
Devil kidnappers

meenu_badhani · Teenager
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1 Chs

Kidnap him

A boy name kang dae, standing in the airport. After a distance, a girl who wears a helmet sits on the bike. And his team member is in the car. Now, the moment. The team member goes and kidnaps him very easily. They are the top dangerous kidnappers and killers in Korea name VR5. The leader is named Kiara and the 3 boys are named shi wo, min joon, and u jin, and 1 girl is named chin sun. Min jin and chin kidnap them and take him in their place. Kiara and she wo go to the party silently in a 5-star hotel. They make people unconscious and take them to the bathroom and get the same look as them and come out. They go inside the party. Kiara bumps into a guy and said sorry to each other. Kiara targets the man and attracts him toward her. She comes towards him and sees him with lovely eyes and starts talking to each other. Then they go into the silent room. He comes to kiss her but she wo comes there and stops him. He gives her a gun. The man starts shouting but no one listens to him Kiara first cuts his ears then current his tongue and forces him to drink acid. The man yearns a lot. Then she wo target his head and Kiara targets his fuck and shoot. And run from there.

At midnight Kiara sits outside. She sits alone and sees into the sky. Someone give back a hug to her and said," do you miss your mom...don't be sad bcz You've got a lot of beautiful curves, but your smile is my favorite. I love you "shi wo .kiara saw him and said," I hate you" and they go inside.