
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Fantasie
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120 Chs

Chapter 104 - The Last

As kevin pulls out his radio and gives the order, everyone, starts moving!

Matthew and Kevyn darted up the ends of the metal platform, their footsteps fast and furious as if they were afraid the guards wouldn't know they were there!

The first reaction of the armed guards who heard the sharp footsteps abruptly in the darkness and quietness was to realize that something was wrong, thinking that their companions had brought them some urgent information, but it never occurred to them that the source of this wrongness was none other than the owner of these footsteps!

Since there was no hostility, the first reaction of the guards was simply to turn their heads away, their guns, which did not turn with them!

The figure of KEVIN was the first to break into the eyes of the guards who had tilted their heads to the left!

Over twenty points of agility was enough to run at a terrifying speed of over twenty meters per second in a vacuum!

Even though, under the weakened resistance of the air, kevin's sprinting speed was only 17 or 18 meters per second, but, it was definitely a speed that would make the Olympic champions unable to reach!

As kevin's figure appeared among the retinas of these few Umbrella Corporation guards, their brains froze for a moment!

This was because reality did not match their vision at all, and the blood-covered kevin made a violent impact with the black helmet they remembered, causing their minds to fall into a brief blank!

And in the instant their minds went blank, the greater part of KEVIN's body, had broken onto this metal platform!


Kevin, who had long been ready, raised his right hand, and the pitch-black short sword, driven by the high-speed movement of his body, as well as the throwing of his wrist and fingers, suddenly transformed into an imperceptible ebony light and shot out!

According to the ideal state of conception, if the movements of a man's whole body are harmonized, he can move his fingers twenty-four times as fast as he can move himself!

That is to say, if we calculate based on kevin moving eighteen meters per second at this moment, his finger movement speed could reach a terrifying four hundred and thirty-two meters per second!

Beyond the speed of sound!

The short sword propelled by such a terrifying acceleration definitely already possessed a terrifying power that surpassed all bullets!

But the fact is that there is a huge gap between reality and the ideal!

kevin's arm and leg coordination, which was already a bit uncoordinated, was obviously a bit of a fool's errand to accomplish this level of outburst!

His fingers, at best, were able to explode with eight times the speed of his body's movement in coordination with his major joints!

Moreover, this kind of outburst could only be sustained for an instant!

That is, zero point three six seconds!

The kevin had to throw the shortsword in close to a third of a second to be able to kill it, to maximize its lethality!

KEVIN certainly did not think about these thoughts in the moment, he just felt by instinct that a short sword thrown in high speed movement was faster and more lethal, so he aimed at the first guard and threw it according to his feeling!

The pitch-black short sword instantly shot out at a speed of over one hundred and forty per second, and the sword body that devoured all light transformed into an undetectable sharp aura that suddenly swept through the long sky!

Throwing a short sword in the middle of high-speed movement is fast, but the accuracy is inevitably a bit poor.

The short sword that swept through the air went straight through the first and second guards, and dug deep into the helmet of the third guard!

With only a muffled thud, this third guard didn't utter a single syllable more than a single word and planted himself straight down!

Matthew who rushed up from the other side just showed his head, while Alice, instead of taking the stairs to ascend to the platform in general with the two kevin, but underneath the platform, with the help of the cover of kevin's two footsteps, a few assisted steps, her knees slightly curved, and violently jumped upwards!

The protein muscles that had long been denatured caused Alice to have several times the bouncing power of a normal person, and this leap actually directly made her feet nearly three meters off the ground!

As if the light power described in martial arts novels, Alice leaped, her hands had already climbed up to the nearly five-meter-high guardrail, and she was incomparably agile as she flipped and leaped over it!

And just then, the guard in front of Iris nearly startled her when he planted himself softly.

Kevin's aim was way off, deflecting right past two men and taking out a third!

Luckily for kevin, even if he threw it crookedly, he hit the right spot and took out one of the guards; it would have been a tragedy if he had accidentally stabbed Matthew in the head.

Alice's reaction was incredibly quick, her body stalled for only a split second, then she brazenly lunged at the nearest guard!

And kevin, about to face two guards who are about to shoot!

Alice and Matthew had always thought that kevin, like them, had undergone the most rigorous training, and his fighting ability was incomparably strong enough to kill these ordinary professional soldiers.

And kevin's performance proved just that. Facing the patrol's dark sentries, he was able to wipe their necks with his short sword in less than a second!

But how do they know that a few days ago, kevin was just an ordinary geek, killing a chicken on New Year's Day at most, without any half-hearted training!

Even in the training grounds in the abyss, he was only doing some training in the name of acclimatization, and the only real combat skill he had was the short sword proficiency that he had spent one merit point to exchange!

And short sword proficiency, you must have a short sword, or a similar weapon in your hand, in order to utilize the power ah!

To put it politely, kevin without his short sword, apart from his physical qualities reaching the limits of the human body, his essence, was still an otaku without the slightest sense of combat!

The first and second guards reacted moments later that kevin was an enemy not there!

Understanding this fact they turned their guns at the first opportunity, their fingers already pressed on the cold trigger!

Just then, kevin had rushed to them, less than two meters away!

The cold muzzle of the gun emitted a strong aura of death, instantly evoking memories from days ago!

Again, it was a dark night, and again, it was the cold muzzle of a gun that reeked of death!

The déjà vu experience instantly stirred kevin's sense of crisis in the face of death!

Firearms, an epoch-making leap in the history of human weapons, which divides weapons into two eras, hot and cold, with great lethality!

It's going to die!

At this point in time, the only thought that kevin could think of in his mind!

Human beings have a great possibility, under the threat of death, to stimulate their own potential and break out into performances that will astound them!

What's more, inside kevin's body, there was the catalyst of elf cells!

Exploding potential is nothing new to kevin!

The strong sense of crisis instantly stimulated the adrenaline hormone secretion in kevin's body.

With the adrenal hormones, both kevin's brain and body, functioned at a speed that was increased several times over!

The movement of the two guards' contracting fingers became unbearably slow to kevin's eyes, and the image of Alice having dealt with this situation before flashed from his mind as kevin's body subconsciously did as he was told!

The sharply charging body did not stop for a single moment, kevin's hands exploded out lightning fast, and in this moment, the operation of every part of his body became incredibly coordinated!

Prompt and accurate!

Both of kevin's pale palms gripped the gun firmly the moment their fingers pressed down on the trigger!

The movement of the wrist was almost synchronized with with it, twisting viciously under the contraction of muscles and the turning of bones the moment the palm of the hand grasped the gun!

The rotation of the wrist drove the cold gun body to rotate together, and a huge force was ferociously transmitted along the metal parts that made up the gun body, instantly acting on the palms of these two guards!



The tremendous force directly caused the two palms that were about to pull the trigger to flip over, and in the two simultaneous crunching sounds, their index fingers, even more bizarrely, folded backwards at a large angle, and just by looking at them, there was a kind of heart-breaking pain coming from them!

Ten fingers in a row, no one was indifferent when their fingers were broken raw, and kevin could clearly see the fear spreading through their pupils through the black goggles!

The vocal cords of the two guards began to vibrate at a high frequency, and a great scream had already built up in the middle of their throats, waiting only for the tongues inside their mouths to cooperate, so that they could vibrate the air and spread out a circle of mournful waves of sound!