took a sit

they both males looked at themselves and breathed a sign of relief

oh, guys did you hear about the heavy storm last week "; said Arthur trying to bring up a new topic.

with that said a nurse came in and handed some files to Andre for his next schedules with his patients.