
Hab Griffin: A new kind of cleanup

I started with my high school teacher, Mr. Holland. He was my first kill. Most kids in school get bullied by their classmates but for some reason he was my bully. The bastard hated me. He would kick me, call me an idiot in front of everyone, punished me for all kinds of silly reasons by making me kneel in front of the class and made me do all sorts of embarrassing things. He deserved what I did to him.

This goes without saying but yes, my first kill was sloppy. I left traces all over the place. I put sleeping pills in his water and then hanged him to make it look like suicide. I was young and dumb. I didn't even know they could trace the pills in his system. Thankfully, no one suspected that a weak and cowardly boy as I was could ever commit such an evil act.

I couldn't sleep for days after the murder. But as the days went by I couldn't stop smiling from his absence at school. I realized I was no longer a weak and cowardly kid everyone thought I was. I defeated the biggest bully at my school. I was a hero. At some point my memory of my first kill turned from a terrifying incident to a treasurable memory. It's like one of those jumping in water after rain happy childhood memories. Even after killing 27 people I still reminisce about that night.

I made a code to live by. To only kill bullies and other bad people who dirty our communities. For mom's sake, I swore never to kill women. Until one day when I was forced to go back on my word.

I was in college studying forensics science. This jerk kept pissing me off from the first time I arrived at campus. I made him my fourth victim. It was a perfect performance and I was extremely ecstatic. For almost two weeks straight I couldn't stop smiling. Thrilled, lost in the euphoric pleasure, I felt I could do anything. I was never one to speak with girls but this time I mustered the confidence and decided to give it a chance.

Reecer Heart. Every boy at the campus wanted to take his shot with her. She was a kind of girl who made me appreciate my work. I was taking care of bastards that hurt pretty girls like her. I kept looking for a chance to speak one on one with her but I always lost my timing. If only she knew what a good guy I was, I couldn't care less about other people. One week turned to another and before I knew it three months went by without taking my plan in action.

I almost gave up. Surprisingly, two months before our end of year exams, she approached me. I was sitting in one of the corners at the campus observing people as usual. It was perplexing, at first I thought she came to ask one of those nonsense questions like have you seen this and that dude passing by.

"Hello! Ben! Was it!" She asked with a clear beautiful voice that was finally directed to me after a long time.

Damn, we had been together in the same class for almost a year and she didn't even know my name. I was still out of my wits, so I quickly blushed it off.

"Hab! Hab Griffin."

"Yes, Hub. I noticed you're so good with physiology. Can you help me with a few topics to prepare for the exams?"

It was a one-time chance. Of all people at the campus she decided to seek help from me. I calculated the odds and it was one in 68. I thought it was fate. Without further ado I agreed to help her out and we made plans to meet three times a week.

The time finally came for our first lesson. I spent hours preparing the material and going through webpages on the internet on how to initiate small talk with a girl. She was fearless. She actually came to my hostel room to study alone with a guy she barely knew anything about. Thinking about that made me like her even more. She looked gorgeous. At that point it didn't matter what she wore, all dark spots in my heart sparkled whenever I saw her.

I successfully initiated small talk. Before I could go further she insisted we get straight to the matter and start studying. I even found her ignorance cute. Before I knew it, three hours already went by. I even paused by own progression to bring her up to things. It was a small price to pay if it meant spending time alone with her.

Before our meet up, I'd spend at least two hours to prepare materials for our lessons. One week went by. We didn't talk about others things much but I naturally started feeling closer to her. I decided to confess my feelings to her before our exams.

Our meeting day came, I opened the door only to find her standing next to a guy. He was huge and freakily handsome. I didn't know how to take that situation. She introduced him as her friend, Richard the physiotherapy student. She asked if he could join our lesson. Before I could even answer the bastard let himself in my room. He was as rude and annoying as they ever come.

I decided not to think much about it since they were just friends. We had our lesson and jerk even ate all the snacks I prepared for Reecer heart. He was literally pushing me to my limits. Just another fool begging me to clean him up. We finished our lesson and I escorted them both outside. On their way back that's when I eavesdropped her saying, "see! I told you. He isn't a threat." I wouldn't understand what she meant until much later.

He continued to join our lessons from time to time. There was nothing I wanted more than to kill him. But I had to time my performances well to avoid getting caught. We were finally about to start our end of year exams. There was going to be a farewell party. A perfect opportunity to confess my love. I bought a suit, put on cologne and prepared myself accordingly. After a second look at myself in the mirror, I convinced myself I wasn't that bad looking. Well, truthfully I am a handsome guy. Any girl would be lucky to have me. At least that's what I thought.

I arrived at the party and everyone there was having a good time. With the music, the alcohol, my confidence was out of the roof. My fantastic college life was just about to begin. There she was, at the very center, dancing alone. Filled with confidence I went straight up to her. Took her hand and looked straight into her eyes. She immediately snapped her hand away

"Hab! What are you doing here?" she screamed. I thought she was just surprised to see how confident and cool I was looking.

I took her hand again and said, "Reecer, there is something I want to tell you. Ever since we started…"

"Let go of me!" she screamed again

Her reaction was now starting to confuse me. Before I could go any further, Richard came out of nowhere and punched me. With the commotion, the music was turned off and everyone focused their attention on us. "She said to let her go! Freak!" he spurted the words on my face.

"Reecer! What's going on, do you know him?" one of her friends doing a different major asked

"Uh… I don't. He's just some weirdo in my class who is always creeping on people on the campus." Reecer twisted my neck

"Get away from my girlfriend before I beat you up!" The physiotherapist barked

I tried to explain myself but it was too late. Everyone thought I was perverted weirdo. They immediately threw me out of the party and reported me to the Dean. The following day I was writing apology letters for my apparently disruptive and socially inappropriate behavior. I thought she was just intoxicated at the part and approached her the following day when she was alone.

I apologized and confessed my feelings for her. She looked at me from head to toes, took a picture and then started laughing at me.

"Look at you! Did you really think someone like you can go out with me? Not only are you ugly as fuck, but you're so freakily weird. As payment for the lessons I will gladly let everyone at campus to run away from you when they see you." She poked my eyeballs off.

That was my first contact with a new kind of evil I didn't know existed. An evil so pure, it takes root even in the most precious germs. In fact, that's its usual place of refuge. All my burning rage shifted from the physiotherapists to the true source of evil, Reecer heart. She was playing me that entire time. She thought I was a coward and took advantage of me. I wasn't a threat to her. I even lied to my mom to buy that suit.

Before then, the thought of me ever killing a woman never even crossed my mind. But that incident with Reecer changed everything. She opened a new chapter in my book of performances. A new kind of cleanups. I realized some women deserved what was coming to them just as much as any douchebag on my list.

We wrote our exams and everyone went separate ways back to their home towns. So did I. I went home and saved some money. After two weeks, it was already summer. I boarded a train and visited a hot spring. A certain someone was posting pictures all over her status on how she was going to enjoy camping at the hot springs. She was alone, smoking while enjoying herself in a hot water spring under a lovely moonlight. An unfortunate incident occurred. She suddenly had a stroke and drowned to death.

It was a perfect performance. My first appointment with a female. Three years went by and I graduated from college. You can guess how my time at the hellish place was. I did two more performances before graduating. I moved to Lake city where I started working as a forensic scientist in Bedrock precinct. I was the only forensic scientist stationed there working with detectives in almost all the departments. A wonderful opportunity to rid the dirt out of our society.

Thanks to the information I'd get from detectives, I got the chance to eliminate all kinds of crooks before the law sends them to waste our tax money in jails. I worked seven years at the precinct, with a perfect non traceable record of 26 performances. A wonderful time indeed.

I had a friend at the office. Bod, he was a detective. Naïve and foolish, the perfect idiot to help me fit in the society like any normal individual. One day he invited me to dinner at his place. He introduced me to a girl he was dating, Clair. After many failed relationships, even he was baffled why a beautiful woman as she was, didn't run away on their first date.

He claimed she was as beautiful as they ever come. Even envisioned marrying and having children with her. What a fool! But I must admit, from the first moment I saw her my heart trembled out of excitement and sent shock waves to the earth's core and back. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I faked a few smiles and ended the night quickly to escape the awkwardness. Am not a scumbag who betray his friends, so despite my burning desire to take her then and there, I simply wished them good luck and went back home.

Frustrated, the following night I went out to get a drink and look for my next target at the bar. On my way there I saw two girls bullying someone, another girl. I took my phone and took pictures of them. They were perfect for a new chapter in my book.

I promised myself never to trust a woman again. Still, that didn't mean I stopped being a man. Turning my eyes from one corner of the bar to another hoping to land my eyes on a naïve woman to spend the night with or a stupid idiot to hunt, I suddenly bumped my eyes on Clair Flemings. She was cheating on Bob, kissing another man. She saw me looking at her. She immediately left the guy she was kissing and headed straight to me. I thought she coming to give excuses for her behavior.

"I didn't see anything. I mean it's none of my business what you…" I tried to explain before she interrupted me

"Hab! How are you doing?"

Playing mind games, she was just going to pretend as if nothing was wrong. I thought to myself, "Here comes another skank, pushing me on the edge of a cliff to include her on my list."

Back then I couldn't have known. It was my first encounter with a psychopathic mind. I was completely unware that just like me, she too was out on a hunt.