
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasie
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28 Chs


The man walked infront of them towering down at them with his height, then the man spoke "Youngings, I will not go easy on you because I've heard quite a bit about you two and I expect to see your strength".

"This will be your official trial, it's simple all you have to do is defeat Brock, it's not that hard", says the headmistress.

"Really? Best him??", Kean asks.

The headmistress smiles and says "Why yes, Brock is just an average soldier, he just like you are doing now has come and left the school and it's a two vs one so I see no reason why you can't beat him".

"Fine then, if it's our trial what will happen if we fail?", Kinea inquired.

"Well them i'd need to expell you", she responded.

The two sighed and begin removing their school cloak under which they wore skin tight black vests, they them drew out their weapons and got ready to fight.

"Miss, isn't this a bit hard for them", Rachel asks.

"Well, I wouldn't usually have given them Brock but your king said I should give the strongest person I have available", she responds.

"Jeez, why is that man so difficult…a soldier is just overkill", Maria says.

The twins draw out their weapons but the man only stood there glaring down at them, his gaze sending a wave of pressure on them which they tried to overcome.

"Come at me!",he bellows.

They dashed to him trying to hit him from his flanks but are easily dodged as he jumps high in the air before.

Before long though the twins go after him, dashing to him again with speed trying to catch him before he lands.

Kean went for a strong slash at his body but he spun his body while in the air and dodged the attack before kicking him away.

Kinea coming from straight behind trying to cut him with his two daggers but Brock put three fingers on the side of the daggers as he used the force as leverage to do a backflip behind him and deal a strong blow to his back.

"Come on, I expected more from you", he states.

"We're just getting started!", The twins bellow.

Kinea runs up in front and throws a dagger straight at him but he dodges it with minimal fuss, Kean then comes from behind him and tries to slice him with it but Brock barely manages to dodge it barely cuts his cheek.

They send a fury of attacks but they're almost all blocked off, Brock grabs the two of them by their head, spins and throws them to the walls.

They immediately blitz back to Brock and send a fury of attacks from left, right and centre but Brock dodged them almost effortlessly.

Brock clenches his fist and slams his foot onto the ground causing large tremors and a large crater on the ground.

The shockwave pushes them into the air and Brock raises his fist and a flash of lightning through his hands then he dashes to the twins holding them by their necks and driving their heads through the ground.

"Isn't this a bit too much?", Oscar asks.

"Well of course this isn't a real trial, I merely wanted to gauge their power", the headmistress says.

"Anyways, Oscar your up…I never really tested your power properly", she says.

"Me! Are you serious?!", he inquires.

"I heard you were the master of the staff, I wanna see you in action", she says.

"Come on Oscar, you got this!!", Rachel cheers.

Oscar sighs and says "But I'm not even with my staff".

"Don't worry, I got one hear", the headmistress says while pointing to a long wooden staff on her hand.

Oscar hissed as she throws him the staff, it was made of fine strong brown wood which was almost his height.

Oscar glared at Brock and confidently took his stance, he held his staff by the middle and pushed his hand back while putting the opposite feet and hand forward.

Brock gestures for the twins to get out of the way as they get up still a bit shaky after the sparring match and walk to the side.

Oscar runs to him and proceeds to jab at him with his staff, but Brock dodges it and goes for an uppercut. Oscar noticing this moves his head on time to dodge the attack but he's met with a fury of blows.

While he manages to block some of them off using his staff, Brock parries it to the side and lands a deadly punch straight to his face.

Oscar flies back but manages to use his staff and try and hold himself, he then darts back at him swinging his staff.

He manages to get a few hits in but his attackers are mainly blocked off. Brock then tries to sweep his legs but he uses his staff as leverage and goes above him, immediately landing and going for a kick to his face.

Using his extreme flexibility Brock bends his body enough to dodge the kick and then goes through his side. Now facing him head-on, he clenches his fist and a flash of blue lightning is seen.

Oscar blocks his abdomen with his staff as Brock throws a strong punch at him but stopped a few inches from the staff. At first there was nothing but then the staff in blocking him shatters and a high gust of wind pushed Oscar to the wall.

Oscar hits the wall and falls as he begins coughing and gasping for air. Brock on the other hand puts his hands behind him and takes a bow stating "Thank you all for the match".

The headmistressss claps before saying "Indeed it was quite the daring match".

"Alright then, why don't we all rest up for the day and continue on tomorrow", she states.

She then gets up and begins walking away but then turns back and looks at the three boys and then the girls before glaring at them all.

"You are all close to the same age but I want no funny business, you hear me?!", she questions.

"Yes ma'am!", they all answer.

"Good, come on Brock we gotta leave", she says while finally leaving with Brock following her from behind.


Well here we are at the 20th chapter, I really wanna thank everyone who has kept on reading upon my bad upload time due to school. I’m still a beginner when it comes to writing but I’m happy with my work…still it’s more like a manga than anything else and I do plan to make it one but that’s for another day. Just thank you all for reading this far and I’ll continue to bring out quality.

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