
Devouring the universe

"Devouring the Universe" is a renowned science fiction novel penned by the author Tao Tie. This captivating tale unfolds in a vast and mysterious future world, where Earth's species have undergone mutations following a catastrophic disaster. The protagonist, Luo Feng, emerges as one of the three most powerful beings on Earth after inheriting the legacy of the master of the Yumo Star. However, during a clash with a monstrous beast known as the Universe Devourer, Luo Feng loses his physical form and ultimately possesses the beast itself. In this newfound body, he cultivates a human avatar and ventures beyond Earth, embarking on a journey through the vast expanse of the universe. The novel's unique imagination and thrilling plotlines attract legions of readers. It features a diverse array of elements, ranging from the intricate ecosystems of Earth to the mysterious creatures of the universe, as well as cutting-edge technology and the pursuit of cultivation. Moreover, "Devouring the Universe" has garnered significant recognition for its literary merit and widespread influence, earning a spot on the list of influential IP adaptations in Chinese online literature. This further underscores its prominent position within the realm of Chinese network literature. In conclusion, "Devouring the Universe" is a must-read science fiction novel that offers excitement and adventure for fans of the genre, as well as those interested in exploration, cultivation, and the vast unknown.

Daoistsl6CGZ · sci-fi
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61 Chs

Great ambition

On October 7th, 2056, Saturday, it was also the day when the five members of the Hammer Squad agreed to meet at the HR Alliance Mall.


A sleek, elegant sports car slowly drove into the HR Alliance Mall square and stopped directly in front of the lobby of the HR Skyscraper. Ro Feng and Chen Gu, who were wearing simple casual shirts, got out of the car and were welcomed by the door attendants as they entered the lobby.

"Good, sir, please wait a moment."

As Ro Feng stepped into the lobby, he caught sight of a figure approaching the bar in the distance, wearing a white shirt that looked like a businesswoman's, smiling and chatting with some warriors. Suddenly, she noticed the approaching figure and took a closer look. A surprised expression flashed across her eyes.

"Ro Feng." Xu Xin smiled and called out.

"Xu Xin." Ro Feng smiled and sat beside the bar, "Get me a cup of pu'er tea, by the way, do you have time? Let's catch up as old classmates."

Xu Xin hesitated for a moment and then smiled and told the other waiter beside her, before walking out of the bar and smiling, "Today, it's not too busy here, come on, Ro Feng, let's chat over there." At this moment, Chen Gu, who was sitting on a sofa in the distance, gave Ro Feng a thumbs-up gesture.

In a quiet corner of the bar, Ro Feng and Xu Xin sat facing each other. "Roy, when did you come back from the Wild Area last time? You just got back recently, didn't you?" Xu Xin sat quietly there, holding a cup of tea, the green tea leaves made the entire transparent cup glimmer with a faint green light.

"I've been back for some time," Roy answered.

Xu Xin revealed a smile and couldn't help but laugh, "You've been back for so long, yet you don't even come to see your old classmate. Are you... looking down on your old classmate? Among my high school classmates of three years, only you, Roy, became a warrior. I was thinking that one day Roy you would make a big name, and I could go out and boast about it to others."

"Hmm, Xu Xin, which university are you attending now?" Roy asked.

The two of them, Roy and Xu Xin, sat there, casually chatting about each other's current lives. Although Roy had a crush on Xu Xin, and Xu Xin knew that Roy had feelings for her... however, both of them consciously avoided touching that layer, just chatting quietly.

The seemingly calm conversation was quite satisfying to Roy.


At this moment, a young man in a black shirt and black pants stepped out of the elevator. With a glance, he spotted the two of them, Xu Xin and Roy, sitting in the corner of the bar.

"Who is Xiao Xin talking to?" The young man frowned, looked closely, "It seems that... "Is the senior student at Xiao Xin's high school, one of the three senior students, Luo Feng?" Xiao Xin's high school is a school he is very familiar with, and among the more famous students such as Luo Feng, Zhang Haobai, he has also looked at the relevant materials.

The young man revealed a cold smile: "A few days ago, when I was having dinner at home, Xiao Xin still mentioned this Luo Feng. It turns out that they are both in touch."

The young man walked to the other side of the bar and sat down silently.

Luo Feng felt that he had a pleasant conversation with Xiao Xin, and it seemed that someone was calling Xiao Xin at the bar. Xiao Xin stood up and apologized, "Roof, I'm sorry, I have to go and do something now."

"Go ahead, don't worry about me," Luo Feng smiled.

"Roof, this is your friend?" A male voice sounded at this time, and Luo Feng turned to look, only to see a handsome young man standing beside him, who looked similar to Xiao Xin. He smiled at Xiao Xin and then smiled at Luo Feng. Xiao Xin was delighted, "Brother, you came to the mall today too. Oh, this is my old classmate Roof. Brother, I have to go and do something now. You can chat with Roof."

"Okay, go ahead," the young man smiled and nodded, turning to look at Luo Feng, "Roof, nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself, I am Xiao Xin's brother, Xu Gang."


If he could get Xiao Xin to be his girlfriend, wouldn't that make him the brother-in-law?

"Nice to meet you," Luo Feng also stood up and shook hands with the other person.

"Hello, Luo Feng." Xu Gang smiled and sat down, "I've heard of your name for a long time. My sister's high school, it was said that there were only three senior students from the martial arts academy at that time, and you were one of them! And I heard from my sister that you are already a formal martial artist now?"

Luo Feng nodded and smiled.

"Wow, it's really amazing, an 18-year-old martial artist." Xu Gang exclaimed, then smiled, "Is my sister very low-key at school?"

"She is very low-key, no one can tell how wealthy her family is." Luo Feng also laughed, the original Xu Xin was a simple and quiet girl.

Xu Gang's face was filled with laughter: "Hahaha, actually, my grandfather was worried that the eldest daughter of our family would grow up with spoiled temperament, so he insisted on letting my sister enter a regular school instead of a prestigious school. Let her experience living with the common people up close! Now it looks like my sister has done a great job."

Luo Feng frowned slightly, the family's eldest daughter? Xu Xin was the eldest daughter of the Xu family, and he had known that for a long time.

"Hasn't your sister told you about her family's situation?" Xu Gang asked in confusion.

"She didn't say anything, but I know it's the Xu family." Ro Feng smiled calmly, "This is one of the twelve powerful family alliances within the country." Ro Feng had already sensed the deep meaning behind Xu Gang's words. Xu Gang didn't mention it directly, but instead led up to it through other topics - Xu Xin is the eldest daughter of the Xu family!

"Oh, you know." Xu Gang sighed, "Actually, these big families also have their own troubles, such as marriage matters. Sometimes, they cannot be as they wish. Just like my sister, there are many excellent young people pursuing her now. For example, Wang Xingping from Jingdu City, and a junior warrior of level 5, 'Guo Hai', who is only 21 years old in our Jiangnan City."

Ro Feng was taken aback.

Someone pursuing Xu Xin?

"That Guo Hai, is also shameless." Xu Gang shook his head and cursed, "Just because he's a junior warrior, does he really think he's something? My Xu family has some standing in the world, how can we easily marry the eldest daughter of our family to a warrior who is uncertain about his future? Perhaps this warrior might die in the Wilderness Zone tomorrow."

Ro Feng frowned.

"Ro Feng, don't you think I'm right? Warriors walk on the edge of life and death, and who knows when they might die. How can our family marry the eldest daughter to a warrior?" Xu Gang laughed and asked, seeing the expression on Luo Feng's face, he laughed again, "Oh, don't think too much. I didn't mean that."

Luo Feng was in a bad mood.

Not about himself?

This Xu Gang didn't mention anything else, but he brought this up, it was obvious that he was telling himself - his Xu family's Miss is not going to marry a warrior who may die at any moment. So, you Luo Feng, don't get carried away with your own imagination.

"Actually." Xu Gang sighed, "Compared to that, I am more partial to Wang Xingping. Wang Xingping is the eldest son of the Wang family in Jingdu City, which controls huge wealth. He only needs to sign documents and give orders at home every day, and can make many warriors work for him without taking any life-threatening risks."

"As a brother, of course I hope my sister can live a peaceful life." Xu Gang sighed, "Compared to warriors, this wealthy family heir with huge wealth, and my sister, are the ones who are truly well-matched."


"Families like Wang's and mine, which one doesn't have a group of warlord-level warriors under their command? Let alone countless warrior-level warriors." Xu Gang shook his head and laughed. Xu Gang's tone clearly showed his indifference towards warriors, and he was even more dismissive of warrior-level warriors.

He had the capital to do so! The HR Alliance, one of the twelve major wealthy families in Huaxia Country, indeed controls a large number of warrior-level warriors, as well as a huge number of soldier-level warriors.

"Lv Feng." A voice came from afar.

Lv Feng turned around and saw that Captain Gao Feng, the Wei brothers had arrived and were sitting with Chen Gu. Lv Feng smiled and shouted, "Captain, I'm coming."

"Xu Gang, Xu Young Master." Lv Feng smiled at Xu Gang.

"Hmm?" Xu Gang smiled slightly.

Actually, before saying so much, Xu Gang believed that his meaning should be very clear to the other party. His family even looked down on 21-year-old intermediate warrior-level fighters. You Lv Feng, a newcomer who has just become a warrior, should have some self-awareness. Don't bother my sister anymore.

"Xu Gang, Xu Young Master, your family's Xu family is really powerful. You can control a group of warrior-level fighters." Lv Feng smiled and said, "But I don't know if your family can make a war god come and go as you wish?"

Xu Gang was taken aback.

A war god? How many are there in Jiangnan City? His family did have a war god-level strongman, but that was because his family had spent a lot of money and connections to flatter and coax the other party.

"I don't know if your family can meet a war god-level being beyond that?" Lv Feng said again.

Xu Gang's face turned sour. Beyond the godlike existence of the war god, such as the world's strongest man 'Hong' and others, those are the ones that even a nation's army must treat equally. A family business group, even if they wanted to meet these top-of-the-world strong individuals, would not have the qualifications. Let alone being compared to such strong individuals.

Compared to 'Hong' and 'Thunder God' and other top-level existences, the Xu family is just an ant!

"Xu Gang, Xu少爷, we can also be considered friends. I'll remind you of one thing... Don't look down on martial artists," said Lu Feng, looking at Xu Gang. Xu Gang didn't give him face, so why should he give face to the other party?

After saying that, Lu Feng turned around and walked away.

The air conditioning in the hall was cool, the music was gentle like a slow flowing stream, but Lu Feng was burning with anger inside. Xu Gang's words kept ringing in his mind.

"Xu Gang!"

"You said all this, isn't it just to make me give up chasing your sister?" Lu Feng's eyes were cold, "Rest assured, I Lu Feng will definitely climb to the top of the martial artist world! To the strong individuals that even the government and military treat equally! And when that day comes, I'll have you Xu family welcoming me to your home with a smile!"

Of course, he wanted to chase Xu Xin...

But, he wanted the Xu family to welcome him with a smile and a low-key, warm reception!

"Martial artists are the ultimate force in this world!"