
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasie
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10 Chs


He was disgusted by the women in front of him, and they surrounded him while laughing hysterically. He stared at them with a blank expression. He needed them for satisfaction and pleasure, but now they disgusted him. This creature is so annoying because it is so annoying.

"leave!" he commanded in a commanding tone, and everyone froze in place and looked at him. He groaned to himself when they didn't make a move, but what did he expect when he brought six stupid ladies over for the night? He looked at each of them with a blank expression, and then one of the ladies made another move for him. When the others saw that he didn't respond, they joined in, and they crept around his body, touching him on all parts. He didn't say anything the entire time they were doing this. He had invited them over for pleasure, but they were unable to satisfy his manly body. On the other hand, he was able to give them more pleasure than they were able to give him; in exchange, he paid them equally and pushed them out of the room as quickly as possible.

The leading girl smiled at him as she ran her hands down his chest, but he didn't feel a thing. "You have a wonderful chest," she said.

"I said leave!" He shouted even more loudly than he had before, causing everyone to tremble in terror. They then began to scramble away, picking up their dresses and underwear, and moving toward the door.

He gave a frustrated shake of the head because he detested the fact that none of them were able to provide him with an adequate amount of pleasure. He shook his head negatively as he hated the fact that none of them could provide him with an adequate amount of pleasure. Tomorrow, he would increase the number of ladies to see what they could do; if six could not satisfy him, then ten or twelve would work perfectly. He smiled to himself because he knew it wasn't difficult to pick up the

He got up from the bed and groaned to himself as he did so, feeling a twinge of discomfort on the top of his head. He stumbled into the bathroom and went straight for the tub. After that, he turned on the water in the sink and let it run over his head while he ran his fingers down the back of his head. After taking a few deep breaths, he splashed some water on his face and then emerged from the restroom.

When he got back to the room, he heard the doorbell ring. He moved slowly to the door and opened it to meet a woman who was dressed professionally and it was obvious that she was one of the staff members in this hotel. She was holding a tray of dish in her hands, and he recalled that he had placed an order for food for the morning, and it was already here. He was impressed by how productive they were, so he opened the door for her. As she entered the room, she placed the tray on the table that was located in the far corner of the space. Finally, she gave him a shy smile before leaving.

He made his way over to the table, sat down, and immediately started chowing down on the food. As soon as he picked up the phone, he slid the caller button to the right and put the phone on speaker. He didn't even need to be told who was calling; he just had a gut feeling about it. He gave the call a cursory glance before deciding to ignore it on purpose. After the call was ended, his phone almost immediately started ringing again. Since he was certain that the caller wouldn't give up until his phone was completely dead, he decided to

"how are you doing, bro?" The person on the other end of the line responded promptly, and he could detect a sneer of derision coming from the person on the other end of the line.

"Tony, what exactly are you looking for?" He questioned without breaking into a smile, and then he heard laughter in the background, at which point he realized what had been going on all along. It was something that his younger brothers intended to undertake.

"I and Bruce just decided to know how you are faring," Tony said from the other end of the line. "well, we wanted to be sure you were okay," he heard Bruce's voice this time. "I am certainly fine, I am not a teenager girl, I'm a blood sucking creature for goodness sakes," Bruce said in exasperation. "okay, I guess we would leave you to your peace now, brother Alan" Tony laughed slightly and asked, "was that your only purpose?" Alan inquired because he was aware that his brothers had alternative plans.

"actually, that's not the only reason that we called," the speaker said. The question "how did yesterday night go?" was answered by Bruce.

"as usual," he replied bluntly as he took a spoonful of the food and swallowed it. "thought you bragged about picking up the best ladies around," he said after taking another bite of the food. Tony made a mockery of Bruce's laughter at the backdrop, and Bruce laughed along with him, while Tony muttered to himself.

He said angrily, "well, I did think they were the best but they are just bunch of noisy ladies," which translates to "another day to waste money on nothing."

"even so, that turned out to be a really poor choice for you." Bruce said "You might want to test it out on some humans."

"that's not something we can do!" "They are too fragile, we could mistakenly suck the humans dry and I'm not ready to hurt anyone," Alan responded in a commanding tone. "fine!" Alan heard Bruce respond, and he could feel his older brother rolling his eyes as he did so. This was a behavior that Alan was accustomed to seeing from his siblings, and he had become so accustomed to them that he could sense and predict whatever they would do next. It was easier for him to deal with his older brother Tony than it was with his younger brother Bruce. Bruce was an annoying being.

"At what time will you be back?" "Well, I am taking my breakfast here and right now, run over and have a bite," Tony teased before adding, "coming back to take my glass of the you know, the usual." "you could equally get some pizza before you get here," Bruce said over the phone, and Alan shook his head no. "Well, I am taking my breakfast here and right now," Tony said.

"you would choose pizza over your own blood?" Alan asked, rolling his eyes as he responded, "but I will get one if I come across it." "pizza is life, brother Alan," I said to him. "you would choose pizza over your own blood?" "the debate has been won already, majority carries the vote," Bruce said, and they all laughed. "I'll meet you boys soon," he smiled into the phone before hanging up. Tony stood up in support of his youngest brother, and Alan laughed. "You both could easily put heads together and fight me, it's the normal thing you do," Alan said. "Although I will still support the motion that says 'blood is life and not pizza,'" Alan said. Even as he rapidly changed into his attire and ran out of the hotel, he maintained the smile he had on his face the entire time.