
Devour (Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia)

* WARNING; Strong dialect and violence * Flint Anderson was your average Mainer kid who spent his days selfishly for himself. Until his world fell apart. He discovers he’s not just a human when he sets a home ablaze, but half dragon. Struggling with his newfound abilities, Flint is sent to an academy for supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight from society across the country. Despite being half-human, Flint discovers that he’s seen as valuable among his peers. He’s determined to live his life as a human and dragon to honor his parents. Yet many dangers are lurking in the shadows while a naive dragonling is trying to find himself in a world he knew so little of. Two communities pin against him, and look for every way to tear him apart. Lies become truths, and promises become curses.

onedaysomedayy · Urban
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25 Chs

A Walking Bullseye


A Walking Bullseye


I slept like shit last night. Tossing and turning in a thick blanket of sweat and agony. My dreams were invaded with the smell of rosemary and blood. Verity's cold eyes would gaze into mine with her lips inches from my own. Her words would prick my ears softly as she asked me to be hers. But as much as I'd enjoy a wet dream, it became my worst nightmare when she strung me up in front of my failures.

Myers was lounging in his chair chugging bourbon with Minnow crying on the ground. Sasha and Dean avert their eyes from me. Their faces laced with shame and disgust. I swung naked- exposed for an audience- and stared at my father's grave. The dark lid shook violently as I heard my father's pleas to be let out. My cries mingled with my father's until the noise was smothered by her sated laughter. When I woke up, I checked the time.

8:00 AM

Two hours before school starts. I slump in my bed of misery. I hoped that by the end of last night, something astonishing would happen to overshadow Verity's killer display of "affection". It never did. Piper gushed the entire night over it while Sasha seemed to keep her thoughts to herself. Andrew and Blake, however, have named me the goat.

Which would be cool if it were true. Greatest of all times my ass. I'm her sacrificial offering and they don't see it. The entire academy is talking about us now, and everyone knows who I am. What I am for that matter. A dragonling that's not of pureblood. Half human, the worst of its kind.

I guess I'm facing a butterfly effect now for every wrong I've committed. That's what Myers would call it. Dad and I would rent a cabin by the lake in July. We would spend the hottest month by a bed of water for our fishing and swimming needs. The lake would always have clusters of butterflies. A swarm of swallowtails and viceroy often rested by the muddy shore. I used to catch them back in the summer as a kid. Spread my thumb over their fragile wings and watch as its colorful scales crumble to my bare feet. I found out the more scales a butterfly loses, they stop flying. Unable to move freely and suppressed by a greater force than themselves. Right now, I suppose I'm the butterfly. First it was the accident. Waiting in the hospital's empty waiting room only to hear the crushing words of my dad's death. Then having to leave Myers. Now? I'm being slowly chased by a beautiful dangerous woman in a school full of monsters.

Sasha warned me that not all mythicals are "fond" of humans. Verity painted a giant bullseye on my back for a school full of psychotic mythicals who purge impurities. I ignored the low snarls and snaps from students who bear their fangs and talons at me when I walk past. But Verity made it insufferable now that everyone knows me as the boy who swept her off the floor.

I'd almost say that she asked to dance with me to put me on the map. Let everyone know that there's something different about me that could tear their weird social hierarchy apart. Because if Verity doesn't kill me first, she's made sure that someone will. Essentially leaving her hands innocently clean and bloodless. She's a grandmaster. Positioning her pieces in place to make a coordinated attack against me while protecting her own. Moving her pawns along a board I can't read or comprehend.

Verity is a fucking psychopath.

I swipe my hands over my face and head for the shower. I also found out why Ralph transferred dorms. My bedroom is beside Andrew's. If it wasn't bad enough to hear his headboard thumping against the wall at night, you could hear his balls too. No volume of music or stuffed earplugs could drown out the girl's screams of pleasure. Or torture. It was hard to tell. Pretty sure she busted her lungs by the end of it. I take a quick shower and get dressed.

I join the guys in the small living room. The tiny space rests between our rooms connected to the kitchen. Andrew is saying goodbye to a girl with bubblegum pink hair while Blake and Donnic are sitting at the kitchen's island. I welcomed myself to a glass of water and leaned against the counter.

"Morning." Blake said, yawning.

I returned his greeting with a nod, "morning."

Donnic doesn't bother and turns to face his brother, "first day and you can't go without a wet hole. I couldn't fucking sleep because of your ass."

I choke on my beverage and set the glass in the sink. Glad to know that it wasn't just me who heard it. Surprised the school didn't bust through the doors since Grimm has eyes everywhere. I respect Donnic. At least someone said it.

Andrew groaned dramatically, draping his arm around his brother. "You could have joined too. All you have to do is ask."

"Man," Donnic smacks his arm off his shoulder. "I don't want to see your schlong."

Their bickering is humorous. I watched as they pinned each other, degrading themselves with hollow remarks. It makes me wish I had someone to share that with. Then I wouldn't have to go through things by myself all the time. I can't picture the two without each other. Donnic might be your average book nerd, but he can still throw a punch at his brother when needed. Or impulsed. The Devonni twins are inseparable. Complete dipshits, but at least they love each other to some degree. Blake's laughter brings my attention back to them, and my stomach rumbles with emptiness.

"The only one who should've got action last night is Flint." Blake said. His lips pull into an amused smile. "Dude hadn't been here for a whole day and he swept Verity off her feet."

This caught Donnic's attention. He released his brother and straightened himself. He gave me a skeptical look. I shook my head, but Andrew insisted.

"It's true man." He further elaborated, "V looked like she was going to cut Minnow's tongue out when they danced."

So someone else noticed her behavior too. That's interesting. Except Andrew's misconstrued mind has mistaken murder with jealousy. A part of me is saying that he only saw her because she wanted to be seen.

"We're talking about the same Verity here, right?" Donnic asked slowly. He scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose under his glasses. "The Verity I know doesn't dance with anyone- especially someone that's connected to humans or is one. Partially for that matter."

Andrew went on about how Donnic had to be there to see it. I guess he stayed in to avoid everyone. Something I should have done. We grabbed our bags and IDs shortly after to beat the morning rush at the cafe. Andrew and Blake led the way while Donnic and I stayed behind. I matched my pace with his so we walked side by side.

"Hey Flint," he said quietly. "Be careful. She isn't what you think. Especially after what happened with Cal."

He doesn't have to say her name for me to know who he's referring to. I want to press on who's Cal or what happened, but it's safe to assume that's her brother. Maybe her brother's death changed her in ways I'm fighting from becoming. Verity is far from the one that Sasha holds dearly in a glossy frame. Whatever happened must've killed her deep inside to the point she couldn't recover from. I nodded and replied, "I know."

Donnic grimaced at my acceptance and we entered Hart's cafeteria. I expected to part from my roommates but they insisted I sit with them. Once we reached the breakfast bar, a chef grumbled something at the sight of me before dropping a tray of scrambled eggs, waffles that had seen better days and thin sad strips of bacon. I followed behind Blake and helped myself to a tall glass of orange juice. I made a mental note to read the labels as the letters changed from fae to english. I bite the inside of my cheek and walk away after reading blood and something called Bogg Juice as beverage options.

The four of us sat in a nook by the window. I watched the snow fall gracefully while students passed us whispering about me. It doesn't bother me as long as their words stay as whispers and not actions. Piper and Sasha spot us and welcome themselves to sit with us. I chew on the tasteless bacon as Sasha rests beside me.

She opens her bag and drops a scroll on my lap, "sorry we're late. We would've swung by your place this morning, but heard from a little birdy that y'all had company."

She shot a look at Andrew before continuing, "this is your scroll. Telephone service doesn't usually work up here so I asked dad to get you one. It has your artenery on it and allowance."

I gave her a skeptical look. A scroll that's a magical phone and allowance? That's two things I've never had thrusted upon me. Sasha rolls her eyes and opens the thin parchment. She explained that I can simply ask a piece of paper to show me my schedule, pay for a meal or book, and talk to others on it through a blood bond. I began to ask what she meant by bond, but she flipped my hand over. She jabs my thumb with a tack and holds it over the parchment. My blood dribbles on its service until it swirls. I pulled my hand away and wiped it on my slacks. I must look like an idiot because Andrew cackled at my reaction. My blood thins into pen strokes and words begin to follow.


"Holy shit," I said, picking it up.

Sasha sipped from her morning coffee and watched me with a smile. "Ask it something."

I glanced at her. She knows I don't have a clue what to ask. Piper, who's beside Donnic, offered. "Ask about your schedule."

I thought about how to ask. Do I say it in my mind or out loud? Do I need to know the language Sasha uses for magic? The parchment answered for me. Its contents vanished and displayed my Tuesday schedule.



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

9:50 am- 11:00 am Divisions of Magical Practices

11:10 am- 12:20 pm Fae Language Arts I

1:30 pm- 4:00 pm Weapon Master (Dominus Armorum)

4:10 pm- 5: 20 pm Community Time (Mon. & Thurs. Only)

5:30 pm: 6:20 pm Elixir and Potions I

6:30 pm- 8:00 pm Dinner

11:55 pm LIGHTS OUT

Wednesday, Saturday

9:50 am- 11:00 am Astral Physics

11:10 am- 12: 20 pm Intro to Herbology (Hortus)

2:15 pm- 5:20 pm Weapon Master

6:30 pm- 8:00 Dinner

11:55 pm LIGHTS OUT


11:10 am- 12:20 pm Mythicae History

2:15 pm- 3:25 pm Mandatory Dybbuk & Social Interaction

I scanned my schedule and was amazed by the scroll. So I just ask or declare what I need and it makes it happen. A pocket butler. I don't know where ninety percent of anything on my schedule is but Piper explained that the map will direct me when they can't. I'll be fine as long as I have a class or two with Sasha and Piper. They've been my lifeline, and I know Verity wouldn't off me with them nearby.

The scroll fizzles with an image beginning to appear and all I need to see is midnight blue before I snap it shut. "Thanks Sash," I said, hoping no one saw its contents.

Sasha blinked dumbfoundedly at me before a small smile grew. Shit. She saw the scroll. I ignored her sheepish laugh, and focused on whatever bullshit is spewing from Andrew's mouth. The six of us finished our breakfast shortly after.

Andrew and Donnic shared Divisions with me and agreed to walk with me to class. Sasha said that if she needed to speak with me then she'd message me via my new fancy scroll. I made a mental note to check it periodically but I know I won't. I've never been great with phones so I can't imagine how I'll handle a magic one at that.

As we began to exit the cafeteria, a swarm of students blocked the exit. They carried excited hushed tones. Once they see me, they part ways like the red sea. Andrew asked what was happening, but Donnic froze in place. He held his hand out to stop his brother and I from taking another step.

Minnow's boyfriend, the gargoyle, is pinned by Verity's cast. Backed into a corner. The man carried a chiseled snarl. His eyes burning like red coals. Verity has her back to us, but I know she senses everyone watching them. The gargoyle, which Andrew informed me is named Wrath, bites the air cursing. "Are you really going to do this?"

Verity released him. I didn't realize how strong she pinned him until I heard the weight of his body crash against the tile. It's clear to see that he's a favorite among the girls as they gasped when he fell. I'm almost certain a band of girls would run to his aid if everyone wasn't terrified of Verity. She scoffed. "The ocean is calling you, love. Better catch your Minnow before someone else does."

The crowd stifles a laugh. Poor Minnow. Caught between two jackasses. Wrath mumbles something which makes Verity lower herself to hold his sharp jaw. The man might as well be made by a woman. Your golden boy on any sports magazine. "I'm free to fuck whoever I please," she teased. "I am not yours. I never was."

His voice is low. We watched silently as this man crumbled. "You were mine for two years. We were in love, V."

She laughed. Her fingers dig into his skin, "That's not how I remember things."

Wrath mumbles something about their time together. He pleaded with her to talk to him. She offered nothing. Just held his jaw and allowed him to spill his heart in front of us. She was making sure every piece of him broke in desperation and embarrassment. Verity stared into the rich eyes that grew soft only for her and gave a small chuckle.

"If I loved you then why was it so easy to leave you?"

Verity released him, licking his blood from her nails. She doesn't look back at him or to the crowd when she leaves. I'm helpless but to watch, noticing her mini skirt was inches too short. Minnow resides at the end of the crowd. Hot tears brimming her soft eyes. My stomach pinches at the sight and I have to turn away.

I stare back at cold dark eyes from a man scorned. Wrath growled in my direction and Donnic stepped in front of me. We watch as he pulls himself off the ground. His leathery wings spring from his back. Blood dripped from them as well as his chin. It doesn't take a genius to realize he's the last one Verity tied herself to romantically before her brother's death. Or why he was named Wrath to begin with. The emotion was oozing from him like his blood fell. He left quickly with Minnow running behind him. I'm pretty sure I heard Donnic snarl at the sight. Maybe he feels bad for the girl too.

Andrew leaned towards me laughing, "that's V's ex. Dude, he's going to kill you."

That's what this is about. One of Verity's pawns.