
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasie
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10 Chs


Alan took a seat in a booth in the upper right-hand corner of the coffee shop, and he placed an order for a cup of coffee as he waited for Ruth to come in. Alan didn't drink from his cup of coffee because he doesn't like coffee and he only ordered it because he didn't want to appear odd sitting there with nothing on his table. After some time had passed, Ruth eventually entered the coffee shop. Upon entering, she immediately spotted Alan at where he was seated. She walked over to him and sat down in the booth beside him. After greeting one another, they continued their conversation. He made the offer of the coffee, which she accepted, and once she had finished sipping it, they left the establishment.

As they proceeded down the street, Ruth led him to the office of one of her acquaintances who also happened to be a broker. After that, the real estate agent took them to a number of other properties and showed them around, but Alan didn't like any of them because the neighborhoods were too congested for his taste, and he avoids being in large groups of people. They traveled to three further properties before Alan selected the ideal home among one of the options. It was an old building with one story, and it was located on a street that was very quiet on the south side of the city. It had six rooms, which made it very convenient for his family. Alan cherished the home because, despite its advanced age, it retained its structural integrity and served as a constant reminder of the home that he and his siblings had shared with their parents in the little town where they had grown up.

Alan bought the house without giving it a second thought or paying attention to Ruth's advice to not buy it because she didn't like the neighborhood because it was different from the rest of the city in that it was much more reserved and quiet than the rest of the city. Alan bought the house without giving it a second thought or paying attention to Ruth's advice.

Ruth expressed her displeasure by saying, "I won't be seeing you here," and she meant it.

Alan's response to her was, "Then I'll come to you then," and she immediately broke into a smile upon recognizing Alan's interest in her company. In the end, they both made the decision to travel back to the city.

They had finished looking for a house and had made all of the payments required to buy the property by the time it was two in the afternoon. They were now the proud owners of the property. The brothers were extremely wealthy; having lived for over a thousand years, they had amassed immense wealth and status all over the world. However, because they were on the run from their uncle, they were forced to lay all of that wealth and status down and keep a low profile in order to avoid public attention. Before returning to the hotel, Alan and Ruth made the decision to eat lunch, so they looked for neighboring restaurants and entered one of them.

On the other hand, Tony was out with James, who at this point he thought of as something very like to a brother. James was likely to be preoccupied with a great number of inquiries, but he was at a loss as to how to express them. He finally worked up the nerve to do it since he was able to establish a level of comfort with Tony.

"What kind of folks are you?" James inquired with a somewhat trembling voice,

James was a little bit frightened by Tony's tone when he said, "You wouldn't want to know boy," since

James asserted to Tony that everyone was conspiring to keep the truth from him.

Tony did not want to continue the talk since he was not in the position to inform him; it was if Alan decided to, that is when the young guy will be given the story of what he is living amongst; nevertheless, for the time being, he needed to be kept in the shadows. James was so persistent with his inquiries that they continued coming out of his mouth, despite Tony's best efforts to divert his attention and prevent him from asking any further questions.

Tony yelled at James, "Drop it, you'll know when the time comes," and James did as he was told.

Tony reasoned that they needed to go back to their house before Alan did. He reasoned to himself, "By this time, Bruce ought to have completed his run and returned home." While James stood there trying to annoy him with questions, which he flat-out disregarded, he continued to stand there.

After telling James that "we need to be back at the hotel before Alan returns," they both got into a cab and headed back to the establishment where they were staying.

After Alan and Ruth had finished their meal together, he smirked and stated, "My treat this time," to which Ruth responded by smiling at him. After making the payment, he and she left the establishment together and got into Ruth's car, which she then drove immediately down to the hotel. Because Alan had it in his head that they would leave the hotel as soon as possible, he requested that his brothers not unpack their belongings before they left.

They arrived at the hotel, and fortunately for Alan, Bruce and Tony were already there, along with James, who was staying quiet because he was afraid of Bruce. James was in the room with them.

After knocking on the door and being invited inside, Alan entered the room with Ruth following close after. When Tony saw his brother with such a stunning woman, he couldn't help but smile, but Bruce, on the other hand, whispered something to the effect of "He has brought in another" into the air. Tony couldn't stop grinning.

Alan, who possesses the enhanced hearing of a vampire, was able to hear him very clearly and walked over to him. "Don't start a fuss now, Bruce," Alan whispered into his ear as he spoke. And walked away.

As Alan gathered his belongings and followed Ruth out of the room, he said to the group, "Guys, we are going to be moving to our new house, so collect your bags and meet me downstairs in the next ten minutes." Ruth followed Alan out of the room. Because James didn't have any luggage, clothes, shoes, or anything else to his name other than the old clothes, which Alan had already thrown out, he immediately followed Alan and Ruth out of the room, leaving the two guys to go get their bags. James's only possessions were the old clothes, which Alan had already thrown out.

They were finally all together downstairs and prepared to check out of the motel. After Alan used his credit card to pay off the hotel bills, the departed in Ruth's SUV with all of their belongings loaded into the back, and then they drove off to their new residence.

The trip down to the house was a lengthy one, and because it was so lengthy, they were all able to get some rest on the way there before they arrived at the house. James didn't have a phone, so he didn't have anything to keep him busy, so he slept through the entire trip. Meanwhile, Tony had his earpiece in his ears listening to music, and Bruce just laid down pretending to be sleeping while he was actually listening to Ruth and Alan talk. Alan was at the wheel of the vehicle, while Ruth was seated next to him in the passenger seat.

They traveled for a total of two hours before finally arriving at the residence. After unloading their belongings, they stood in the yard in front of the home and admired it.