
Diana's Game

raven_parfait0 · Teenager
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Anma Elizabeth insisted to walk me and my sister to school, which is used to be Mama's job, before she passed away when I was in 6th grade. She died because of leukemia, the reason why she was so pale and weak. Even standing can be difficult to her. Everyday back then, I get to see my Mama's situation, as she gets weaker day by day, I wished that I were the one who's sick, the one who couldn't walk properly, the one who stammered when speaking, the one who couldn't stand, the one who died. My sister, Dorothea, aged 6 turning 7 on 24th of December, needs her. She didn't even have a bit of memory on her. I always see my sister's reaction when somebody tells her that we don't have a mom. They are dumb. We have a mother, she just passed away. How do they think we existed if we don't have a mother? I just tell her that Mama doesn't want to burden us to lighten her mood up. She will just smile in return and go to her room. She doesn't know I can hear her sobs. I know her too well. She doesn't cry on movies and on typical scenes where you must cry, she just cry when its mom that we're talking about. She's too mature for her age. Other kids are playing outdoors and having scrape on their knees, while she prefers to stay indoors and read manga with me, while watching anime with me, just being with me.

Anma gave us our quotas and our kisses. She then smiled widely and sweetly and pulled a hug. It was warm and feels like home, like how Mom hugged me for the last time before she ran out of breath. We waved goodbye before taking a step to cross the road. Dorothea even gave Anma a flying kiss and Anma gave her too. I just chuckled at the scene.

"Nee-chan nee-chan, daijoubou desu-ka? (Big sister, are you okay?)" she said with a big smile on her face, looking proud of what she said.

"There you go again you little dum-dum. Stop using those words from the manga, you are not Japanese you know." I replied while tapping her head.

"Watashi wa utsukushi onee-chan. (I am beautiful, big sister.)" she responded and walked coolly.

"Damare. Urusai." (Shut up. Noisy.) I said and held her hand while we are about to cross the road.

"Hai, onee-chan." (Yes, big sister.) she finally shut her mouth.

I escorted Dorothea to her classroom and gave her high-five before she turned her back and greeted Michael, my friend's younger brother, or should we say, her ototo, on Dorothea's language. I then walked to my dorm where I saw Mikayla and Louis were sitting near the tree. I thought of a good way to greet them a happy morning.

"Morning guys. Mikayla and Louis, sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I said while using my sing-song voice and with a smirk.

"You know Yan, you should stop that. That is soooo gross." Kayla said.

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't wanna be teased on Lou." I snarled at her while holding my laughter, I can see her face getting red.

"Oh shut up." Kayla replied and crossed her arms as sign of defeat.

Louis was just giggling on the corner, witnessing another round of applause for me. Louis bid goodbye after as he walked his way to his dorm. And I was still teasing Kayla and I can see smokes coming out from her nose and ears. I laughed at her reaction. This is me when I am with my friends. I can be whoever I want. I can show them the real me. Without any hesitations. And they are themselves too when they are with me. They know me too well. But not you. So I am introducing myself. I am Diana Therese Harlow, I am 17 and a freshman college student of the University of Canterbury, taking up the Psychology course. My hobbies are watching anime with my sister, reading manga with my sister, just being with my sister, I also love to draw and paint. I have a beige complexion and a medium-length wavy brunette hair, I have heterochromia, a case where in the color of the other eye is different, so I have blue and brown eyes. Good thing my sister didn't got this from Mama. My friends accepted my case and compliments my eyes. I am 160 centimeters in height and 101 pounds in weight. I love to watch football, not just because Chase is there, but the strategy in their game. Chase is another story.

My friends, Kayla is on Astronomy course while Louis is on the Accounting course. You wanna know why I tease Kayla on Louis? Because I wanted to. Just kidding. Kayla feels something for Louis. And Kayla being the timid girl, ironically, doesn't want Louis to know, even through teasing. She knows Louis likes someone else. Heartbreaking scene to witness somehow. As a friend, it hurts me to see and witness Kayla's feelings due cared by Louis, he is a goof, yet he is my friend. But he is a goof. Period.

"Finally, home." Kayla exclaimed.

"Hey shh, I'm here you know. You ain't alone in the room. We share here, but I don't share the noises." I snarled.

"This is my side and you are on your side. I can do whatever I want on mine." She states and sticks her tongue out in a childish manner.

"Whatever. I'm grabbing breakfast. You?" I asked her.

"No thanks. Louis and I ate before you came."

"You did what?!"

"We ate before you came." She answered dumb-fondly

"You ate without me? That was a date."

"Screw you Harlow. Leave me alone!!!"

"Bye Styles."

I laughed as I shut the door, hearing her childish tantrums yet seeing her blush. I shook my head and walked towards the cafeteria. I thought of what to eat when I saw Lily walking towards the same direction as me. I planned not to talk to her since that day. I also planned to act not seeing her, to act like she did not exist in any way. Yet, screw my luckiness, she saw me and called me, by that nickname.

"Oh Shine, hiii!"

I didn't reply. I just nodded and continue to walk like I did not see her. But, she continues to bug me like a pest on my farm.