
The beginning

My name is Mira Loma

I am the only daughter of my late mother Cassandra loma....my dad is the fourth in command in the whole seven lands of Alora .... He is the duke of Rafi kingdom, so technically I am lady Miranda Loma... My mom died after giving birth to me

So my dad remarried to lady lora of jaguwa Kingdom, she gave birth to my three siblings lady Cassie and Katie, who are twins and to my amazing brother Earl Jeff...

Lady lora has never liked me because of too much reason.. first after my dad married her, he never gave her the title so she was never addressed as the duchess . This made her angry .... My mum duties have been carried out by my Aunt Cora... And my dad gave me more authority in the duchy than my step mom ..so she always went against me and my sister was always in support of their mum....

Earl Jeff , her first child has always been like my dad. Kind, lovely, patient and so handsome....

I try as much as possible to stay away from my steps mum and sister but they always find a way to get in my way.....

In the seven kingdoms of Alora. The kingdom of Magamet is the head kingdom where the king reside

King ogal and Queen Belle are the rulers of the seven kingdoms.. they are adored by everyone and the royal family has a special gift... They are supernatural creatures... The king is the God of rain and fire and the queen is the God of love and wisdom while the crown prince is the God of war and a shape shifter..... The king has three other children from two cucumbers. Two boys and a girl ... They also have powers

Prince George and William have the power of long sight and princess Dora has the power of healing....

Among all, the crown prince is most feared.. it is said that he is a beast and rude and he is over drunk with his ability... And guest who is going to be his bride


He picked my picture among my sisters. . well I saw that coming.. locally I am called the Goddess of beauty

I took that from my mother ... She is so beautiful and my father told me that

He has to fight to win her ...

I was not excited about getting married to a man everyone feared.. but I can't disobey the king's order ..

my step mother who wasn't rightly inform thought I was going to be married to any of the other princes and was very happy about it , but my father told me specifically that the crown prince choose to marry me...

soon the day came and I was so scared of my life.. I have hear stories about how the crown prince is brutal and wicked.. with this thought I was reluctant while my personal maid dress me up.. fila was mixed with different emotions

she wasn't going to follow me to my new home but she was also excited that am leaving , so I won't be disturb by my step mother and sister

After I look in the mirror and saw how beautiful fila and the other maids made me look..I manage to smile and I was excorted to the main Hall...

as soon I I got there. the guards open the door and I was guard quickly in with the help of fila

my face was close with a transparent vain and I could see everyone..

everyone was looking at me and smiling.. I walk to where my father was seated and seated on the feet seat... when I have fully seat down I began scanning the room to see my future husband but I saw the two prince which both were extremely handsome one was very young and he was all smiles while the order had a cold look ..I concluded it was the crown prince but as the occasion was going on, the entrance door open and the sun came in directly to my eyes I quickly look away and when the Door was close I look back and saw the most handsome creation in my life.. he is tall and have a perfect body type.. I couldn't stop looking..

Hope am not late for my own wedding everyone expect me who was frozen quickly knelt down and greeted him including my father .. they stay there until he got to his seat and wave his hands everyone stood up and he ask them to seat .. wife he said looking at my direction without smiling...

then the priest commence with the traditional right.. and soon I was excorted to sit close to him I couldn't take my eyes off him .. as soon as I sat he lean toward me ... wife I think u have all your life to stare at me.. in shock and embarrassment I quickly look away and I loved how he sounds...

after the many feast it was time I follow my now husband to his home...

As I came out and excorted to a beautiful carriage, very beautiful. the crown prince walk toward me and remove the vain .. he smiles and said no wonder u are called goddess of beauty , he help me in and my dad and Jeff came to me standing outside and wave as we were going I could see how my step mother and Cassie were waving so happily but Katie just stood by the pillar sadly.. she use to hide and come to my room . and talk to me but in front of her mother she will pretend and join them in teasing me ..

As we travel.. the crown prince finally came to my carriage and seat with me.. I was bored and tired so I decided to talk to him ... my name is Mira.. Miranda I know my wife name, I was shock with his response and as I was about to ask him a question he cut me off with his cold gazes Don't ask me any questions

I kept quiet and we stayed like that for five days and five nights

finally we got to kingdom megamet and we were welcome by an ongoing feast on the stress they were dancing and cheering towards my carriage... I couldn't look at outside because a maid who has been attending to me told me not to politely..

as we got to the palace.i was taken to his chambers which was so big and beautiful.. the maids led me to a door and when I went in .. I saw all beautiful dress mirror and every female assessories but no bed so I ask the maid who stood hear me .. where is the bed I ask. this is just for your things the room opposite is the crown prince room where you will be staying... soon after dressing.. they excorted me to a big hall very big and shinning.. there were gold and structure so majestic .. soon the crown prince stood really close to me and we walk toward the royal seat and we both stood there and the king and queen walk in everyone bow and I did too .. as the king seat and the queen seat everyone raise and I could see how smily the queen was and beautiful.. she look so beautiful and the king was handsome but held a cold gaze... welcome princess Mira the king said and I bow ... you are indeed a beauty the queen said and I also bow.. let the party begins... everyone began to dance while I sat down close to the crown prince...

soon a beautiful lady walk toward us .. she walk with so much grace and slightly bow toward us . my prince welcome back . the prince didn't reply or change his position. He kept looking away.. my princess I am Rosa the crown prince head mistress.. As soon as those words came out of her mouth I suddenly felt sick, what was I thinking everyone can't be like my father... I smiled at her but I really wanted to leave that instant.. I ask him.. my prince can I go back to the chambers now I am tired .. no he simply said... but you can move to the other side while I served my prince properly.. Rosa said looking at me straight in the eyes ..how rude and bold I told myself.. where you talking to my princess the crown prince said with a cold voice I quickly look at him and now his gaze was on Rosa... I am sorry my prince.. that instant he called some guards and they excorted Rosa out after giving them instructions to pulish her... I was scared too but I didn't make any expression.. you can go in now.. I slightly bow and left before he changed his mind...

As I got to the chambers I saw the princess there with a maid I quickly greeted but she hug me and kiss me o.. welcome princess you are so beautiful. coming from a goddess I said she look so amazing and I couldn't stop compliment her in my mind.. let's go in I said

no we can't it's against the law.. I just came to see you since I couldn't make it to your welcome feast .. why I ask... well I am getting married to your brother soon so I can't be seen in pubil until the deal day.. I was surprised I never knew Jeff we be this lucky... congratulations my princess I said and kept smiling.. I have to go ..let talk some other time.. I nod as I watch her leave

I went in and the maid help me to undress and prepare for bed..

as soon as I lay down.. I felt some one enter the room without opening the door

I was scared and stood up.. it's me wifey .. I relax hearing his voice with out replying him I lay down and fall asleep immediately