
Devil's Sakura

Betrayal... That's what the 27 year old military officer, Takamura Daichi experienced when he was shot to the head by his own best friend and fellow soldier, Asakura Kuzuki. Expecting his death, Daichi was shocked when he was reincarnated into the body of a 15-year-old boy, Hanazono Haruto, 15 years to the future. With this newfound opportunity, Daichi now Haruto will stop at nothing to get his revenge on his killer, using whatever means necessary to make sure that the snake Kuzuki will die the most painful and humiliating death... No matter what the cost.

NekoAAA · realistisch
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13 Chs

4: Sibling's banter

Asabe International School or A.I.S. for short.

It was a prestigious academy tailored to cater to and educate children from the highest hierarchy of society.

The focus of nobility is long but a thing of the past since it's also possible for an individual from humble origins to gain their place here, as long as they pass the grueling admission exam. Regardless, the vast majority are still numerous students who were born from wealthy, prominent families, so the distinction is still present.

Many of the country's most successful richest business tycoons, famous individuals from the entertainment industry, and politicians are affiliated with the school, so all can assure the prominence that the academy has to offer to its students.

The academy pride itself as the number one school in Japan, and is considered the pinnacle of education and training throughout the whole country and even the whole world.

Surely enough, I'm going to experience this so-called prominence and education with my own two hands.

Because, I, Taka… Hanazono Haruto successfully passed the admission exam.

And I just did not pass the exam though. I also did it by garnering a perfect score.

The exam was quite challenging, yes. The exam even covered a range of multiple topics that were more advanced for your typical high schooler. But what they don't realize was that I was a 27 years old adult man with an incredible amount of willpower. Naturally, I also focus on topics way beyond the scope of the current high school curriculum, reaching college, and even doctoral levels. Coupled with a year of prep work and a Zen-like study habit that would give a Buddhist monk a run for his money, my hard work naturally awarded me for my efforts.

The academy headmaster and some of the staff were rather impressed by my achievement, and it was also accomplished by a commoner no less. Throughout academy history, it has been decades since a commoner gained a perfect score in the admission exam and this year left a mark in Asabe's long-standing noble history.

Naturally, when news circulated in my social circle, Erina was left with her jaw hilariously dropping at this astonishing revelation. Oh, how I relish the look on her hysterical face. It was quite a very humorous sight that I can't help but take a picture of on my phone.

To this day, I kept that picture as some sort of blackmail material in case she tries something funny. Maybe show it to her future admirer to discourage them from courting her? That girl sure is quite a mischief to handle. I sympathize with Erika in that regard.

Nevertheless, the girl was genuinely happy for me and wish me the best.

Mother was proud of me, obviously. When the results came out, she became all too teary and gave me quite a big hug. The three of us went out to a special dinner that night to celebrate. She would also boast to her friends that her son would be attending the renowned A.I.S. this coming school year.

Heh, such a supportive family that I have. Haruto is sure a lucky lad to be blessed. Not many are fortunate enough to have a family like them. I hope the boy was grateful for them during the time back when he was still in this original body of his where I'm now residing.

Presently, today is the opening ceremony of A.I.S., where wealthy students from all over the country would finally begin their first day of school in this honorable academy that they are in.

"So, A.I.S., the first step of my plan. I finally did it." I muttered to myself quite happy as I stood amidst the many students who were heading their way inside one of the academy buildings, where the opening ceremony would take place.

"Yeah, yeah, great, save that obnoxious grin of yours, for later, oh dear big brother of mine. For heaven's sake, why did I even agree in following you in the first place?"

Ah, I forgot to mention that Erina would also be joining me, having passed the A.I.S. admission exam for middle school. Although not a perfect score, she achieved the bare minimum of the exam's passing grade. The girl can be smart if she wants to be. As a matter of fact, she had the potential to be an academic prodigy, but laziness and other distractions are apparently her priority in life.

As her big brother, it is my duty to fix that and act as a role model to her.

It was one hell of an amusing experience how she ended up here. When Mother observed how I studied religiously each and every single night for the past year, well, let's just say that she has ways to convince Erina to do the same.

"Look at your brother, you should follow his good example, Erina!! From now on, I want you to memorize at least 5 pages of a single book every night, or else I'm banning you from using the Wi-Fi, confiscating your phone, and deducting your allowance!!"

Yup, that definitely motivated the little girl indeed. Erika is one hell of a taskmaster if I dare say so myself. Although at the end of the ordeal, Erina was secretly grateful to her mother for giving her a push because hey, it's A.I.S. The girl is also obviously thrilled and excited to be here as well.

While we are now walking, Erina is still ranting as she is saying, "Mom is really such a worrywart for your ass, even sending his one and only cute daughter just so to keep an eye on you."

I simply smiled in response at her, "I'm sure that's not the case. She wanted both of us to have a bright and happy future. Did you see the look on her face at how ecstatic she was when she found out that you also passed the exam, a week later after I did so?"

The normal way to be admitted to this academy falls into one factor: Money. The wealthy simply have to pay the extravagant tuition fees and they are good to go.

The same can't be said about us, commoners, or as what the people at the academy would so degradingly refer to us.

Ostensibly, the admission exam can be taken at any time. The exam is strictly reserved for commoners like myself and Rina, as a way for us to justify our entry into the world of the wealthy and the privileged. After all, a normal individual would simply fade into the background and have no hopes of competing with the elites of the society. One must have the knowledge, perseverance, wealth, and skills necessary to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.

At any rate, Erina smiled positively at my answer, "Yeah, you're truly right there. Mom may be a demoness, but she's a demoness who cares for her children, alright."

"I'm not sure calling your own mother a demoness is something that a daughter should be doing." I chuckled at her playful way of expressing her gratitude.

As we continued to move through the crowd of our fellow students, my movements instantly came to a halt when I saw something that caught my attention.

"Onii-chan?" Erina questioned as to why I suddenly stopped.

"You go on ahead, Erina-chan. There's something urgent that requires my undivided attention. This will be quick and I'll catch up shortly." I requested while still focused on the object that I can't help but take my eyes off.

"Very well, onii-chan, but don't get lost, got it?!!" Erina shrugged and did as she was told, receiving a nod from me.

With her gone, for the time being, I head to a somewhat distinct location of the academy located nearby, a place where it brought a sense of relief and tranquility to this vengeful heart of mine.

"Strange, I didn't know that there's a Sakura Tree right here."

Indeed, the object of my attention was no other than the Sakura tree as I peered at its beauty from a significant distance.

I find myself moving closer to the tree. It was there where my love began, where I fell in love with my wife, Himeko, and resolved to earn her love and affection during my high school years.

Under the Sakura tree was the beginning of a blossoming love, where the eternity of two souls made bound and everlasting until the end of time.

I read the passage in a certain book of poems, and once upon a time, I was sure that the passage was true since what I felt when I was with Himeko was truly wonderful. No words can describe how I truly love her, even when the day that we first met.

As I finally made my approach to the Sakura Tree, it appears that I was not alone in that regard.

Below the tree was another student, a girl. She was there sitting as the fallen pink leaves of the Sakura made for majestic scenery that I can't help but find myself staring at.

And it was not just any girl though. No… that face… it… is it her? They look almost the same.

The girl still did not notice my presence since she is currently tending to a puppy that was injured in the leg.

A girl and an injured animal under the Sakura Tree… the very same scenery when I first met my beloved wife.


I mumbled the name softly involuntarily, thinking that it was the visage of my loving wife. Of course, I'm perfectly aware that this is not her, but the appearance is truly similar, and the beating of my heart turned faster with each passing second of this very moment.

It was like reliving the past, on the day that I met her.

The girl finally noticed my presence and stood up from her spot while carrying the puppy, smiling at me rather sweetly with that angelic face of hers.

"Hello, may I help you?"

There's no doubt… This is my daughter in flesh and blood. Like in the picture, she looks very beautiful, just like her mother.

My daughter… Himegi.

Yahoo!! Thanks for reading!!

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