
Detective Marries The Mafia

I never thought my first-ever private mission would be a failure. On top of that, getting kidnapped was the worst mishap one could ever have in their life. And above all, getting kidnapped as a detective was just a loss of pride... But surprisingly, as the humid night passed with freezing fear, the path of opportunities to resume my mission grew. At a certain point of time, two options were slapped on my face; Either Become a Slave Or Become a Bride Of course, I chose to be the slave because... "No, you can't!" Eagle declared. "Why can't I?" He didn't reply, instead took my hand in his and sang across the Ghost Court, "I, Beloved of Ghost City, Ghost of the Moon's and Eagle of White, hereby declare myself to be your husband by law and by heart." WHAT!?

Thefireball · Urban
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14 Chs

Before you read

There are several factors in the novel which might confuse you people. So, to minimise those I advise you to read this.

1. This is not a fantasy novel, it's a contemporary urban romance with some spices of mystery and action.

2. Ghost City is not a fantasy town. It's an organisation,( although I said it in synopsis) a mafia organization of liberals.

Why is it named Ghost City?

It's because nobody knows where the organisation exist, who are the members, or where they reside. Where they hold their meeting and how they work. Everything is still a phantom mystery for the royals and the general public. Hence, the name of Ghost City is given to them.

3. Although the story is set in the modern world, the government structure it follows is conservative monarchy system.

Here's their hierarchy system.

i. Elites:- Holds highest status in Hazael. This title includes, the royal family, priest and nobles.

ii. Tycoon:- Respected by Dregs but are slave to Elites. Include merchants, government service worker ( police, lawyer, etc)

iii. Dregs:- Holds lowest status in Hazael. They are the poorest, mistreated class. Includes the farmer, shopkeeper, villagers etc.

4. Ghost City Hierarchy system:

i. Devil: The leader of Ghost City. ( There is only one Devil)

ii. Demons: Assistants to Devil. ( There are two Demons)

iii. Phantom: Ghost Societies leaders and judges of the Ghost court. ( There are four Phantom)

vi. Ghost: The group leader or bosses under Ghost Societies. ( There are eight Ghosts, two under each societies)

v. Hunter: Unranked member, working under Ghost.(Unlimited)

5. Ghost Societies:

Colour Society Name Leader's Name

a. White-masked: Moon Society White Phantom

b. Orange-masked: Sun Society Orange Phantom

c. Blue-masked: Sky Society Blue Phantom

d. Black-masked: Galaxy Society Black Phantom