
14. Spar(?)

"So do you have the answer to my question?" My father looked at me with curious eyes.

"I do." I said, remembering the discussion I had with Layla.

"Hoo~ And what exactly is the answer?" He asked raising a curious eyebrow.

"Treasure is something that has value to a person. It can be anything from a coin to an actual living person or even a place." I said.

After the little conversation with Layla last night, I was able to figure out the actual meaning of a treasure. Treasure can be anything, not just an item with monetary value like I earlier believed. Or not just someone you love as Layla said. A treasure could be anything, even a piece of land. 

"You are unlike any 5-year-old I know, Shisui. You are different, you… are special." He said before ruffling my hair.

"How about you show me your skills? I want to see how much you have learned. Don't worry I will only defend and you can go all out." He said grinning.

A spar… no a skill measurement test huh? He already knows that I can use chakra and I am pretty sure he also knows that my chakra improved after all this time. *tch* Just because of the single mistake I made all those years ago. But still, I can't reveal everything. At most I will use a few chakra based attacks and mostly go with demonic abilities.

Thinking about it for a while I finally accepted his proposal with a "Hn."

Father laughed and took his stance. But it looked… way too lax.

But I know better than to underestimate my opponents.

[PoV: Solas]

Interesting… He wasn't fooled by my relaxed stance. He merely looked shocked for a fraction of a second before going back to his original position. Inexperienced devils are not usually able to figure this out and rush towards their enemies without planning ahead. It takes them a long time to figure out that the stance was nothing more than a trap and by the time they do… it's usually too late.

Shisui seems to have cloaked his chakra well. I am not good with chakra so I can't figure out the extent of his chakra abilities, if Selene didn't inform me about him cloaking his chakra. I wouldn't have even noticed. But the question is… Why is he hiding his chakra? He was able to use chakra right after ke learned to talk and walk. So, why hide it? Well, I will figure it out later. He must have a reason for it.

Nodding towards him, I signal him to start.

Leaning forward he gathered demonic power in his feet, not enhancement but pure demonic power. Using the demonic power he launched himself towards me at an incredible pace. If not for my years of experience, fighting against foes with high agility, I might not have been able to react. 

Using the speed to increase the force of the attack, he quickly threw a roundhouse kick. Which I easily stop with my arm. It was an impressive hit though. He quickly falls back to his original position to prevent me from grasping his leg. I wasn't going to do that anyway… well, maybe I was.

But for someone with zero battle experience, this was mind-boggling. To be able to move with such high agility coupled with those flawless reflexes, I wonder what he will be able to do once he masters his control over demonic power.

As I was distracted, Shisui teleported behind my back and threw a hook-kick. I was barely able to stop it. But the moment I gripped his leg, he took advantage of the grip and spun around mid-air throwing a high turning kick.

I was barely able to avoid that. He teleported away from me right after he realized that his kick didn't connect.

"I must say, that was very impressive." He didn't respond but the next thing he did surprised me.

Just like earlier, he used teleportation but this time instead of the back it was the to the side. Though this was not what surprised me, it was the fact that he was able to use a demonically enhanced punch which I showed him yesterday. The speed at which this kid learns… is frightening.

This enhanced punch barely made contact with my skin and was able to graze it.

"*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Impressive, very impressive. To think that you were able to teleport and use demonic power simultaneously without prior practice. You have impressed me. But I don't want to tire you out, after all, I still have to explain 'advanced teleportations.' So the next move will be the last. Good luck."

He nodded and said. "I have a move that I have never used before, it is still a theory. But if it succeeds it will be quite a strong move. Do you mind if I test it?" His question piqued my interest. 

He has such an interesting move?

"Sure." I said.

"This will be stronger than before, please increase your defenses." He said.

He didn't ask me to increase my defenses before but he is asking now. Hm.. Let's do as he says for now. 

I nod and he takes position while taking deep breaths. The air around him changes as he uses enchantment around his entire body. The real question is how low can he maintain those enhancements? 

But I didn't have time to worry about that as he teleported right above me. I was prepared for another enhanced kick but that was not what he had planned. 

While amidst air, his body was surrounded by black lightning and his eyes turned crimson red with a comma-like symbol around his pupil. And like a thunderbolt, his body darted towards me at a speed which was almost invisible to a normal low or mid-class devil.

Since I had my physical and demonic abilities lowered to match Shisui, my reaction speed was lowered by many folds. To avoid getting hit by that strike, I had to remove the limiters and increase my powers to a high-class devil before jumping away from the direction of the strike.

The strike missed me by a few centimeters and hit the ground. The impact was so big that it created a crater on the ground and the shockwave almost threw me away.

But what shocked me was Shisui coming out of the crater unscathed and dusting off his clothes.

"Son." I call him staring right into his eyes. "H-How did you do that." 

"It was not very difficult but I wasn't sure of being successful either." He said.

"That doesn't explain how you did it. I know you used enhancement with our teleportation ability to increase the force of the impact. But what was the black lightning that surrounded you?"

His replied instantly. "I am not sure, that was not part of my calculations. All I had planned was using the enhancements to increase my strength and speed. The speed was to help me increase the already enhanced force. That was all I planned but the black lightning around me was not planned." He said, sounding a bit confused himself.

Was it related to his eyes? That is highly possible. After all, his eyes changed when he used the move.

"Your eyes… they changed when you used that move. Did you experience something other than time slowing around you?" 

My question made him think for a while but he ultimately shook his head. "No, I didn't."

Interesting… was that a passive ability that he gained from the mutation? That is a possibility.

"We will have to talk about those abilities of yours and that eye with your mother later." I sighed. "You are not tired, right? I will explain the teleportation method now." 

[Minutes later]

[PoV: Shisui]

I did not expect that to happen. Using Shunshin with the teleport ability caused spatial friction which formed a lightning armor around me. It was quite similar to the Raikage's 'Lightning armor' yet different at the same time. 

As for the black color, I believe it was because of me using demonic power to use the teleportation. 

What I want to know is that... Is it possible for me to use it in rapid successions? It is highly possible. Using the teleportation ability right after each hit can allow me to use it in rapid succession. Now that is something to definitely look into.

"Now since you already figured out the meaning of treasure, let me explain the glitch I was talking about. Our secondary ability 'Treasure sense' is not perfect, but that imperfection allows us to exploit the ability." Father said while I was daydreaming about my new ability.

"The flaw of the technique is that as long as you believe that you value a place, you can teleport there. By that, I do not mean you must think of it like some treasure island. As long as you understand the value of that land, you can easily teleport there. Let's say there is a deserted place but once upon a time it was a battleground. If you can make yourself believe that the place is special, you can teleport there with no issue at all."

"Simply put, think of the reasons as to why you like the place or find it important and you can teleport there." He looked towards me and asked. "Do you understand?"

I nod and he said. "Good, because there is no way to teach this. I can only explain the way to exploit the glitch. The rest is up to you." He said putting on a smile. "Now I have a council meeting to attend, I don't know what it is about but they called every Lord of the pillars even the extinct and the extra ones. So I will be leaving now. You should go and talk to your mother. She wanted to tell you something." He said before ruffling his hair and vanished in an instant.

[A/N: Thank you Geir]