
Deviant Saga

A story of a man and woman, childhood sweethearts and happily married for more than 10 years. But does the man know how his life is going to change once his wife enters a bigger world than the one he lives in? A world where his wife has to traverse unknown dangers for the greater good. Will the unconditional love between them be tested? How are their decisions going to affect each other's lives? Go ahead and read Deviant Saga...a dark, heart burning story. WARNING : This novel contains Heavy NTR and Corruption Content meant only for those seeking NTR stories. Join my discord -> https://discord.gg/nVDKdcNDW7 Support me and for Extra chapters -> https://patreon.com/thesinfulqueen

SinfulQueen · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Want Me To Compensate?

A soft smile played on Clara's lips as she wrapped her arms around Alex. "I managed to leave a little early today, so I thought I'd surprise you," she murmured against his chest, "I've always wanted to see you at your workplace," In her mind, she thought she was lucky she came to visit him and didn't want to imagine what Speed King might have done to him if it wasn't for her.

Alex reciprocated the embrace, his arms firm around her. He leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead, "That's sweet of you, honey," he said, a gentle chuckle accompanying his words, "You could have seen me in action if you'd come a bit earlier."

Their quiet moment was abruptly interrupted by the frantic patter of running footsteps approaching them.

Alex turned and was surprised to see Alice bounding towards them, her face a picture of excitement. However, as she laid eyes on Clara, her pace slowed, and her grin faltered. "C-Clara?" Alice stuttered, her previous enthusiasm drained.

With one arm still secured around Alex's waist, Clara squared her shoulders, her eyes narrowing slightly as she turned to face Alice.

She held Alice's gaze, her voice rising to cut through the tension, "What brings you here, Alice? I heard you are still being a troublesome intern for my husband," she said, her tone giving away more than a hint of suspicion.

Alice let out a hollow chuckle, disbelief glimmering in her eyes, "You must have heard wrong, Clara." In a swift motion, she darted towards Alex, her arms wrapping around one of his. A provocative smile played on her lips as she tilted her head up to look at Clara. "Actually, I've been the opposite of troublesome. Alex even called me a 'good girl' today," she retorted, her voice carrying a proud undertone.

Clara's eyes subtly narrowed at the sight of Alice clinging to Alex. Her lips curled into a poised smile, her hand sliding over Alex's chest with a proprietorial ease. "Well, my husband has a tendency to say nice things, Alice. He's a gentleman, and that's one of the many reasons why I married him," Clara shot back, the sweetness in her voice laced with an unmissable edge of warning.

Alice's smile wavered, her lips pursing as she absorbed Clara's words. She knew Clara was implicitly asserting her territory and that left a sour taste in her mouth.

"Well, since it seems you ran all the way here to see your boss off," Clara finally announced, tugging Alex towards her, her gaze unwavering from Alice's. "You can leave now."

Alex kept switching his gaze between the two, wondering why there was some kind of tension in the air.

"I just wanted to give him back his pen he forgot, hmph!" Alice pulled out a pen from her pocket as she slowly nudged it into Alex's pocket while sweetly gazing at him.

"Thank you, Alice. I must have left it in a hurry but you shouldn't have gone to the trouble of bringing it to me," Alex said with a look of concern and appreciation.

"Oh, it's noth—"

"It's okay, honey. She is your intern after all and it is normal for an intern to do these menial things. But now we have to get home," Clara said with a subtle smile as she opened the door and gestured to Alex to get in.

"Thanks again, Alice. I will see you tomorrow," Alex said with a smile.

Alice relinquished her grip on Alex's arm, a look of silent aggrievement flashing across her face as she watched Clara get into the car with him.

As they took off, Alice put out her tongue and mocked some actions of Clara before storming off.

The car engine hummed softly, the lone sound breaking through the comfortable silence of the car. Alex focused on the road ahead while Clara sat beside him, her arms crossed, lost in thought. Finally, she broke the silence, her voice echoing slightly inside the confines of the car.

"Alex, don't you think you are spoiling your intern too much?" She asked, glancing at him with a thoughtful expression. "Indulging her might only encourage her to make more trouble for you."

Alex's lips curved into a smile at her concern. His gaze remained on the road, but his tone was light when he spoke. "Honey, even if Alice is a bit mischievous, she's a good girl at heart. I don't believe she would intentionally make things difficult for me," he assured, adding a bit of fondness in his tone. "Besides, her liveliness keeps things interesting in the office. The days are far from boring with her around."

Clara pressed her lips together, taking in his words. Her gaze softened, and she let out a soft sigh, finally nodding in acceptance. "Well, as long as you're happy, I suppose I have no complaints," she conceded, her voice carrying a hint of defeat and yet a slight sense of uneasiness.

Soon, they had reached home and Alex took a bath and went down to the kitchen to have some tea.

After a few minutes, the sound of gentle footsteps against the wooden floor reached Alex's ears. Setting down his tea cup, he looked up just as Clara descended the last step, her figure emerging from the shadows of the staircase. The soft glow of the evening light streaming through the open window doused her in a soft, ethereal glow. She was wearing a seductive black dress that hugged her body like a second skin, accentuating her hourglass figure and amplifying her allure.

The fabric, a combination of delicate lace and silk, was sheer at the midriff, revealing her well-toned navel. The plunging neckline, held together by a delicate silver chain, was suggestive, drawing attention to her ample bosom while leaving just enough to the imagination. The dress fell to mid-thigh, her toned legs exposed and adding to her alluring appeal. Her golden hair was left untied, cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall of gold, glimmering in the ambient light.

"Alex," she said, her voice low, rich, and inviting as she approached him, green eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "I feel like I haven't been giving enough attention to my man. Do you want me to compensate for it?" She leaned against him slowly, her pose nonchalant but her gaze anything but seductive.

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