
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · Fantasie
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112 Chs

Chapter 22: The silver bullet can hurt me

At first, I thought these armed forces were firing blindly, as human eyes couldn't possibly track my movements. But after circling them a few times, I realized that their seemingly random firing pattern was actually a perfectly coordinated formation!

Though they weren't aiming directly at me, their firing maneuvers ensured that each person's blind spots were covered by their comrades' shots.

If I slowed down even slightly, I would be immediately hit by multiple attacks!

The silver bullets continuously tore through the air, shredding everything in the study to pieces.

The low rumbling of gunfire echoed incessantly, and before long, the entire room was shrouded in smoke, though it clearly didn't obstruct the black-clad men's vision.

I had planned to keep running until they needed to reload, seizing the opportunity to strike. But as their bullets neared depletion, a mechanical arm automatically replaced their magazines, leaving them no moment of respite.

"How troublesome!" I cursed.

"Hahaha, it seems you're slightly more useful than I thought, managing to dispel your own Devil eye's illusion. But your fate won't change because of it!" the Iron-faced Man's arrogant laughter rang out again, "Honestly, I'm a bit reluctant to kill you now, because watching you hop around is quite amusing, like a monkey in a zoo! Hahaha!"

The small screen showing the Bible had long been shattered by gunfire, but the Iron-faced Man's voice still emanated from the walls, indicating there were other cameras in the study.

"This Satanic cult leader is a madman!" I cursed silently.

I couldn't afford to let my attention waver. Any lapse in focus, any slowing of my pace, and I would be riddled with bullets.

I continued to run around the black-clad men's circle. Their formation was so tight that I couldn't get close, nor find an angle to attack.

During this time, I calculated the shortest distance to the door. Even if I sprinted towards it with all my might, I would still inevitably be hit by several bullets.

Just as I was racking my brain for a solution, a groan emerged from the center of the black circle.

To my surprise and delight, it was Luo Hu, the leader of the Hong Kong branch!

After falling into the illusion and the black-clad men's intrusion, everything had happened so quickly that I had momentarily forgotten about him.

But now, Luo Hu might turn out to be the key to turning the tide!

A plan formed in my mind.

Based on my observations, the Iron-faced Man probably didn't know the specific abilities of the "Eye of Illusions," as he had only referred to "the Devil eye's power" during our conversation, without explicitly stating my ability to create illusions.

With this in mind, if I could successfully use my Devil eye to induce an illusion in Luo Hu, causing him to disrupt one of the black-clad men's attacks from the center of the circle, I could seize the opportunity to break into the center and eliminate the rest.

The plan was flawless, except for one problem: how to make eye contact with Luo Hu.

To dodge the silver bullets, I was moving at a speed beyond human perception. To invade Luo Hu's thoughts again, I needed him to look at me, even if only for a fraction of a second.

However, in that brief moment of pause, my chances of getting shot were extremely high.

Weighing the risks, I decided to take the gamble!

Though Luo Hu had lost an arm, he seemed to be mentally clear, just paralyzed with fear on the ground.

But he kept his face buried in the ground. I needed him to lift his head to make eye contact.

"Hey, Luo Hu!" I shouted while running, but he either didn't hear me or was too frightened to respond.

I called out several times, but he remained motionless on the ground.

"Hahaha, stop calling. He only listens to my commands," the Iron-faced Man said smugly.

"You say he only listens to your commands?" I laughed instead of getting angry. "Alright, let me see if he really is as obedient as you claim."

With that, I cleared my throat and secretly employed the arcane technique taught by Rahab.

Channeling my energy to my throat, I felt a writhing sensation there. When the heat filled my throat, I suddenly shouted, "Get up, you worthless fool!"

The voice that came out was none other than the Iron-faced Man's!

Luo Hu, who had been lying on the ground, immediately jumped up in fright upon hearing what he thought was the Iron-faced Man's voice, naturally looking ahead as he did so.

The opportunity had arrived!

I rejoiced inwardly and quickly ran in front of Luo Hu, pausing briefly.

In that instant, I successfully invaded his mind and set up an illusion!

However, in the fraction of a second that I paused to invade the branch leader's thoughts, two silver bullets mercilessly pierced into my left shoulder!

"Damn it!" I cursed loudly.

A pain ten times more intense than the severed hand surged between the two wounds. My left hand went numb immediately, indicating that the two silver bullets hadn't passed through but were lodged in my shoulder.

The excruciating pain was so intense that even I, with my high tolerance, couldn't help but cry out in agony!

Despite being shot, I dared not stop for even a moment, knowing that any hesitation would result in more silver bullets hitting me.

"Hmph, Voice Transformation Technique!" the Iron-faced Man said coldly. "I didn't expect you to have learned quite a few of Rahab's tricks."

The "Voice Transformation Technique" mentioned by the Iron-faced Man was the arcane technique I had just used.

This technique temporarily alters the shape of the vocal cords using internal energy to achieve a change in voice.

Four years ago, Rahab had used the "Voice Transformation Technique" to impersonate my mother's voice to provoke me into unlocking my Devil eye.

I didn't respond to the Iron-faced Man, merely smiling silently. In truth, my left shoulder was bleeding profusely from the two wounds.

If I didn't take care of these black-clad men within a minute, my speed would start to slow, and my situation would become even more perilous.

Fortunately, at that moment, the illusion had already begun to unfold in Luo Hu's mind!

Luo Hu stood in the center of the black-clad men's circle. After hearing my disguised voice, he remained standing, waiting for the next command from the 'Iron-faced Man.'

Suddenly, the chandelier on the study's ceiling began to swing erratically. With a loud "whoosh," it plummeted straight towards Luo Hu's head!

The chandelier was sizable and fell with considerable force. If it hit directly, it would surely cause injury.

Sensing the anomaly above him, Luo Hu instinctively lunged forward to avoid the chandelier.

Luo Hu's forceful lunge caused two of the black-clad men to lean forward slightly, creating a small gap in their previously impenetrable formation.

"What are you doing? Stop, you fool!" the Iron-faced Man shouted angrily.

"Stop shouting; he can't hear you now!" I mimicked the Iron-faced Man's tone and laughed.

But at that moment, I was already at the center of the circle!

The whirlwind I had stirred up in the study ceased abruptly because I had just darted through the gap created by Luo Hu and into the armed formation.

The black-clad men seemed to realize I had slipped behind them and hastily tried to turn and shoot me.

However, as they turned their heads to face me, their bodies remained facing forward.

This bizarre situation occurred because, in the instant I dashed in, I had already "twisted" their heads around.

"Sorry, I accidentally twisted your heads off," I said, looking at them with a smile. Unfortunately, the eight men could no longer hear me.

In an instant, all the black-clad men knelt with their heads facing me and their chests outward, dead without a sound, creating an eerie scene.

Luo Hu, having snapped out of the illusion, saw the eight corpses with their heads twisted backward and turned pale, his skin crawling with goosebumps.

I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up, shouting towards the ceiling, "Samael, the 'trash' you spoke of has killed all your men. Do you have any more? Bring them all out!"

Despite my loud call, the Iron-faced Man remained silent.

Feeling puzzled, I turned to Luo Hu and asked, "Are there any other screens in this room?"

Luo Hu, trying to steady himself, replied, "N-no, the only Bible computer is already destroyed!"

I called out several times but received no response; it seemed communication with the Iron-faced Man had been cut off.

As I bent down beside one of the black-clad men to search for any communication devices, a strange feeling suddenly flashed through my mind.

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