
The caravan

Unlike in the real world where people would be staring at him even if had mud in his face, the npc in this world only did that if you unlocked a skill that made you stand out.

Henry liked that a lot – being able to walk around and no one care about his existence – it was different, it reminded him of his old life when everything was more simple.

After walking for a good while he found his target, the horse of a knight, guarded by a squire that was talking to a village girl.

Like he was taking his own stuff Henry walked beside the knight horse, took the knight sword a small bag of coins and a bag of provisions and walked away – he acted so calm about that the trained horse didn't even think there was anything wrong with him taking his owner possessions.

When he was a few meters away he ran towards a forest nearby and after a few minutes of running he was out of breath. "This sucks, I feel like, I am going to have, a hearth attack."

Henry sat beside a tree and tried to get his breath back, "Man, this is shitty, I need to level up in this game as quickly as possible, my endurance is shit. Uh what is this."

In front of Henry a white screen appeared, telling him "You have successfully stolen without being noticed, class Rogue unlocked! No class equipped, Class Rogue equipped"

"Oh, this game has classes? Interesting. Its so much better to play without Roger for the first time, I actually can go blind."

Henry swiped down and a status window appeared like most rpg games in the virtual reality.

"Name: Dragon boy

Class: Rogue (Level 1)

Title: none

Mana: 10/10

Aura: 12/12


Strength: 1,10

Endurance: 1,10

Vitality: 1,00

Dexterity: 1,50

Mind: 1,00

Magic: 1,00


Techniques: Silent steps (Uncommon), Weak aura blade (Common)."

"I see, so you level up classes instead of just leveling up. I should be able to use all classes this way, interesting."

Having recovered most of his energy Henry strapped the sword to his belt, put his new stolen belongings inside the leather pouch, then got up and started walking thru the forest without a destination in mind.

"It feels so nice to just walk around without a worry in the world, not like I had any responsibility since I reincarnated."

Suddenly a bush in front of him shook, Henry instantly gripped his sword and got ready to fight.

A wolf jumped out of the brush and was met with Henry sword, which had a fine layer of blue aura around it. The wolf head was cut off from its neck – falling of the ground.

The wolf body and blood disintegrated into black particles leaving some meat and hide of the ground.

"Oh, cool, it just turn into useful materials. I guess it would be too much to simulate every nerve, organ and everything else for dismantling.

But man I should be more careful while walking around, this aura skills is way to shitty, I felt some resistance when I hit the bone. This sword is not that good to, I wish I could appraise it."

Henry wrapped the wolf meet with the hide and carried over his shoulder – feeling the weight on his shoulder – really hating being weak and staring to appreciate his strength in real life.

After he walked for some time he once again he found a dirt road – not wanting to meet any animal he could not kill – he choose to follow the road, singing a weird song from thousand of years ago with his delightful voice.

"Never worry 'bout a thing / got the world on a string / cause I've got the cure for all of my blues / I take a look at my enormous penis / and my troubles start melting away…"

Suddenly a woman scream came from the road up ahead and a screen appeared in front of him, he quickly read thru it.

"Quick mission: Help the caravan deal with the thieves.

Reward: A safe ride to to Greenwallow city."

He frowned a little and ran forward, finding a caravan of carriages under attack by a group of half wolf thieves, with a body covered in gray fur and the head of a wolf.

The screamer, a young girl, ran towards Henry as a wolf man tried to catch her. Running pass the girl Henry threw the pack of wolf meat at the face of the wolf man then decapitated the man with slash of his sword.

He ran towards the closet caravan guard and thrust his sword at the hearth of the wolf the guard was fighting. But the wolf man dodged to the side at the last moment, Henry sword only leaving a small cut on its chest.

But even if it was good at dodging he was not good enough to fight two, having his head smashed by the guard mace right after.

A bit out of breath already Henry looked at the guard, who looked back at him. They both nodded at each other and continued forward helping the others fight of the wolf thieves.

Henry clashed swords with a wolf man, even thought he was weaker and slower than the wolf man his ability with the sword was much higher.

It only took a few blows for him to create an opening and cut the arm of the half wolf thief, decapitating him right after.

Right when he decapitated the wolf man another wolf man threw a knife at him. With his senses greatly impaired he did not see the knife, but thankfully the wolf man precision was not that great and it did not hit anything vital – only cutting his left arm.

Henry looked at the man who threw a knife at him, when he was about to run towards him he was blasted by a fire ball of a mage.

After more than half of his man died the captain of the wolf thieves hit the leader of the guards chest with his war hammer, sending him flying on a carriage, and ordered everyone to retreat.

Henry sat on the ground, a nasty cut on his arm, he didn't feel much pain front it since he in a game. In front of him two screens appearing telling him he leveled up twice and that he had unlocked the warrior class.

After the leader was healed the guard he helped first brought the healer to him.

At the healer hand a gelatinous blob appeared, he covered Henry would with it. Henry felt his entire arm go numb as the wound begun to close.

"Thanks, feels a lot better already."

The healer said "I should be the one talking you, i saw you helping everyone in the fight, we won because of you."

The guard said "Yeah, you where awesome. The way you use the sword was amazing, I didn't even help you."

"Nah, I was way too slow and my attacks where subpar, I should have run and slashed instead of a thrust, it would have been much harder to dodge, I overestimated my speed. And I wouldn't have gotten cut if I did."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you did great."

The healer looked back and saw the captain, a tall man with a well trimmed beard, his chest a bit caved in, and said "You shouldn't be moving, the wounds are not fully healed."

The captain said "I am fine, I won't die of this. The others said you helped on the fight, I thank you deeply, situation was quite dire. What is your name traveler?"

"People call me dragon boy, no need to thank me, I just did what had to be done."

"Don't say such things, of course I must thank you. Are you going to Greenwallow city? I will pay you a drink if you are."

"Actually yeah, I have been looking for a place to buy clothes, if you can show me a good place I would be happy."

"That is set them, you can use my horse, I will rest in a carriage. Everyone lets get out of he." stopping mid way and gnashing his teeth – touching his chest.

Henry saw the soldiers take the weapons and armors of the deceased thieves and guards, which had disappeared leaving only that.

The young girl he saved a minute ago and her father, a fat man with a big beard, walked up to him. The father said "Sir, thank you so much for saving my daughter. Please take this as a thank you gift."

With both hands the man passed him a long knife made out of a big long animal tooth. As soon as she saw the knife the girl said "Father, that is."

The man interrupted her saying "Its just a knife, its better in the hand of someone that can use it for good."

Henry wasn't polite with a game character, he took the knife. He could not appraise it but he had seen and touched quite a few weapons, so he knew it was at least an FF rank knife.

"I wont be polite and just accept it. A knife like this makes quite a difference in a fight, I appreciate it."

The father thanked him again and walked back to his carriage, Henry walked to the front where the captain was and got on a horse he had separated for him.

It was a tradition in the families to know how to ride all sort of magical beast, since it took quite a long time for magical cars to be invented after gasoline ran out, so Henry knew quite well how to ride a horse.