
Chapter 20

" So why were we called here? " Ladros asked.

Mars Fana and Ladros stood inside Eldens office and looked at him as Elden sat on his chair.

He was paying attention to them while simutainiously doing paperwork.

" Oh that. Well you are all ready for your first mission so I called you here. "

" Wait seriously? " Ladros yelled suspiously.

" Yep. Here you go. "

Elden handed folders, one for each of them.

" The folders have the mission inside them and what your new to do is also explained. Take a look. "

Mars mission:

Aero Rabbits are attacking farms in a village in the south.

Estimated amount: 15

Aero Rabbits: Magical creatures with strong legs and sharp front teeth.


Can use it to perform a double jump in mid air.

Can use it to speed up.

Fana mission:

Small rock goloms are blocking a pathway between towns.

Rock goloms:

Creatures made of stone that can curl up into a ball. They have two arms but no legs.


Can turn into a boulder and ram into people. Faster they are more powerful the attack.

Can use their arms to throw stones at enemies.

Ladros mission:

Collect the threads from the spiders from the forest outside Lake village.

Spider ability:

Poison. Highly concentrated. Can kill people instantly if not prepared.

Large. Fully grown adult can be the size of a 8 year old human child.

Can use webs to grab enemies before killing them with poison.

After reading their missions they look at Elden with faces that all said the same thing.

What the fuck!

" Are you trying to kill us?! " They yelled.

" Nope. It's training. I'm putting you against oppentents that have an advantage over you. "

" Okay but still why?! " Fana asked.

" Sigh. There will be people who will have magic affinities that counter yours. In order to combat them you need to know how to deal with them.

As for Ladros who can absorb magic, if he gets poisoned he will die as creating poison from plants or using poison from magical creatures can kill him. "

Elden looked at them as they looked at the missions. He could see that they had doubt for taking these missions which he could undedstand.

" Being afraid isn't a bad thing. " He said. They looked at him.

" I know you guys are afraid. I can understand that. I'm also afraid that I will lose you guys but in order for you to grow you need to gain experience to be able to defeat enemies who have an advantage over you.

Besides that running away is actually strategic. If your first attempt fails and you can get away you can try again later with a strategy to defeat your oppenent.

Of course you can decline this mission if you want to. "

Elden looked at Fana Mars and Ladros as they glanced back at the mission folders.

Soon enough he could see determination in their eyes. Elden gave a small smile at this.

" We accept. " Mars said.


* sad music insert *

As Fana Mars and Ladros walked towards the gate with their stuff needed for their missions they see the rest of the squad playing sad music while others are saluting.

" It was nice knowing you. "

" We will miss you guys. "

Some people had tears dropping as the three of them looked exhausted.

They finally reached the door as they saw Elden and Karasuma standing there.

" Really?! Was that really necessary?!! " Ladros yelled.

" Yes. " Elden said with a blank face.


" Sigh why do I even try? " Ladros questions himself.

" Because you want to beat me. " Elden says.

"Yep. I do. " Ladros says.

* clap * * clap *

They all turn to Karasuma who looks at them.

" I want all three to return back here safe got it. "

" Yes sir. "

They knew he was worried just like them. They have a high chance of not returning and seven higher chance of losing limbs. Getting hurt is pretty much handed to them.

" You three trained hard for this. I know you'll come back. Just keep a level head. Especially you Ladros. "

" Why me?!! " Ladros yelled.

All he recieved was a deadpan stare from all of them.

" Tch. Fine. "

Ladros them looked away as the others laughed a bit.

" Alright. Grab on I'll take you to your locations. "

Elden created three portals as Fana Ladros and Mars walked through.

Elden closed the portal as he then stood there taking a deep breath.

" You know they will be fine. "

" Yeah I know yet at the same time I can't help but worry. "

" And now you know the pain of being a sensei. "

" Hey I wasn't that bad. " Elden said.

" No you wernt. "

" Oh Thank.. "

" You were much worse. "


" Must you play with my emotions like that?!! "

" I'm your sensei. It's my job. "


Merry Christmas everyone.

So I rewrote chapter 9 because there was to much plot armour with rhythm echo so I deleted that and re wrote that entire plot.

Please check it out and tell me what you think about it.

Also do it for this chapter as well.

Leave a comment or a review.

Merry Christmas to you all and have a lovely day.