
Devil kidnappers

Meenu63313009 · Teenager
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1 Chs


The story starts at the airport, with a girl who is on the bike and talking on the phone and saying," he stands in front of my eyes ..come fast," her friends come and kidnap him. and take him to the place where they live. They put him in the corner. The boy who is kidnap named kang dae. He shouted a lot and said," leave me...why you kidnap me ...bastard ." the one who is the leader of the VR5 gang name Kiara, catches his hair and said," shut your mouth ..bloody hell " and bring a man and ties him in the pillars and kiara bring hot iron and ironing his face. The man's face gets burnt. And all members shoot him very badly. Dae is scared too much. At midnight chin sun and min Joon goes and put his body in front of the hospital and stapler the paper on his head. And comes back.

The next morning, she go outside for a meeting with her brother. She goes into the modern school. and met her brother.

On the way, a car comes behind her back but she didn't side from the road. The driver said," hey..you..you don't listen ...side from the road " Kiara said, " this is not your father's road .." the one who is sitting in the car, he comes out and said," hey..you drain worm" she stops and comes in front of him and said," what is your problem..son of pig .." he said," you know who I am I am the son of the kang woo. you know who is..he is the richest person of Korea ..and you are one of them who lives in dirty places ...you are drain worms...and you are the dog and bitches who eat the garbage ..so don't you dare to say anything to me." she said," yes...we are mad dog and bitches so it is better for you..never hurt them othewise nothing happens to your ass .." and go from there. She stops somewhere and sees that there was a poster of them and people Talking about them, there were 2 Little children and said," you know ..jun SEO ..may whenever I see them I feel that they are the biggest villains in the world " .....

What happened next see in the next chapter.

Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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