
White Devil

Julius red hairs filled with white flames and his eyes was releasing flames of white colour and then he told the knight with pure anger "Let my father go or else I'll kill you and the only thing that will be left in your body will be your bones" The knight laughed at young Julius and told him "A punk like you giving threats to me? And what's wrong with your eyes and hair is this white fire? A punk like you have power like white fire and you're gonna die today that's a shame I'll spare just you if you come with me" Julius tells the knight "I'm not leaving without my family anywhere" Then the knight said "It's a shame you have to die but firstly I'll kill your father and your mother in front of you and then I'll kill you slowly while taking my time " Then the the knight draw his sword and merged it with his wind power a wind power that was strong enough to cut steel and then he moves toward kane and told him "I gave you a choice and you choose death" Then Julius told the knight "Get the hell away from my father you jerk" Julius pushed the night and used his power white fire. 

The white flames burned the knights sword that was emerged with his wind power the knight says "How can a child like you are using his power that much and that precisely to cut my power on the sword and broke my sword" At that moment it was like Julius wasn't himself his hairs were like a white rose on fire without saying any word he uses white flames on knights armor and the Knight's armor burned down not just his armor but his whole skin and limbs were burned with white flames all that's was left in Knight's body was just bones. He killed the knight without letting him fight back. A soldier from outside watching all of this yells " A devil,A devil in white, A white devil has come to kill us all he'll kill each one of us he had already killed the knight run for your life" 

The other soldiers laughed at him how can anyone from this village can kill a knight they are all weaklings. Then Julius came outside and then the soldier said "He's the one the white devil who killed the knight run for your life" The other soldier went to kill him..... 

The next morning.... 

Julius was unconscious he woke up after some time and what he saw was just bones all that left was bones that night 5000 soldiers one knight and 1878 dwarfs were killed. After seeing all that Julius was in tears. He said with tears in his eyes "Where are you mother father. Are you at home? Answer me mother father" He went to his home and he saw his house was burnt down not just his house all the houses their were all they all were burnt. At his house their were nothing left but just two skeletons. He hugged both his father and mother skeletons and starts crying loudly and said again and again "I'm sorry mother father I was not able to save you I'll kill everyone, everyone in Hittities I'll kill everyone" and then he buried his mother and father grave. 


The Hittities army were recruiting knights. A boy with red hair and red eyes with a little sword with him saw the posters on a wall that they were recruiting knights. That boy was none other then Julius he smirk and didn't say a word. The knight exams were held after three months. So in the mean time the candidates can send their name for registration. Julius send his name for registration. Then for 3 months he went to a mountain for training. 

3 months later.... 

In the Royal Palace The King speak loudly "I saw all the candidates have arrived. So Knight Santiago tell them about the exam" Knight Santiago replies with smile "As your wish my lord." Then Santiago tells the candidates about the exam Santiago loudly "Listen here you all there will be 1 test and the test is combat only 1 person will be selected as a royal knight I'll explain the rules to you all you 1000 candidates who are here you have to fight all out death will be allowed in this contest you may kill each other"  Santiago shouts loudy all the candidates who reached the arena "begin the fight" Then the fight started Julius merged his sword with white fire and he starts killing people one by one there was a girl whom Julius attack and cut her neck the next moment her neck was completely fine. Julius in desperation asks "Who the hell are and how did you did it" The girl answers with a smile "My name is Rosie and you think I'll tell you how I did it handsome"?Julius answers "fine have it your way i wish you reach in top 10 then I'll kill you with my own hand. Rosie with a smile " Aww I'll be waiting for you their handsome and i love to see that with my eyes by the way what's your name handsome " Julius responsed "My name is Julius I'll be waiting for you in top 10 don't you dare die by someone else's hand I will kill you"