
Deviant Saga

A story of a man and woman, childhood sweethearts and happily married for more than 10 years. But does the man know how his life is going to change once his wife enters a bigger world than the one he lives in? A world where his wife has to traverse unknown dangers for the greater good. Will the unconditional love between them be tested? How are their decisions going to affect each other's lives? Go ahead and read Deviant Saga...a dark, heart burning story. WARNING : This novel contains Heavy NTR and Corruption Content meant only for those seeking NTR stories. Join my discord -> https://discord.gg/nVDKdcNDW7 Support me and for Extra chapters -> https://patreon.com/thesinfulqueen

SinfulQueen · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Couple Story

Strolling down the glistening streets of the city, Clara constantly tugged at her sleeveless sparkly dress, her fingers brushing the soft, intricate fabric that seemed to catch and reflect every ray of light.

The dress, shimmering with a mesmerizing golden hue, hugged her figure gracefully.

Its shimmer seemed almost like a cascade of golden raindrops, every sequin expertly stitched to create a wave of allure with her every movement. The low-cut back added an element of sophistication, while the modest slit on one side revealed just enough of her leg to add an edge of allure without compromising elegance. Despite its beauty, Clara's unfamiliarity with such extravagant attire was evident in her every gesture.

Her eyes were also constantly darting side to side upon feeling a lot of gazes landing on her, making her wonder if she really looks strange in this.

But she had no idea that the men of all ages passing past her had their gaze burning onto her hour-glass figure.

The way her breasts were pushing up against her dress and the deep cleavage they created was not the least alluring sight. She was also tall with such beautiful, slender legs and a graceful face that made their faces green with jealousy upon seeing the burly, handsome man walking beside her.

John, unable to resist, chuckled as he watched her. "You really aren't used to wearing dresses like this, are you?"

She shot him a playful, slightly exasperated look. "What gave you that idea?"

He shrugged, his eyes scanning her appreciatively. "Honestly? It's a shame. That dress looks like it was made just for you."

Clara's cheeks tinged a soft pink. "There's no need to flatter me more than the dress already does. I haven't felt this embarrassed in a while."

John laughed, "Seriously, Clara. Take a longer look in the mirror sometime. Most women would kill for a reflection like yours."

Her smile, initially skeptical, grew more genuine, making her eyes sparkle almost as much as her dress. "Thank you, Johnny. And might I add, seeing you all suited up is a rare and refreshing sight. It suits you."

He struck a pose, flexing jokingly, his grin cheeky. "Well, of course, it does. I already know how dashing I look."

Minutes passed as they made some casual talk as usual. Her heels clicked softly against the cobblestone path as they continued walking. The bright city lights, evening chatter, and distant music were ambient, but the conversation between the two agents was focused and intense.

"Do we really need to spend several days alone to perfect this couple facade?" Clara asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

John nodded, his gaze never wavering from the road ahead. "It wasn't my idea, but it makes sense. We need to know our backstory inside and out. One slip, one little inconsistency, and the whole operation could crumble."

Clara sighed, "I get it. We can't afford to make mistakes…"

John glanced at her, his eyes showing a hint of amusement. "Well, let's get started then. I'm Jack in this story, remember? Struck gold with crypto. But not before I fell head over heels for you back in college."

A slight smirk appeared on Clara's face as she played along. "Ah, college... where I was just an ordinary girl named Chloe. Until one day, I got that inheritance letter. I didn't even know my grandfather was aware of my existence. But suddenly, I was a multi-millionaire. And not long after, I married my rich college boyfriend."

John grinned, "And we lived happily ever after?"

Clara smirked, "I don't think we need to go that far."

The two continued to delve deeper into their fictional love story, perfecting every nuance and detail. As they walked through the city, they unknowingly began to act more like a couple, laughing at shared memories that never happened, with John making jokes out of it, some of which Clara found quite funny.

The city's backdrop seemed to glow as they approached a beautifully lit building, the entrance of which was adorned with vines and softly glowing fairy lights. The facade had an old-world charm, making it a picturesque location for couples.

John halted in his steps, turning to Clara. "This is a good spot. Let's get that first photo."

Clara blinked in surprise. "Now?"

"Yeah, the lighting is perfect," John remarked as he took out his phone.

She instinctively stepped back, readying herself for a usual pose behind John, when he suddenly caught her hand. Without warning, he intertwined his fingers with hers, lifting their hands up together to include it in the frame.

"Say 'cheese'!" he said with a playful grin.

Clara's heart missed a beat. The warmth of his hand, the unexpected closeness of their bodies, it was jarring for her. The only hand she had held this way, the only fingers she had intertwined with were Alex's. The memory of her husband's touch was imprinted in her mind, making this moment with John feel all the more awkward.

But she forced a smile, reminding herself that she already expected this and she had to think professionally just like John.

The phone clicked, capturing the moment.

Once the photo was taken, John released her hand, immediately scrolling through the photo. "Not bad," he remarked with satisfaction. "We look quite great together. What do you think?" John asked as he showed her the photo.

Clara flexed her fingers, trying to shake off the slight odd feeling. "Good," she replied with a subtle awkward smile, though she then took a look at the photo and felt that it was not really bad as she expected.

Just like John said, the dress wasn't making her look that strange or weird.

But she wondered and asked, "So…how many photos should we be taking in total?"

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