
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 29

I just created a portal letting Mito exit the dimension, we had spent five hours catching up, her husband and child must be getting worried so she had to leave although she didn't leave of her own volition. I chuckled at the absurdity, 'To think I was stuck inside the juvenile Juubi for just twelve years, I couldn't tell the time so it felt like centuries to me, I was stuck in a void with just the Juubi's chakra to keep me company. But seeing my little sister made the passing of time all too clear to me.'

I smiled as I stared at the sleeping form of my little sister, slightly stroking her pale blue hair that she most definitely got due to the mutations caused by my chakra interacting with her constantly while she formed in her mother's Uterus well my mother too but that's kind of debatable, I probably would have had the same hair colour if I had not specifically requested not to from Carter.

Looking at her chakra with my Byakugan, her body naturally produced a weaker version of my chakra and she did gain a much weaker devour ability. If I could absorb the entire chakra of Kurama in five minutes, It would take her an entire year to do the same thing to Kurama, so it was much weaker than mine. And she didn't gain any of the abilities I'd gained over time from other shinobi. She only inherited the Ice release of her father but it was much more powerful than what he had or even the Yuki clan has, my chakra evolved it in a sense. Her ice release gained the properties of 'Devour' so it is very unique, just slightly weaker than mine but it's only natural since the chakra is from me and I'm much more powerful than her. The diamond mark she had on her forehead was gone now, it had served its purpose, given her access to the dimension to facilitate my return.

'Although I do have the feeling if she wasn't related to me in some way my chakra would have killed her immediately. I'm not a scientist so I don't know for sure, I probably won't try and confirm the theory later on because it would be too much of a hassle, I watched how many children died due to Jigen trying to create a perfect vessel for himself in Boruto, and that's with a genius level scientist like Amado running the entire operation.'

I chuckled as I got up to head to my study, 'You're perfect dear sister, I almost wish I didn't have to make you my vessel. Hopefully, I'd find a replacement soon, it would be a shame to use your body for that.'

I paused upon hearing her voice, "Nii-san, don't leave me again," she mumbled as she turned in her sleep.

"Do not worry Ayaka-chan, I won't leave you," I whispered to her, with my tone turning cold. "I'd kill that parasite that dared take twelve years from me, do not worry dear sister."

*A Few Moments Later*

Getting to my study, I poured myself a glass of wine and I spat it out almost immediately. Hissing in annoyance, "I don't have the body of my past life, so how am I not still able to take alcohol. How the fuck did that genome reincarnate with me. I can't catch a break, can I?!"

I poured myself a glass of pineapple juice instead since I'm still not able to take alcohol, I closed my eyes as I sat down, thinking of my annoying conversation with Mito before she left.


I looked at Mito in a dogeza, sighing in annoyance as I already knew what she was going to say, it was all over her face. I reckon Hashirama already told her their involvement with Jigen, and my apparent alien-hood.

"Sigh! what is it Uzumaki Mito?" I asked her in a cold tone.

She flinched upon hearing how I addressed her, "Indra-sama, I beg of you. Please spare Hashirama and Madara."

I chuckled upon hearing her, "Just as I expected," I stated. "Madara? why not just Hashirama, you know you have a better chance of keeping your husband's life if you leave out Madara." I said to her mockingly.

"I know, but Hashirama would kill himself before he exchanges Madara's life for his. Please Indra-sama, at least consider my one request."

I laughed out in mockery, my left eye flashes red for a second before Hashirama and Madara appeared right in my front.

"Huh? where am I," they both said, looking stunned.

"Look at your wife Hashirama begging for your pathetic life," I mocked him as I pointed towards Mito still in a dogeza, I could feel her emotions fluctuate as I said that.

Hashirama ran towards Mito, "Anata, please stand up, I'm ready to accept whatever Indra decides to do. Madara and I already forsook our lives when we believed what Jigen told us," Hashirama stated trying to get Mito to get up but she wouldn't budge.

I turned my head towards Madara, who was standing with a frown on his face but he didn't rebuke Hashirama, 'Oh! interesting,' I thought as I still felt the brothers chakra lingering in them. 'So they still have the chakra of Indra and Ashura in them. They are working together aren't they?' It was kind of surprising, already expecting the brothers' to have finalised their feud since their reincarnates seem to be working together.

"Tell me Madara, I can sense a chakra that's eerily similar to yours in Konoha, Izuna perhaps?" I asked him, his body language getting defensive, and increasing ever so slightly as I continued my statement. "Or is it a daughter? or a son? should I barge into Konoha and kill this peculiar chakra I'm sensing after all I do not sense the entire of my clan members I left before my unfortunate accident."

Madara tensed trying to reach for his weapon but five chakra rods were already in his body pinning him to the wall before he could actually take it out. The chakra rods disappeared as Madara fell to the ground groaning in pain. "You were not my match twelve years ago, now a fight between us would be me bullying little children," I said to them with a smile on my face. Creating a purple portal out of the dimension back to Konoha. "Leave, do not worry your lives are yours to keep, you can thank Mito for that. Who knows I might decide to join your village, my clan is there after all or what's left of it."

I turned towards Mito who was still on the floor, "You can join them in leaving Uzumaki Mito," I stated, dismissing her too.

"Thank you for sparing their lives Indra-sama," she said as she hurried out.

Our relationship probably wouldn't be the same after today and I didn't care, the only reason I acquiesced to her request was that she took care of my sister and without her, I'd have died the moment I finished 'devouring' the Juubi. As for the dead members of my clan, I couldn't care less they were weak and they died due to that, this is the shinobi world, not a place for them to play around in. I can't be protecting them constantly, I have a war to worry about after all.

Sighing again, I asked the system to repair the broken wall and clean up the blood of Madara, every dirt automatically cleans up every new day but I wasn't a fan of seeing blood.

'System, show me the changes to my Bloodlines and the Evolution project.'

[Acknowledged Host]

[Chakra - Unquantifiable]

[Unknown Dojutsu - Named Darmagan by Host]

[SukunaHikona - Darmagan - Shrinks Non-living Matter and Host instantaneously]

[Non Living matter Duplication - Darmagan]

[Summoning - Darmagan]

[Wood Release - Complete affinity with Nature Energy]

[Sharingan 3 Tomoe]

[Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - Jikan Hanten(Right eye) - Amaterasu(Left eye)]

[All-Killing Ash Bones]

[Byakugan Variant]

[Hyuga Bloodline - 60% > 0% - Tenseigan 60 > 0%]

[Ice Release]

[Six Tomoe Rinnegan]

[Unknown Otsutsuki ability]

'So I lost the Hyuga bloodline and the Tenseigan when my body got destroyed due to transforming my entire body into the 'Black Devour Chakra'. Can I even call that chakra? Since the Hyuga bloodline changes my actual eyes into the Tenseigan it took a lot of time to complete and it wasn't done when my body turned into chakra.

And the Six Tomoe Rinnegan from the juvenile Juubi, although I didn't become a Six Path Senjutsu user since the juvenile Juubi didn't have Six Path Senjutsu chakra yet. It has to become a God tree and absorb Nature energy from the world first,' I sighed at the slight setback as I took my mind away from my thoughts, giving the system permission to continue.

[The evolutionary project failed with only 10 foxes surviving.]

[The being known as Ayaka wasn't able to support the operation of the Dimension and Sub-world, forcing the system into a partial shutdown.]


"I guess it was for the better, I probably would have no use for the summoning animals. 10 foxes are ok too," I whispered to myself, trying to console my broken heart. I could start all over again but I don't exactly see a need for that anymore, the sub world can be put to a better use for now. If I find a unique animal I send it there too.

I summoned the foxes and 10 foxes with varying colours appeared in front of me. "Do you have names?" I asked as a white fox stepped out.

"No Indra-sama," the female white fox replied, her voice projecting in my mind.

"Oh! you can talk," I said in surprise, I expected them to understand me but not being able to speak. "Are you all capable of speech?" I asked the white fox.

"Yes we can," several voices rang out in my head.

"Ok, that's good, not a colossal failure then. Since you've grown attached to my sister, I'd instruct her to give you all names, I believe she'd like that," I said to them, honestly I was just too lazy to do it myself.

"Thank You, Indra-sama," the feminine voice of the white fox rang out in my head as they all disappeared.

I got up heading to my room to take a much needed rest, my mind starts drifting back to meeting Carter again while I was inside the Juubi.


A/N:- Concerning Isshiki's juubi, I reckon it can't give six path senjutsu considering Nature energy exists naturally in the world and the juubi absorb the life force of everyone on the planet. So I reckon that's how Kaguya's gained six path senjutsu, after it turns into the shinju or after it starts absorbing the life force of people on the planet. It kind of makes sense to me at least, because when Isshiki absorbed the chakra of the Juubi it was red like the regular tailed beast and they can't use senjutsu. If you don't agree with that, oh well that's your luck