
Diabolical Lover | Vkook

iaeslehci · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The Kingdom of Shirimasem

Thousands of years ago a historic occurrence struck the once peaceful prepossessing unproblematic world. A diminutive incident that lead to an abundance of innocent lives taken away, creatures and humans who fought for what they thought was right and caused the world to change.

Horrifying agonizing screams were audible throughout the Kingdom of Shirimasem; the noise of malicious weapons clashing - naive perplexed children aghast with uncontrollable tears plummeting down from their innocent virgin eyes. All of this chaos happening due to an unfortunate misunderstanding that shall never be unraveled.

Kim Haneul, a bewithcing young lady who owned a heart of gold - her long brunette hair, the colour of mahogany with salubrious bouncy curls with her soft fair complexion, deep icy blue eyes that made any werewolf, vampire, human or for so any being want to claim her for their own. She was the heart of the Kingdom of Shirimasem and the daughter of the ruler of humans, Lord Kim Jeno.

Though all the men across the kingdom were whipped for the beauteous Princess Haneul, it was said that two in particular were madly in-love with her, it came to a certain extent where they would do absolutely anything in the world to claim her as theirs.

Jeon Seunghyun, the son of Lord Heichul - ruler of the werewolves and Kim Hwansoo, the son of Lord Hwanyeo, ruler of the vampires were enthralled by her angelic persona and captivating looks. However not only men were beguiled by her, but Park Daehee - the daughter of Lord Jaehwa, ruler of witches, fell for her charms and beauty.

One dreadful night that began all this was the last breath of Princess Haneul, her cause of death was never confirmed to the public yet news spread around fast. Riots started and numerous people demanded for their countless questions to be answered.

Not merely were the public completely deranged, her inexplicable demise had Lord Jeno going hysterical. Lord Jaehwa attempted to settle him down however miserably came unsuccessful due to the fact he wouldn't dare listen to what anyone had to say.

The two other leaders, of the werewolves and vampires, had an intesne quarrel over the mysterious unknown death of Haneul, constantly blaming one anothers sons for the recent deceased even without evidence to prove that either were involved.

Another conundrum struck after the other; it continued to worsen until war unreservedly arisen. The once peaceful kingdom now changed into utter mayhem that left millions of lives slaughtered.

Thus the council instantly took action once coming upon the tragic news, they metamorphose into three divisions to suppress the hostility - werewolves, vampires and humans with witches.

All four beings, aside from humans and witches, were forbidden to cross paths with each other ever since; leaving unanswered questions and endless hatred.

The Kingdom of Shirimasem was now known as the Impermissus Sylva - consisting of unknown beings who refused to follow the council's laws.

Only amongst the people that night knew what truly happened to Princess Haneul's  melancholic death and pledged that it would stay untold. A serious of unfortunate events left unanswered, filled with several more secrets that happened that one consequential night - yet soon to be all answered.