
Devoid of Powers I shall go an adventure with two powerful Villains

Meet Agnes, a 17-year-old fuerogent( someone who can control fire) from the world of Elementalists. She struggles to handle her element while everyone around her seemed to have already mastered theirs. All her efforts lead her nowhere. Was something wrong with Agnes? What happens when she meets two strangers and finds out their secrets. Were they just like her the exception only being they did a better job at hiding it? What happens when a friendship develops between them? The worst is when love strikes at the wrong time, right? Amplified with two potential lovers, things are bound to get complicated. Apart from all these teenage dramas going on in her life, Agnes has to find out how she would be able to survive in a world where she thought she was powerless. Read "Devoid" to find out

Maesenpai · Fantasie
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My story is established in a completely different world, earth dwellers.

Ironically, this world is nothing different from your world apart from the fact that three species of people with extraordinary powers live here together in accord and consonance.

Each species being able to control either water, air, or fire respectively

Don't get me wrong we are all humans just like you but there is just a little more to us.

Let me acquaint you to my world starting from my very own element of fire.


Fire can be white, the hottest colour possible for any material in general.

Yellow-orange or red

Sometimes it is green just like the colour of envy

Hence is a human's emotion like the colour of fire which keeps changing based on circumstances comparable to temperature. Understanding fire is very complicated like human emotions.

Chronological scriptures say Feureogents were born from this fire itself. That is why it is said that our blood is as hot as Earth's volcanic lava. Our kind has eyes of different hues of yellow and red, Sometimes even silver like the ash but that was extremely rare.

It is believed that If you stare at our eyes for too long you will see the fire inside them. Of course, that isn't true. I stare at my eyes in the mirror all the time and guess what?

nothing happens

It is the fire of passion and desire ignited in their souls. The passion for either love or hatred.

Some people say we are a little presumptuous while making decisions but it is a stereotypical thought.

Here is a poem about us


Their eyes radiate danger

That can easily scare a stranger

Their eyes are always blazing with fire

The fire that fills you with unwanted desire


they will not back off when it comes to a dare


Now arriving at the splagosis, they can control water

Ancient scriptures say splagosis was born from water. They are generally believed to be steady but when they get angry they can move blues and bring floods, therefore, destroying everything but, of course, that's a fallacy. My brother is a splagosis , he and his splagosis pals can't even handle a mere sea wave...

There kind have eyes of different shades varying from blue to purple. Sometimes green like the colour of seaweed.

It is believed that in their eyes you can see the abyss of the ocean.

People say they are calm and composed. I say do not believe the generalities at all a very good example is my brother he is exactly the opposite of calm and composed.

Lastly a poem


BARE this in mind

their beauty can make you blind

their calmness is so soothing to your ears

they will wash away your fears

their music is so mesmerizing they will make you their prey

but NEVER fall for them they are like water they will flow away


Now coming to the Aureos, they can govern the wind. Bring storms and typhoons to our land, they are believed to be as strong as they are wise. Aureos generally have beautiful brown eyes of all shades.

They are rare among us as two hundred years ago a community of Aureos appeared out of nowhere that wanted to dictate the world. They did not breed with any other element, only with their fellow Aureos so that they could have only Aureos as kids. If an infant possessing other two powers were born in their community as their far ancestry had parents of other blood, they took horrendous extreme measures like infanticide.

However, that cult was brutally ended by our leaders of that time. They were all slaughtered like animals.

It was Genocide.

Now only a few of the Aureos remained.