
sneha agreed to marry meher

<p>After some time priya and sneha both went to the Mehra mansion and saw that sneha 's dad was sitting in the living room with a boy but sneha can't see his face because his face was turned around than she  go and sit beside sneha 's dad and sneha asked her dad that  " what happened dad why did you call me so urgently? " <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>Her Dad said that, "I was not feeling well so I don't know , How long I will leave so had fixed your marriage with this boy " and I wanted you to marry him because if I died I cannot see you marriage so, please sneha marry him and always be with me in this house for my last time ".Then sneha told his dad that, 'please don't say like this and please don't let me be alone ,  dad  I cannot live without you and sorry dad for letting you alone in this house from know on , I will live with you and take care of you and also I will marry the boy , you want me to marry '. But I will do  that I wanted to do  . Than Mr mehra said to her that  , okay I agree for that so now   Meet Meher your fiance '.When sneha saw meher she was shocked and she said to his dad , why this boy ?<br/><br/> <br/><br/>  Than her dad said her that,  I like this boy he is good for you than sneha said to his Dad,  Did you know everything about him than her dad said, 'yes beta I know everything about him. Then sneha said  ,hello to sneha and Priya .<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Priya was from that time when they sat beside Mr mehra she has already seen him. After that they both also say hello to meher. After some time Mr mehra said to sneha that, take meher inside and show him his room and you should also talk for some time there.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>And sneha said to his dad that,  Why he will leave here? Than her dad told her that, he have some money problem so, that's why he will leave her now and after marriage also . Than sneha take meher to his room and then asked sneha that, Why she don't live here?  For that sneha  said to meher that, My dad don't like what I wanted to become that's why I don't live here.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Than Meher asked sneha that, "what you wanted to become so sneha say, " I wanted to become a event manager but my dad don't want me to become that , So that's why. And than they both started to leave with each other and started to know each other clearly  . <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>So like this days passes and  there wedding time came and wedding ceremonys started. And priest fixed there date of marriage and After two days there  mehndi ceremony and haldi ceremony both  started  . And after  one week there marriage and than Mr mehra told them to start the shopping for the marriage and then at evening sneha and priya went to the mall with meher for buying marriage clothes.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>After some time they reached at the mall and than meher Park his car and told to sneha that , "I have to call my friend subham for helping us in buying my clothes so, you can go first than I will come with him. "  And sneha said ,OK and went inside the mall. After fifteenth Minute meher and subham went inside the mall and began to find sneha and priya and in some time they find them and went there . <br/><br/> <br/><br/>And than subham said,  Hello to sneha and start calling her  'bhabhi ' and than meher hit him from side and then he start smiling. Than they went to buy the clothes,  Meher and subhan went to the male section and sneha and priya went to female section and after two hours they meet each other and than they went to  near by restaurant for dinner . After that they all went to there house.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>After two days  haldi and mehndi ceremony started and all guests  had already  arrived and they all were sitting in the living room and were singing and dancing. After some time meher came in the living room,  wearing green kurta with white half jacket on it and was looking so handsome and all the girls in the living room were watching him.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>At that time sneha was also coming from the stairs and was wearing golden and green lehnga and with less makeup but she was looking so gorgeous and beautiful. When meher look sneha he cannot get his eyes from her. He was looking her from so long that priya came from the stairs and said to meher that,  I know she is looking beautiful but stop staring on her.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Then the ceremony began , sneha put mehndi on her hand it was looking very nice and than  the lady  write meher name on her hand and then sneha look at her hand and smile. Than, meher and sneha dance together on the stage. And  , after some time the ceremony end and the guests went back to there houses .<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Than at morning meher went to sneha and he said to sneha that , please be ready in the evening we will go on a dinner date and went back to there room. Then sneha smile and went inside the room and said to Priya that, meher had told me to be ready in the evening for dinner date and after listening that priya also become happy and said to sneha that, you should be ready nicely for your date and for that we will go for shopping so, be ready fast and than sneha went to the bathroom for shower. After some time they both ready and went to the mall for shopping. There she tried many clothes and choose a simple white kurti and than they both went back to there house. Then she eat her lunch and went inside her room  .<br/><br/> <br/><br/>And in evening meher was waiting for her and than she came wearing the white kurti and she was looking so simple but beautiful with the Kajal she has applied in her eyes. Than meher said to sneha that, ' you are looking so beautiful 'and than she smile hearing that,  than meher told to sneha sit in the car. And she sat in the car and meher began to drive the car. After some time, they reached  the restaurant and went inside the restaurant and sit in there seat , which meher had booked .Than meher said to sneha that, what will you eat?  Sneha told her that, I will like to eat pav bhaji, because I love to eat pav bhaji, it's my favorite dish and also a cup of coffee with it.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>Will meher and sneha be able to get married? <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/></p>