
Breaking free from the cursed cage

As Olivia heard the word "harem," a mix of emotions floods through her. Surprise, confusion, and a tinge of hurt.

She took a moment to gather herself, her mind racing with questions. What does Azriel mean by going to his harem? Did she not fit the women in the harem?

Was she inferior to his other Mistresses? uncertainty gnawed at her. Then she suddenly came back to her senses.

Olivia's frustration boiled over, and in the moment of intense self-blame, she lashed out at herself, striking her own face.

The pain radiated through her, leaving her face flushed and her mind filled with regret.

'Idiot, Olivia how could you think such?!' she berated herself, her inner voice echoing her harsh words. The realization of her misplaced expectations hits her hard.

'You must be so stupid to let your heart flutter for a devil, knowing deep down that you're merely a captive, bound to him by your father's truce"

The weight of the situation weighed heavily on her, and she questions her very presence in this predicament.

Then suddenly, she began to laugh. Her laughter echoed through the room, mingling with tears streaming down her face.

It looked as if she'd gone mad, consumed by a mixture of emotions. Collapsing to the floor, she covered her face and sobbed uncontrollably, the pain and hurt engulfing her heart.

'Mom' In her despair, she softly called out for her mom.

Is her mom were to be alive, would she suffer like this?

Her thoughts drifted back to Azriel and his mention of harem, she knew he had most definitely gone to meet his other Mistresses, which was normal. She had no right to stop or question him.

She was nothing to him than his prisoner. These thoughts brought a feeling like a dagger being stabbed at her heart, tearing it apart into countless pieces.

The questions tormented her, swirling in her mind: Why must he seek the company of others? Why must he leave her feeling so alone? The weight of these thoughts crushed her, leaving her shattered and broken again.


Back at Mystoria,

King Alistair, trapped in the dog-like prison, lay there in helpless frustration, his teeth gritted in anger. The elders of Mystoria, gathered around the cursed cage, their hearts filled with pity for their king.

They had tirelessly attempted to free him from the clutches of this infamous cursed cage, but its grip remained unyielding. No one could escape its confines unless Israel, the one who created it, decided to release them.

The elders in the room, Lord Elias, Elder Echanter and Elder Warlock looked at King Alistair's pale face.

Lord Elias spoke first with conviction, "My king, don't worry. We will surely find a way to free you from this cursed cage. Have you tried pleading with Lord Azriel?"

King Alistair's eyes blazed with defiance as he locked gazes with Lord Elias. "I would sooner meet my demise than stoop to begging Azriel," He greeted his teeth while lying helplessly on the cold floor.

He of all people would never believe he would one day be treated like a dog and kept in a cage.

Azriel has really embarrassed him, and in front of all his subjects. He wished Azriel would die sooner.

It was good that the breath of life elixir, was stolen.

At least Erebos would never let the gates of Hell opened. That way, Azriel's life would be depleted and he would die!

"We won't rest until you are safely by our side again." Elder Warlock said this time, careful not to Anger Alistair.

In the midst of all this turmoil, the fate of Mystoria hung in the balance. The kingdom relied on King Alistair's wisdom and leadership, but his current state of rage and defiance threatened to unravel everything they had built.

Lord Elia knew that he had to try and break through to him, to remind him of his duty and the people who depended on him.

"Wait!" King Alistair suddenly exclaimed, realization igniting in his eyes. He turned to Elder Enchanter, urgency in his voice.

"Hurry up, cast a spell and summon Erebos for me. We need him here immediately. He's the only one who can free me from this wretched cage. Summon him without delay!"

The king's plea echoed through the chamber, his hope now resting on the arrival of the rogue Erebos.

In the realm of Hellothan, Erebos, the rogue had grown under the tutelage of Azriel, the devil himself. It was said that Erebos was second only to Azriel in terms of power, making him a formidable force to reckon with.

Elder Warlock wasted no time, his hands swiftly moving through intricate gestures. Uttering incantations that seemed like an ancient, mystical language to those unfamiliar, he summoned forth a shimmering portal. A portal, pulsating with vibrant green lights, materialized before their eyes, a gateway to another realm.

"Your majesty," Elder Warlock declared, bowing respectfully, "I shall now proceed to summon Erebos, the one who holds the knowledge you seek."

Alistair's voice rang out with urgency and determination, "Yes! Yes!! Bring him here with haste!" Despite his weakened state, Alistair summoned the strength to kneel, his eyes filled with a glimmer of hope.

Elder Warlock swiftly stepped through the portal, vanishing from sight as the portal closed behind him.

Lord Elias and the Elder Enchanter exchanged glances, their eyes speaking a silent language of concern and uncertainty. They turned their gaze back to the king, who sat with his head bowed, muttering words known only to himself.

Lord Elias let out a weary sigh and made his way to a corner, finding solace by the window, where he took a seat.

Bringing Erebos to Mystoria was not a good idea. Knowing fully Azriel's hatred for him.

They only hoped that Erebos's return to Mystoria wouldn't further enrage Azriel when he finds out, Their greatest desire was for Azriel to never know of Erebos's presence, avoiding his wrath upon discovering the truth.

The consequences of Azriel discovering Erebos in Mystoria would be catastrophic.

The resulting war could cause countless lives and homes in Hellothan to be destroyed, potentially leading to the downfall of the entire kingdom. It was crucial to keep Erebos's presence hidden to prevent such a dire outcome.

Lord Elias sighed slightly and looked outside the window to think of a countermeasure.