
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasie
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10 Chs


When dawn arrived, Tony, Alan, and Bruce were all prepared to depart and had packed their belongings. Tony needed to phone Stanley and let him know that he was leaving town, so he discretely left the room to go make the call so that Alan wouldn't find out about it. The phone instantly rang, and Stanley answered it without delay. "Hey Bruce," he began from the other end of the line, "hey Stan, no time to chat, I'll be leaving town for a while or maybe forever till the trouble blows over, I'm sure you know the trouble I speak of, stay safe." "Hey Stan," he added, "no time to chat." When Bruce sensed that Alan was getting closer, he answered right away and abruptly ended the connection. Alan questioned Bruce, "Who was that you were on the phone with?" Immediately after Alan's question, Bruce lied to conceal his tracks and said, "that was no one brother." Alan added as he was leaving the room, "Better not be telling anyone about us," before he left the room and went to his room.

Alan slammed the door to his room, then pulled out his phone and started dialing a number as soon as he got inside... Alan was so engrossed in the conversation he was having on the phone that he failed to notice Bruce approaching him and asking, "who are you talking to?" This question from Bruce took Alan by surprise. Alan told him to "mind your own business and get ready" as he tried to throw him off his scent. "It's no one," he said. Bruce's only action was to stare at Alan while the two of them waited there together for Tony.

The three friends were finally ready to embark on their journey, and the only thing left for them to do was select the destination city. Alan, being the oldest, suggested that they go to a very quiet and low key city such as Birmingham in London; however, his brothers did not agree to this because they were not ready to go into hiding again; rather than laying low, they desired to travel the world, have a lot of ladies at their command, feed on humans, and create some more vampires. But only Alan was aware of what was at risk for them if their uncle was able to locate them in the relatively near future.

"So, what destination do you have in mind?" Alan inquired of Bruce as well as Tony.

"New York," they both chanted in unison at the same time.

"Are you for real? Do you have any idea how risky doing that would be? Alan expressed his dissatisfaction with the decision to "leave a small city for an even bigger one instead of laying low" by using a tone of voice that was filled with bitterness.

"Brother, come to think of it; moving to New York is much better because it's a big city filled with a ton of people, which means we can't be easily found," Bruce said, while tony simply nodded his head in agreement. "Brother, come to think of it; moving to New York is much better because it's a big city filled with a ton of people, which means we can't

"Fine! Alan responded, "New York it is," while maintaining an air of uncertainty about the decision.

It took a lot of discussion, but he eventually gave in, and they settled on New York City as their destination.

They were trying to avoid being seen by anyone in the neighborhood, which is why they went to all the trouble of waking up so early. The three of them made their way to the door with their luggage in their hands. Alan stuck his head out the door to check if anyone was out there. Alan signaled to his brothers that it was safe for them to leave the building by saying "No one is here, the coast is clear." After everyone had left, Alan went down the stairs to lock the door behind them and then hid the key under the small carpet rug that was placed in front of their door. He then joined his brothers outside. They quickly got ready, said their goodbyes, and left the house to catch their trip to New York.

Back at their previous residence, it was now dawn, and the three of them had quietly left the premises without being seen by anyone. It had been quiet in their apartment for the past three hours, so one of the girls from the flat next door, which was filled with girls who had a crush on Tony, decided to stop by and say "HI" to him. The neighboring flat was filled with girls who had a crush on Tony.

She walked up to the front of their house and rapped on the door loudly in an effort to get his attention. When she did not receive a response after about three rounds of rapping, she stood up and immediately attempted to open the door, but it was locked. Her friends eventually arrived at the scene and joined her in front of their door, where they took turns knocking and calling out their names in the vain hope that this would convince him to let them in. However, there was still no response from the person on the other side of the door.

The first girl turned to her pals and inquired, "Where could they possibly be?"

One of her other pals retorted to her in a contemptuous manner, "Perhaps they stepped out to get away from you."

She swiftly retorted back, "Or probably it was to get away from your nasty little terrifying face," as she said this.

Another girl intervened and told them to "can you two shut up!" in an effort to put an end to their argument.

They both chimed in together, playing like children, "She began it."

They departed so quickly, huh! The first female remarked something to the effect that "it must be really essential then, and we'll fetch them when they come back," and then everyone turned to leave.

"Ouch! One of the young women moaned in pain and held her foot as she said that she had just stepped on something pointed. "Check beneath the rug," the girl who appeared to be the leader of the crew commanded as soon as she saw what was happening. They lifted the rug, and below it, they discovered the key to their apartment, which begged the question, "Why would they leave their key?" The girl remarked to her companions that they had never previously forgotten where they had placed their key. They all appeared to be struggling to make sense of what was happening.

The girl who was in charge of the other girls snatched the key from the hand of the other girl, slid it into the keyhole, and twisted it to open the door. Once she had successfully opened the door, she pushed it open and walked in, followed by the other girls in her charge. They decided to wait for the three brothers to return to their apartment before leaving their flat, so as soon as they were all inside the room, they closed the door behind them.

One of the young women yelled as she exited the room, "They're gone!" In a matter of seconds, the other girls left the living room and followed her into the room, which happened to be Tony's room. She continued, "His clothes are gone, everything is gone." The leader gave the order, "Check the other rooms," and immediately two girls went to the two rooms of Alan and Bruce and came back with the same report of their clothes being missing from both of their rooms. "Check the other rooms," the leader said.

They started asking one another, "Did they move out because of us?," as a line of questioning.

The girls were frightened when they heard a knock on the door from the outside. They were surprised to see someone at the door because they believed the person in question had relocated. Who could it be, they pondered.

They moved cautiously toward the door, with their commander in the lead, and as she opened it, she jiggled the door handle and saw something she hadn't anticipated.