
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasie
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120 Chs

Chapter 42 - Three Waves

Omni-directional fire coverage is exactly the nemesis of fast-moving monsters like zombie dogs!


And, the network of firepower swept out by the mercenary squad did not simply cover a large area, but was roughly pre-judged, as well as echoing each other!


With their weaponry, they hadn't been able to create a real net-like rain of bullets! In places, there were even huge gaps that allowed people to pass through!


However, this does not affect the effectiveness of the shots from this fire network!


What's more, something like a zombie dog doesn't know what the hell dodging is!


In their simple brains, there is only the concept of eating!




The hard metal slugs easily tore through the starting to decay muscles of the zombie dogs, embedding themselves deeply into their bodies, and a dark red flower of blood blossomed out of their flared muscle tissue!


The zombie dogs attacked in the same single mechanical way as the zombies, knowing only to leap up high and lunge out!


In front of ordinary people, zombie dogs might be able to use their physical qualities to achieve the effect of making people unable to react!


However, in front of Matthew's team of mercenaries, the shortcomings of the zombie dogs were then completely revealed!


Fast? Every member of this mercenary team has that speed in the moving targets they use for training!


Each of them is experienced in combat, and sometimes they can even hit their targets accurately just by their intuitive gun sense!


"Poof! Pfft! Poof!"


A head of zombie dogs was accurately hit in the head by the mercenaries the moment they lunged out, and under the effect of the bullet's tremendous shooting power, it canceled out the inertia of the forward lunge and fell heavily to the ground!


In less than three seconds, seven or eight zombie dogs had their heads blown off by the mercenaries, turning into a rotting corpse!


The zombie dogs, however, were not just eight, but a whole twenty or so!


After the zombie dogs in the front row were all killed in action, the zombie dogs immediately following them looked a little excited as they pounced on them!


The bloody stench of rotting corpses of their own kind seemed to act as a turn-on for them!


And, because of the cover of the last batch of zombie dogs pouncing, it made the second wave of zombie dogs pouncing, closer to Kevin and the others, faster and with a more dangerous surname!


But there was not the slightest way out for the crowd, and behind them, the closed door!


Moreover, the attack of the zombie dogs didn't stop for a single moment, and even if there was a large grassland behind them, Matthew and the others didn't have a chance to retreat!




"Bang Bang Bang!"


Heat weapons made by modern technology bared their hideous fangs when confronted with the fragile flesh of the creatures, blazing warheads that could easily tear through their muscles and heavily damage their bodies!


A tongue of fire was sprayed, and in return, on top of the zombie dog's body, there were large and small horrible blood holes, slowly dripping blackened blood outward!


This time, the mercenary team didn't completely wipe out the zombie dogs, as evidenced by Jedi's screams!


A zombie dog didn't choose to leap up from the air to pounce, but instead quickly rushed from the ground, taking a few bullets from Jedi, his body only slightly stagnated, then he jumped up with a huge force, directly pouncing on Jedi, a strong adult man!




The zombie dog's maw, aimed at Jedi's neck, was stopped by the submachine gun in his hand, and the massive bite rubbed against the metal with an ear-splitting sound!


Although the zombie dog didn't bite Jedi, its sharp claws ruthlessly penetrated Jedi's black combat suit, snapping deep into the flesh!


The pungent smell of blood rushed out, stimulating these ferocious things in front of them, the bite of the zombie dog seemed to have become even more enormous, leaving a rather conspicuous teeth marks on the black gun!




Just as Jedi was desperately battling the zombie dog, a short, pitch-black sword appeared just above the zombie dog's skull, running along its highly decayed, mangled ear and penetrating hard into the brain!


Jedi only felt a violent lightening of the strength coming from the top of his arms, and his whole body relaxed, the sharp pain tearing through his shoulders making him blanch, and beads of sweat erupting from his forehead!


"Boss, thanks."


Jedi rested slightly with his hands on his chest, about to get back up and join the fight.


There will be a huge gap in the six-man fire network if he is missing!


Meanwhile, being pounced on by another zombie dog Alice had managed to blow its head off with the pistol kevin had given her, before Matt could rescue it!


Worthy of being a heroine, Alice's tenacity exceeded these mercenaries' expectations!


kevin at this point, but did not respond to Jedi's thanks, because, the third wave of the zombie dogs' attack, had already arrived!


With the previous two waves of zombie dog attacks as a padding, this time, the zombie dogs, closer to the crowd, have almost approached the crowd only three meters less than the place!


With the agility of a zombie dog, this distance could be crossed in an instant with just a light lunge!


"Chug! Ding!"


In the midst of the dense gunfire, there was a sudden crisp sound of metal colliding, and one of the magazines, in the midst of two rounds of strafing, was completely emptied!


KEVIN's body, which was already very tired and physical, had been weakened by at least 20%!


At this moment, his spirit was unusually focused, and the oncoming zombie dog, in his eyes, gradually slowed down!


The feeling of being in slow motion, as in a movie, was once again awakened by kevin!


In this moment, kevin's brain told to run and process outside information several times more than usual!


The incomparable speed of the zombie dog became crystal clear in kevin's retina, and even, at this moment, kevin could break down these movements, one by one!


The mutated eyes were even sharper than a hawk's when kevin focused all his attention, and every tiny change in the zombie dog's rotting muscle fibers was clear as day, as if in slow motion, and presented in kevin's mind!




Kevin subconsciously raised the dagger in his right hand, and his left foot, which was not yet sprained, violently stomped on the ground, and his body scurried out like a cheetah hunting for food!


Swift, direct and deadly!


A flash of dark light with a faintly piercing chirography cut through the air at lightning speed!


The reaction force generated by the foot stomping on the ground is transmitted through layers of muscles and bones, heavily reinforced, and finally reaches the wrist and fingers!


kevin could feel the slight air resistance coming from above the hilt, and in the extremely fast swing, the air compressed at the tip of the sword exploded slightly due to the strong pressure!




The pitch-black short sword ran along the body of the zombie dog, without encountering the slightest obstruction, as if this bloody figure, just an illusory projection of the general, by kevin's short sword a pull to the end, without any substantial existence of significance!


But this, it's just an illusion!


kevin could clearly feel that real and present resistance as the blade sliced through muscle and severed bone!


Only, because kevin's short sword was too sharp, that resistance was so minimal that it was like, a lump of liquid!


The resistance, which was wonderful, made kevin linger a bit!


The slightest force of one's wrist could determine life and death, and the pleasure caused by this kind of life and death was too painful!


"Boom! Boom!"


Two consecutive sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground rang out, and the zombie dog, which had rushed towards kevin, was sliced directly in half by the sharp and unrivaled short sword, starting from the upper and lower jaws!




This marvelous state lasted less than a second, and the world in kevin's eyes, once again, changed back to its original state!


Slightly relieved, kevin used his instinctual awakening more skillfully this time compared to the last, transferring power with less waste and greater cohesion as he consciously controlled the movement of his muscle fibers!


The human body itself is a treasure trove of infinite potential, only that almost everyone doesn't know how to utilize it!


If a person, whose entire body's muscle power was completely condensed into one fist blasted out, the impact of this punch could reach tens, even hundreds of tons!


Only, this situation, only exists with the theory, the human body structure is complex, each place distribution of muscle has its unique role!


The complex structure is destined to keep these muscles from contracting completely in one direction!