
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasie
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120 Chs

Chapter 93 - Potential


A slight, sharp crack sounded abruptly, and the three Gil's tactical flashlights turned in unison to the back left side of the classroom where the seats were cluttered and in disarray!

A flash of silver swept through the pupils of the three, followed by a dull sound of falling to the ground, as if the sound was made by a wooden stick hitting hard on tattered leather.

A few columns of light shone through, and a teacher-dressed zombie fell on its back, a thin, punched-out saber sticking out of its gnawed-out, white-boned forehead and into its bones!

"You guys missed one."

KEVIN shrugged, meeting the astonished gazes of Jill's trio with unmistakable candor.

More than twenty zombies, in the hands of a few people, all of them were resolved in just a few seconds, with incomparable ease.

However, their main goal was not to clean up the walkers, but to find Angela, who was obviously not in the middle of this classroom.

There were only a dozen or so classrooms on the second floor, and with the speed at which kevin and the others were advancing, they had already searched them in less than a few minutes, but unfortunately, apart from sending out many bullets, they had found nothing.

"Is she not on the second floor?"

The thought passed through kevin's mind, and his eyes pierced through the glass inlaid in the door in front of him, dropping into the middle of the kitchen.

The classroom and the kitchen, separated only by a piece of transparent glass, this is to let them feel safe to eat?

kevin mentally spat out the various food problems in the Celestial Kingdom, and a thought suddenly crossed his mind!

"Wait! In the original episode, there were several zombie dogs in the kitchen ..."

"On guard!"

The tone of kevin's voice made several of Jill's expressions solemn, and the safety that had just been turned off was immediately turned on.

"Let's go inside."

kevin said, one hand already pressed against the door, the other gripping the only remaining saber.

He had lost the ability to sense the virus and couldn't determine if these T-virus infections were still keeping their offensive last names against him.

But, it was kevin's habit to prepare for the worst case scenario; this was a game that was going to kill him, and any hint of a fluke was enough to render his time limit meaningless!

The zombie dog that had been enhanced by the T-virus definitely possessed the ability to pounce on him!

Behind kevin, Jill's trio looked a little nervous and curious.

Before, kevin didn't put them on alert.

The elbow pressed against the door curled slightly, relying on his own weight, kevin slowly pushed open the half wooden door ...

"Zee ..."

The wooden door that was pushed open made a long, crushing sound that could only come from being old to a certain extent, and it was haunting!

Accompanied by a cold wind whipping through the window, the crowd unexpectedly shivered in unison, as if there was a chill that traveled along the caudal vertebrae and straight to the brain!

kevin didn't have this instinctive fear, except that the putrid odor that came with the cold wind made him sure of one thing.

It had only been ten hours since the biochemical crisis had just broken out, and there was absolutely no way that the ingredients in this kitchen could give off such a putrid odor!

The only explanation for this is the presence of zombie dogs with skin rot accelerated by the T-virus!

"You guys be careful, there are some tough guys in here ..."

KEVIN looked back at the three Jills and took the lead through the door.

Claire leveled her gun at eye level and followed close behind.

"Kind of."

Sniper Pace pushed open the other half of the wooden door and entered with Jill.

The kitchen stove, which should have been silver-white and shiny before, was now covered by a puddle of coagulated black blood, with all kinds of vegetables and meat scattered all over the place, and the iron baskets used to hold them were spread around, causing obstacles to the movement of kevin and the others.

"I hate this."

Jill frowned in displeasure, stepping on a piece of pork nearly causing her to lose her balance.

"Damn, what is this thing!"

Pace, who was walking side by side with Gil, suddenly cursed, and the amazement carried in his voice allowed him to draw the attention of the three Kevins, all of them!

Looking into the column of light shining from the torch in Pace's hand, the first thing to break through was a pair of cruel eyes reflecting light!

Then came the bright red, bloody body!

It was a zombie dog, no doubt, but its size was not as large as the mutant dog with a calf-sized calf inside the hive, probably due to the difference in breed.

The zombie dog's ears and other skin-like soft tissues were likewise highly [***], emitting a putrid stench, and its exposed sharp teeth glowed a nasty yellow color, the virus they carried!

Although there was a difference in size, the zombie dog's desire for flesh and blood and brutality did not decrease in the slightest, only half a meter tall body exploded with higher agility, almost at the same time when the crowd's eyes just fell on it, the bright red muscles on the zombie dog's body completed a contraction and expansion, bringing up a burst of putrid and cold wind, and attacking Pace's face directly!


Seeing the zombie dogs for the first time, the three of them fell into a brief stupor until kevin's voice came into their ears, which awakened their consciousness and subconsciously pulled the trigger with their fingers!

"Bang Bang Bang!"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The three pistols fired in unison, and immediately a dozen bullets cut through the air with fiery spirals, drilling viciously into the zombie dogs!

The [****] belly of the zombie dog that leapt high into the air became the best point of attack, and the three who had not yet fully recovered their thoughts subconsciously aimed at this easiest target to hit!

Most of the dozen bullets were accurately sent into the zombie dog, the spinning warhead easily tore through the [****] muscles of the zombie dog, bringing up a spiral of air pressure that followed, pouring viciously down the torn muscles of the warhead, further expanding the wounds and creating cavities in its body!

Wounds fatal enough for a zombie dog were so insignificant that the black intestines slipping out of the belly wound didn't affect its movements in the slightest!

When a skinned dog with a belly sprinkled with black, dirty blood and rotting, shredded flesh lunged at him, Pace really didn't know what to do, just instinctively sensing danger and involuntarily dodging backward.

The piece of pork that Gil had stepped on appeared at Pace's feet at just the right moment, causing his frame to lurch and his backward body to simply fall to the ground!

This fall caused Pace's retreating figure to come to an abrupt halt, and the reaction force from his back sent his neck directly under the zombie dog's sharp teeth!

Pace's brain doubled steeply in the moment, his eyes observing the scenery become clear and slow!

The zombie dog's mouth opened little by little, and the yellowish teeth were filled with filthy saliva that slowly slid and dripped! The bloodthirsty and brutal eyes were cloudy and unclear, but still reflected a chillingly ferocious light!

Instead of Pace's situation getting better, everything that was clearly presented in his eyes stirred the fear in his heart even more and magnified it!

The zombie dog's life-threatening kiss was about to close in on Pace's throat, the disgusting saliva was already dripping down on top of his chin, bringing a cold and piercing touch, and the rich aura of death was already causing his pupils to show the symptoms of death-like dilation!

Just then, a black shadow seemed to cross at high speed among Pace's dilated pupils!


Pace's numb consciousness was startled by a crunching sound, and the imagined pain did not come, but instead a putrid, foul-smelling wind whipped through his face, drying out his eyeballs for a moment.

"What's going on?"

Pace froze for a full three seconds before reacting, the high speed his brain had been in before had been automatically forgotten, leaving a brief gap in his mind.

KEVIN withdrew his slightly sore right foot, his mind filled with doubt and disbelief, not even realizing that Jill and Claire were both incredibly surprised to have the electricity hit them!

"What speed!"

kevin was filled with just that one thought.

Seeing Pace in danger just now, kevin couldn't think of anything more than an instinctive kick to try and stop the worst from happening.

But I didn't expect that this kick in a hurry would be so ferocious that it would directly break the cervical vertebrae of this zombie dog!

And, the zombie dog's tens of pounds of body was directly brought flying by the power of kevin's kick, ruthlessly hitting on top of the wall on one side, sticking for a full second before dragging a huge blood trail and sliding down.

This strike was feared to have hundreds of pounds of force poured into it!