

I could not believe that Ray and Dan was also  him not just Clara. Seriously guys I can't believe that you guys are siding with Rason Diana Said. What about you Debbie what are your thoughts on this? Diana asked.

 "Comsupportingmon Diana, she deserves what she got, so after she destroyed Mrs Serena life Mr Andrew wife, they are on the verge of getting divorced Diana she said.

 "Why am I the only one seeing him as an ***hole Diana said with annoyance. am not in support of what Becca did but common He almost choked her to death that is not acceptable guys she added.

 "Look girl I have told you before the way you think of Rason is not the way he really is Clara said with a smile, that right Diana Ray added. Seriously you guys are becoming annoying how can you guys side with him.

 "Ok let's solve this problem once and for all Clara said, everyone looked at her with confusion. What do you mean? Diana said . It's your turn now Diana choose Truth or Dare she said ignoring her question. Dare Diana answered with a confused look on her face. Good just as I wanted it to be Clara said, what do you mean? Diana ask with suspicions. Clara what are you planning Debbie asked with a smirk. What is going on through that head of yours Clara? Ray asked.

 "Look girl since you picked Dare you have to do anything I ask you to do Clara said, everyone was confused, so Diana asked . Lawrence just send me a message a while ago saying that him and Rason are with Ethan close to the boy bathroom discussing about something Clara said.

 " So this is the plane I will go there with my drink to talk to Lawrence and pretend to accidentally pour my drink on Rason pants and apologize, before she could finish her plans Diana interrupted wait a minute where are you driving to with this plane she asked confused.

 " Am trying to prove to you that Rason is not an ***hole like you think so don't interrupt me again ok Clara said. I love where this is going to Debbie said.

 "So after I apologise to Rason he will go into the bathroom to wash the stain off his pant Clara said. Are you sure you will live long enough to to even apologize before he chokes you to death Diana said with disgust . He will not baby girl, Rason is not like that Clara defended him.

 "So after he enters inside the bathroom, me , Lawrence and Ethan will leave to the cafeteria including you guys except you Diana, but why? Diana said, you will know soon Clara answered.

 "So we all we go the cafeteria where Lawrence laptop is. He will hack into the CCTV camera of bbthe passage of the bathroom.

 " So Diana this is where you come in, you will go the the passage of the bathroom to wait for 

Rason. Wait, why Diana said. Look Diana after he comes out of the bathroom you tell him what you think of him his an ***hole, a spoilt brat just pour out what's in your heart girl. But of what good is that? Debbie asked. Not just that after you tell him everything then you tell him that you were Dared to kiss him. What! Diana shouted what are you talking about Clara, kiss Rason, why should I kiss him ? she asked. Because number one that is your task in the game number two you are Rason will make a good couple, number three to see his reaction Clara said.

 "Look Diana I promise you he won't treat you the same way with Becca or the others, he always rejects them because of the way they throw themselves at him, he consider it wrong Clara added.

 "I can't kiss Rason guys I dislike him so much I can't even stand him Diana panicked. Clara is right Diana Debbie said, after all you are the one who picked Dare she added, Ray and Dan nodded their head in agreement with what Debbie said.

 "I can't guys am sorry, that will be my first kiss if I agree and I don't want Rason to be the guy Diana said in a low voice. So seriously you've not kissed a guy before? Ray asked amused.


 "But I see no issue with Rason been your first kiss Diana, Debbie said. Common Diana we need to hurry they will soon leave Lawrence is the one still keeping them, Clara said with a worried look on her face. Am not going Diana insisted.

 "If you don't agree then I won't be your friend again Debbie said giving Diana a look that says am not joking. What! Diana shouted are you

kidding me right now? she said. Me too Clara said giving her the same look.

 "Even you, I can't believe you guys want to leave me because of him Diana said with annoyance. Fine I will do but if Rason choke me to death then you guys are to be blamed for it, she added.

 " I know you will come around Clara said and Debbie nodded, they hugged her. And for the record we would not have stopped been your friends even if you did not agree Debbie said with a smile, Clara agreed with her. You guys are so annoying Diana said shaking her head.

 "While all the drama was going on between the girls, Ray and Dan were just steering at them without saying a word, they were enjoying the drama before Ray finally said something. Ok guys since you girls are done with the drama, can we finally carry out our plans, I can't wait to see Rason reaction he said with a smile on his face.


 "So everyone went to the cafeteria to wait for Lawrence except Clara and Diana. From the look on Diana face anyone could tell that she was nervous. Calm down baby girl everything will do fine Clara said giving her a reassuring smile.

 "Alright wait here so that he won't see you Clara told Diana. You come in when I tell you to ok Clara instructed. Alright, but nothing will go wrong right, like Rason won't strangle me right Diana asked with conscience. Have told to before Rason is not like that Clara reminded her.

 "Clara they is a problem I can't let Rason see my face, I mean I need to cover my face so he won't regonise me Diana said sounding worried. I know we don't talk but if he sees my face it will be very easy for him to figure out who I am, she added.

 "Clara smiled, I know you were going to say something like that she said, that is why I took this mask along, she showed diana the mask she has been holding.

 "Diana was too nervous to notice that Clara was holding a party mask all along. Since when have you been planning this Diana asked surprised. Forget about that for now, we need to carry out the plane Clara said. So wait for me here let me go and pour this soda on his pant, she said raising the soda.

 "Clara worked to where the boys were holding the soda. Lawrence smiled immediately he saw her, Thank goodness she came now they were on the verge of leaving he wasn't sure if he would still be able to hold him again. 

 " Good afternoon Rason Clara greeted with a very big smile on her face. Morning Clara he answered. Ethan waved at her with a smile and she waved back. Am so sorry for disturbing your meeting I came to take Lawrence laptop to practice the programming that his teaching since am free now I left mine at home she lied.

 "No problem Clara we are done we were about to leave Rason said. Yes babe and another thing am also try I will teach you more programming today too Lawrence said with a smile. Thanks babe she said, and open her soda to start drinking, she was standing very close to Rason, But the problem is how she's going to pour the soda on him for it to look like an accident.

all she needs is a little push from Lawrence since his standing close to her.

 "Seems that Lawrence noticed that she's stranded so he decided to help. Just as Rason was about to move from where his was standing, Lawrence faked a sneeze drawing Rason attention back and used that opportunity to use the laptop he was holding to push Clara and she quickly poured the soda that she was pretending to drink on Rason, but unfortunately it poured on his shirt but who cares, the main point is for it to pour on his clothes weather it's the pant or shirt.

 "Am so sorry Rason, she apologized quickly trying to clean his shirt. Lawrence look what you made me do she said, it's was a mistake babe Lawrence said. Don't mind this dumb boyfriend of your Rason said he caused it he added. Don't Worry Clara i will go into the bathroom to wash if off he said.

 "Yes Clara said forgetting that Rason is still there, What Rason asked. I mean yes that the right thing to do she quickly clearified things. With that Rason walked into the bathroom. Clara let out a sign of relief, it worked Lawrence said. You are a good planner Clara Ethan said. Alright guys go the cafeteria and meet the other let me call her in.

with that they left. Then Clara went to Diana.