
Devil Heir Phoenix Flight

'My wish is... It's something that is to dear for me to give up on. So come at me foul Monster. I Davi Hawker will strike you down with the power of my Demon Blade!' Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of Arcane Energy go by a single title... They are called... The Arcane Hunters! Warriors wielding powerful mystical energy, who came together joining groups known as Guilds! Davi Hawker, and Athena Dawn, set out on a Quest to find the ten pieces of the sacred Devil Stones, in order to rebuild the Devil Blade, a sword said to rival Excalibur in power, and bring peace to the world by defeating the criminal group known as Dragon Dwellers. They soon encounter Oliver Lot, a boy who wants to join one of the ten great Guilds filled with powerful Arcane Hunters. Watch as they all embark on this next great Adventure, exploring Dungeons, and fighting Monsters, as they begin to discover the secrets of the four hundred year war, which had plagued the Kingdoms ever since King Arthur fell in battle... Will they stop history from repeating yet again, or will they make the same mistakes as their elders? The start of an Adventure. A tale of Magic, Friends, Guilds, Quests, Dragons, Swords, Guns, Powers, Loss and Love. It all starts here. Devil Heir Phoenix Flight!

RainyLiquid2020 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Dragon Dwellers

'The Rising...'

"My customers!" Leena's father cried out as he watched everyone leave the shop.

Most had cleared out after everything that happened. Many of the crew mates were dragged out by a very flustered Captain once they realized this was in fact not a Ghost. It soon just left Leena, her father, Davi, and the mysterious stranger... The Captain stated they'd send down a medic, and someone to question the new fellow, before he left.

Leena held a small metal staff in her hands now. She placed it over the knocked out girl and covered the womans eyes with her other hand. "Vil Water Recovery..." She said slowly a small ball of water coming out. It washed over the girl and began to slowly heal her, her wounds seemingly closing.

"You know magic?" Davi asked.

"O... Only Row, and Vil level spells." Leena said sheepishly. "And only water healing... I went to a school for it but got kicked out."

"What for?"

"W... Well... The lady who ran the school only wanted the best of the best. She replaced me with some girl who had a weird bear suit and could make weapons out of water... Honestly I'm not to sad about it though. Magic is something that takes years to learn and not being of Noble Blood, I only have a small amount of mana... That basic healing spell already makes me want to faint..."


"E... Earlier... That jump." Leena said staring at Davi. "That was Arcane Energy right? I've heard of it. Knights, or warriors, who use mana to push their body to superhuman levels. That's what you did right?"

There were two main ways one would use their Arcane Energy. The first required years of studying which involved using the energy to cast spells. The second was more common and more used which was a person using their energy to push their body to beyond its limits.

"Yep. All I can really do with my energy." Davi hummed. "Never really been one who focused on spells-"

Davi frowned as he finished removing the girls many cloaks leaving her wrapped up in tight bandages. She was a young eighteen year old teen completely knocked out and seemingly dehydrated. She had silver white hair, and a single yellow eye. Her other eye was gone... Instead a small red gem that almost looked like an eye, was placed in her sockets with some writing on it. The wound around her socket was still fresh meaning that this stone was just placed in...

"W... What is that thing..." Leena asked slowly, her face a little green when she saw the wound around the teens eye. She slowly brought a cup of water to the girls lips allowing her to slowly drink. She looked beat up, and exhausted much like Davi had been but on an even worse scale. It broke Leena's heart seeing someone so hurt.

"That stone... It's a Dark Eater." Davi nodded. He placed his hand on his guitar where two purple stones rested along the edge. Ten holes were in his guitar, two having been filled already with those purple stones. One stone, had a black 'one' painted on it, while the second stone right next to it had a black 'two' painted on it. "It's sort of like my two devil stones in my guitar." He nodded. "You know what Dragons Dweller are since you mentioned them... Well a few of their ranks are powerful warriors called Dark Bodies... Their the ones who can't be put down normally... Well that stone in this kids eye is a Dark Eater... A powerful item made through dark alchemy by the leader of Dragon Dwellers... When placed inside of a person it must replace a body part or organ they have, but it'll gift that person with untold magical powers... Normally a person needs a wand, staff, or other items to cast a spell, as well as saying the spells name, but Dark Eaters simply allow a person to cast magic through their body, as well as increasing their bodies power making them more demonic like..."

"S... So you're saying... That this little girl is one of them Dark Body people?" Leena's father asked his voice quivering. "She's a te-"

"Yeah." Davi nodded. "She's a member of Dragon Dwellers. The terrorist Organization that is the main cause for the Four Kingdoms being at war."

"You sure do know a lot." Leena's father mused finally no longer crying from all the Bells that he lost.

Davi gave a small grin showing off his many fanged teeth. "Well I'd hope so. After all... I'm the guy that's going to completely crush them." He grinned. "I'm their sworn enemy-"

"Mr. Davi I think she's waking up-"

Davi turned just in time to cock his head as a hand punched past him, the Silver haired woman sitting up and breathing heavily her single eye wide with fear. She seemed to be having a panic attack for a moment as she covered her gemmed eye with her hand gritting her teeth as a demonic purple glow of energy seemed to seep through.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Davi said waving his hands. "No need to start throwing punches." Her eye turned to stare at Davi as the purple glow got worse and everyone felt their hairs stand up from the energy that began to seep out. The girl had a look of confusion for a moment, before it changed to a look of fear. She jumped up letting out a loud yell. "Whoa take it easy." Davi said with wide eyes not expecting the girls shocking reaction. That thankfully seemed to make her stop for a moment as she let out a small gasp of pain as the purple glow began to die down.

The girl looked around wildly. "H... How long have I been out?"

"Just a few seconds." Leena said nervously.

"Good." The teen turned around. "I still have time then. I need to leave before they show up and-" She stopped suddenly when she felt a hand grab her arm. She looked back seeing Davi was staring at her.

"Sorry." Davi said sternly. "But you're not going anywhere, anytime soon." He said in a flat tone. "Not until you answer some of my questions."

The girl let out a small sigh as she reached up and gripped his arm tightly making his eyes go wide as the gem in her eye began to glow and what looked like black dragon claws formed on the tips of her fingers which began to stab into Davi's wrist making him his out in pain. "Sorry but... I don't have time for this." She threw out a powerful punch with the intent of knocking Davi out but was shocked when Davi caught the punch with his other hand. "What the... I can punch through solid steel like this though? I mean I didn't put all my power behind the punch, but still... No human should be able to stop it!"

"I'm pretty cool." Davi grinned squeezing down on the fist.

"Alright... You're not normal are you... Who are you-"

"I'm the one who's asking the questions." Davi announced.

Leena, and her father stared with blank expressions as both warriors eyed each other up.

"Fine whatever." The girls sighed.

"First. Who are you!"

"Athena Dawn, my turn. Who are you?"

"Davi Hawker, my turn!" He announced. "You're with Dragon Dwellers aren't you."

"I'm not." Athena said making Davi raise an eyebrow.

"I just watched you use your Dark Eater to turn into a Dark Body?"

"It's my turn."

"...Fine." Davi sighed folding his arms.

"A... Are they playing a game?" Leena asked flatly.

Athena eyed Davi up and down for a moment. "You're one of the 30% who can use Mana right."

"Yes. You have a Dark Eater right?"

"Yes. What's your Magic Type?"

"None, I use magical weapons. What's your Dark Eaters Power?"

"It allows me to use Lightning, and Wind, Magic, as if I was born with them. What can your weapons do?"

"One can grow wider and longer up to one hundred meters, the other is able to send out massive bursts of explosions with every strike, I don't know how strong the blasts are or their limit. Do you have a magic type?"

"Yes. Fire. I was born with it. But as I said my Dark Eater gifts me with Wind, and Lightning, as well meaning I can use three kinds. Are you a member of Dragon Dwellers?"

"No. Are you a member of Dragon Dwellers?"


"Wait you're not-"

"Hey it's my turn." She snapped. "If you aren't my enemy why did you attack me?"

"I thought you were a Dragon Dweller member and I hate them. Why were you in a panic earlier, and why do you have a Dark Eater if you aren't a member-"

"That's two questions-"

"Just answer."

"Fine!" Athena went silent for a moment as she reached up brushing her eye and biting her lip for a moment. "I didn't have this placed in me by choice... I don't have a lot of time. I just need some food and water and I'll leave and you guys will never see or hear from me again okay."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Davi asked frowning.

"Because they've been following me since I left!"


"Dragons Dweller!"

"What do you mean-" The entire ship suddenly began to shake as if something slammed into it making everyone stare in shock. Davi gave a scowl his fangs seemingly getting larger. "Never mind... I guess I'll find out myself..."


A Few Moments Ago...

"What in Arthurs name were any of you thinking!" The Captain yelled eying all of his crew up as they all looked down at the ground not meeting his eyes. "Which one of ya went and started telling everyone about ghost tales... Some stowaway comes on board and ya start telling rumor's about em being the Kings Ghost-"

"You believed it to..." Someone mumbled.

"What was that." The Captain asked letting out a small hiss.

"I said you believed it to! You were also running away when you saw the robed figure. Not even attempting to keep order or get us to do anything. You also ran... I mean what were we even thinking... We've trained to combat threats and we all just run? And some hillbilly silver haired brat with a guitar has to save us."

"I mean to be fair... Have you heard some of the rumors about the King's Ghost... they say he sinks any ship he's brought on-"

"Their is no King's Ghost." The Captain spat out cutting his crew off before they could break out into more tales of ghosts, and magic. "Now I want you all to work double time you hear me. It's our job to insure our passengers have a smooth ride. Everyone get back to work."

"R... Right... Sorry Captain." The first guy said.

"Y... Yes sir..."

"You though." The Captain pointed at the guy who spoke out to him. "You're gonna keep watch ya here me." He growled tossing over a silver telescope to the man. "Any of y'all pull another stunt like this again and I'll have all of ya'll thrown over board. I make myself clear?"

"Crystal sir." The man said turning to look back out at the waters as he pulled a telescope. "I'll work twice as hard and let you know if I see anything. I'll even look up and down." He joked bringing the scope up. "Yep nothing-" He suddenly went dead silent as he stared ahead up in the air. "Oh... Oh by the Kings will..." He went dead silent as he stared up towards the skies with wide eyes.

"What?" The Captain asked letting out a sigh. "This ain't funny..."

"This isn't a joke!"

"Spit it out than!"

"Captain it's the Dragon Dwellers-"

The entire boat shook this time as a mighty force seemed to slam into the ship making it nearly rock over. The boat was hit so hard it nearly tipped over and all the way to the top the magic cannon exploded in a hail of flames as burning metal rained down shocking everyone. They all looked up to the right of the boat staring into the air with wide eyes.

Off to the right floating through the sky a massive ship came into view flying down, and exiting the cloud it had been hiding in. The ship was massive, far bigger than the vessel that was in the waters, and it hit the ground so hard a tremendous tidal wave was kicked up which slammed down into the boat. On the metal ship a large flag of an upside down dragon skull could be seen...

Dragon Dwellers had arrived...

Over on the boat several people stood all decked out in either leather gear, or straight up metal, some holding normal guns, some holding those weird arm guns, and others holding simple swords. But it was the man who stood on the very rails of the ship that stood out the most. He was a tall man covered in large rippling muscles, and dark skin. He had no hair, but had blood red eyes, and a smirk on his face. He only wore a pair of red pants, and held a massive spiked club with him. His chest was covered in several tattoos many of which seemed to be moving around his body. His right eye was gone a blood red gem inside of it.

"Alright everyone. Let's take us a ship." The large man announced his grin growing. "Lets rob these Noble bastards. That'll teach them for not giving us a share of the cut, of the money they take from the poor."

"Yes Vice Reserve Member Roch!" The random soldiers who were behind him yelled.

The man, who's name was apparently Roch, smirk only grew as he swung his club into his open palms. "Alright... She's here... Little Athena thinks she can hide from us but I got her scent..."

Large hooks fired out of their boat stabbing into the second vessel and pulling it closer, forcing the two ships to dock side by side. Several of Dragons Dweller all jumped from their boat landing on the other ship all drawing their swords, or guns.

Several of the Nobles all began screaming while the crew tried to grab their gear. The entire boat once again shook when Roch crashed down onto the deck so hard it cracked under his weight and power. His smirk got even larger as he swung his club slamming it into ten men and hitting them all so hard they were slammed right over the deck thrown into the waters below.

"Alright! Give them hell!" He called out. "We aren't in the mood for killing them if they give up! Remember they're Nobles so taking them for more Bells later is a better idea than slaughtering them all! Knock em out, and throw em the lower deck!"

"Like you're going to get away with this!" The Captain announced. He reached to his side drawing an elegant longsword. "I am Captain Farkiss! And this is my boat!" He announced. He flashed forward far faster than anyone else even managing to catch Roch off guard as he stabbed his blade forward impaling the man directly through his heart.

Roch let out several gasps his club slipping from his hands as he stared at the sword that was in his heart. Farkiss twisted the blade a few times and roughly ripped it out, causing the Dragon Dweller to stumble back and clutch at his gapping hole.

"I..." He fell to his knees his eyes wide.

"I'm sorry I had to kill you." Farkiss announced. "You're far to dangerous to be kept alive-"

"I'm shocked you actually managed to stab me." Farkiss was silenced when Roch began to laugh. The man got back to his feet grabbing his club as his hole began to close the wound simply healing and vanishing as if it hadn't been there. He reached up tapping at the gem in his eye socket. "See this here." He grinned. "It's called a Dark Eater... Having one inside me makes me a Dark Body... My body is more demon than man with this stone. This one is called Toxin." His flesh seemed to change getting a weird gray texture to it as his tongue came out of his mouth. It was far longer, and thicker than it should have been purple slime dripping down it. He ran it along his spiked club getting it all nice and wet. "You got my respect if you can survive this." He grinned swinging it out.

Captain Farkiss stared in shock as he raised his blade up but the weapon didn't stand a chance. It shattered in a single blow his sword breaking as the club smashed into his chest so hard he was sent flying high into the air becoming a blur as he was sent miles off where he'd later crash into the ocean.

Roch casually placed his club back on his shoulder as his skin reverted back to normal and his smile grew. "Now... Any of the rest of ya wanna deal with us?"

"As a matter of fact." Roch's ears twitched when he heard the voice.

He turned and saw four people. Athena, Leena, Leena's father. And Davi.

Davi had a simple grin on his face as he grabbed at his guitar and stepped towards the man. "I'd like to give it a shot."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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