
Deviant Saga

A story of a man and woman, childhood sweethearts and happily married for more than 10 years. But does the man know how his life is going to change once his wife enters a bigger world than the one he lives in? A world where his wife has to traverse unknown dangers for the greater good. Will the unconditional love between them be tested? How are their decisions going to affect each other's lives? Go ahead and read Deviant Saga...a dark, heart burning story. WARNING : This novel contains Heavy NTR and Corruption Content meant only for those seeking NTR stories. Join my discord -> https://discord.gg/nVDKdcNDW7 Support me and for Extra chapters -> https://patreon.com/thesinfulqueen

SinfulQueen · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Her Heart Condition

Alex pulled into the parking lot of the GDA building, parking his car with practiced ease.

As he stepped out, his gaze was drawn to a large banner draped across the side of an adjacent building.

An image of a chiseled, muscular, black Deviant Hero graced the banner, flashing a bright smile to the world, "Speed King recommends Turbo Energy Drinks," the bold, neon letters declared.

Shaking his head, Alex couldn't help but smile at the marketing gimmick.

He straightened his tie and shrugged on his white official coat, the GDA logo proudly embroidered on the chest. His ID card hung from a lanyard around his neck, swinging gently as he walked.

He made his way toward the imposing GDA building, its steel and glass structure reflecting the bright morning sun. The doors parted automatically as he approached, and a scanner hummed, quickly analyzing his ID card and letting him in.

Inside, the GDA was a hive of busy activity. The interiors were sleek and modern, with large screens showcasing news about Deviant activities and the GDA's accomplishments.

People moved about with purpose, their steps echoing on the polished marble floor. Most were too engrossed in their tasks to notice Alex nor did most of them really know him.

Alex was also in a world of his own as he pulled on his rectangular spectacles and walked straight towards his office.

He held a stack of case files under his arm, the documentation for the Deviants he was to counsel today. The hustle and bustle of GDA was an everyday occurrence for him, yet there was something reassuring about the consistent rhythm of the agency's life.

His mind already preoccupied with the tasks ahead, Alex slipped past the glass doors of his office, ready to delve into another day of serving the heroes of the city.

As Alex approached his office, he could hear the faint hum of an old rock and roll tune. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he recognized the unmistakable signs of his unruly young intern's early arrival. With her ceaseless energy, she had a habit of starting her day with an enthusiastic round of office karaoke.

Opening the door, he found an adorable and glamorously beautiful 20 year old woman swivelling in his office chair, her brown hair cascading in waves around her shoulders. She was engrossed in a set of photo frames that were placed on his desk, her eyebrows knitted together in deep thought while her front teeth was biting into her lower lip.

"Don't you think it's too early for karaoke, Alice?"

At the sound of the door and hearing his voice, she jumped, hastily placing the photo frames back on the table. Alex noticed that they were photos of Clara.

"Oh, Dr. Alex!" Alice exclaimed, hastily getting up from his chair.

She wore a fine red midi dress that flattered her hourglass figure, her ample bosom bouncing slightly with the abrupt motion while revealing her enticing cleavage.

However, the innocence in her big blue eyes was hard to miss, and yet, there was a fiery determination that shone from within.

"Good morning, Dr. Alex," she greeted, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush, "I was just admiring these beautiful photographs of your wife, she's a very lucky woman even if…she is a bit old," She said with a cheery smile, though a hint of bitterness was quite evident in her voice not that she tried to hide it.

Alex, for his part, merely smiled as he walked over to his table and picked up one of the photo frames of Clara with warmth in his eyes, "She is only 4 years older than me. Even if 10 years pass I bet she will still look the same."

Alice pouted upon seeing Alex admiring the photograph of that cow.

She twirled a strand of her brown hair around her finger, a cheeky smile adorning her face, "Well, Dr. Alex," she began, leaning against the desk, her eyes locked onto his, "Not all of us have been blessed with such eternal youth. Some of us have to work for our beauty."

She turned to the picture he was holding, her eyebrows raised in playful arrogance, "But you know, I've been told I have quite the young, refreshing energy. That could do wonders to keep a cute man like you young, don't you think?" She laughed a bubbly, vibrant laugh that echoed through the room.

Alex, who was used to her way of talking after working with her for more than a year, let out a small laugh, nodding at Alice's words, her humour often being a refreshing start to his day.

"Oh, Alice. I am only 25 years old but your energy is indeed refreshing. It makes our office brighter, and I am sure it keeps us all younger," Alex said, his tone playful.

"That isn't how I meant…" Alice mumbled with pursed lips.

Alex went on, "But remember, beauty isn't always about youth. It's also about kindness, wisdom, and grace."

Alice snorted playfully as she gave a wide, pretty smile while lifting the ends of her coat, "I too am kind, wise and graceful."

Alex chuckled as he patted her head and placed the photo frame back on his desk and then looked at Alice, his gaze softening, "Besides, Clara is more than just a beautiful angel to me. She's my world, and that won't change."

Alice crossed her arms and asked with a pout, "What makes her so special. Is it because you two grew up together?"

Alex leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face as he thought back to those days. His gaze turned distant, and there was a nostalgic gleam in his eyes. "It's more than that, Alice," he began, his voice softer than usual.

"You see, when I was a kid, I was bullied quite a lot. We were poor, and my school for Deviants was filled with privileged kids who had a lot more influence and power than I did. They knew I was a Class 5 Deviant, so I was basically their easy target."

Alice's playful demeanor was replaced with a look of shock and sadness. "Oh, Dr. Alex... That's awful!" she exclaimed, slamming her fist on the desk with a look of determination, "If I were there, I would've smashed their balls into a paste!"

Her outburst startled him, but he couldn't help but chuckle at her vehement reaction. He also didn't doubt her words since she was a Class 3 Deviant who had emotion manipulation powers that were quite helpful in de-escalating any situation with a patient and also had minor telekinesis ability, allowing her to move small to medium objects with just her mind.

But more than that, she was coming from an influential family, making him still wonder why she was still sticking around him when she was smart and capable enough to rise to something higher than an intern.

"Ahha…But you know what, even without such a...um, unique intervention, things eventually got better."

He paused, his eyes glistening with warmth as he continued, "Even though Clara was just my neighbor back then, she somehow found out about what was happening. She transferred to my school, and the most amazing thing is...the bullying stopped."

Alice frowned at his story, finding it hard to piece together, "Wait a minute," she interjected, "Clara is a Level 5 Deviant. She couldn't have possibly stopped all those bullies on her own!" Alice said with a hint of conceit in her tone.

Alex nodded and said, "Well, she didn't take any violence route but somehow convinced the teachers to help me out and then the bullies never dared to approach me. She said it was only possible due to the principal being impressed with her grades in her previous school."

Alice furrowed her brows, feeling that something felt amiss in this story, though she knew there was no point in making Alex ponder about it.

Upon hearing Alex continue to sing his wife's praises, Alice felt a pinch in her heart and decided to pivot the conversation in a more amusing direction. The corners of her lips curved upwards into a playful smile, her blue eyes gleaming with curiosity and mischief, "You know, I've always wondered," she began, resting her elbows on the table and leaning forward, "With that emotion sensing ability of yours, don't you ever... I don't know," she paused, rolling a pencil between her fingers, "Use your powers to sense Clara's emotions or ask her to share some of her memories? That way you can even experience some of the international trips she goes on without leaving your house."

Alex softly shook his head with a smile, "There is no need for that. I know what she feels even without having to use my ability. I also refrain from asking to take a look at her memories since her work at Luminara Corps is confidential. Her work involves taking care of refugees and people who are either running away from terrorist governments or dangerous rogue Deviants. I wouldn't want to compromise her job in any way or accidentally. It is also my personal rule to never use my powers unless it is for a clinical purpose."

Alice clicked her tongue with a disappointed look, "You shouldn't refrain from using your powers for fun, Dr. Alex. But…" Her lips curled into a grin as she offered him her hand, "Can you try and sense my emotions? I am sure you will feel overwhelmed by it."

Alex chuckled as he shook his head, "As I said, unless its for cli—"

"It is a clinical thing, doctor," She rubbed her chest with a pitiful and sad look, "Look, my heart is in pain and I think only you can fix it, Dr. Alex."


Alex smiled and flicked her forehead gently as he said, "That can only be fixed if you stop fooling around and get me the list of patients I have to see today."

Alice rubbed her forehead with a pout as she got up with a huff, "Fine…But I will keep being your intern until you fix my condition, hehe," She giggled as she careened out of his office.

Alex could only helplessly shake his head with a smile before shifting his focus to the files on the table.

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