
Detective's life-long dream

----------------------------------------------- "My name is Ravena Oakenwood, the new detective in the investigation team." I'm Ravena, my friend usually calls me Raven. I'm from Jamaica, and now I'm almost 23 years old. To my surprise, I'm now promoted to be a new-officially detective!! To be a detective, is my dream since I'm in elementary school. I was so interested in this occupation. And now I'm so proud of myself. But in the other hand, I feel so nervous standing in front of A-class detectives, I have to do this, it's my dream! ...Now I just realized that being a detective is not that easy, it's so damn complicated. Do I really wanna done this thing? or it's just a crazy dream of me? -----------------------------------------------

kakifuka · Teenager
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9 Chs


When my eyes flutter open, I blink several times to get used to the sight. Two armed men were greeting my vision, as I fought back the urge to scream. What happened when I was asleep? What the…?

I heard the men are talking to one another seriously but I don't know what they are talking about. I slowly recovering my memories before I was asleep, but no clues could tell me who are these guys. I was back from the funeral and I didn't even take a bath before I go to sleep.

My gaze fixed to the weapon the man was holding, there must be a way to checkmate him, I thought to myself while hopelessly groan the pain from the tight grip of the hard rope sealing my wrist.

I cannot move, I'm completely helpless in this condition. How could I sleep not knowing there are strangers in my house? That's why the door is locked!

How could I be this lazy not to check on my own security?

"Hey, you! You're awake!"


"What's your name, Uh? Ugly?"

By the sound of how he is talking to me, at the first glance I think he's drunk. But the strong urge tell me that this guy is extremely dangerous and not drunk, he have all the weapon that can kill me in a split second if I dare to fight back.

Now I'm unarmed and effortlessly to fight two armed men with broad muscles and well-performed to threaten a girl. And I am that girl, I thought to myself as I am planning my next step in order to escape.

Aha! Finally, my brain able to think of some plan.

"U-uh w-where am I?"

My plan is to be acting as a weak girl who cannot protect herself and then get the chance when they actually believe my effortlessness to harm them.

"What? Do you blind? You have no rights to ask!"

He reply harshly almost reach a scream. I instantly reply weakly, surely it's an acting.

"S-sorry I …"


The chair I been sitting is now lying on the floor with me tied to it. A groan escaped my lips, and I started to cry weakly, again, it's an acting.

"Get her up!"

The man with the aura of mafia order his servant to get me up, almost drag me up. Another man pulled my wrists and cut the rope that tied my arms together. Now I'm free, I have to get this opportunity.

I stood still and mumble weakly under my breath so he wouldn't hear me curse him. He get a strong grip on my arms, it hurts badly I almost bur into tears of pain.

That's it! Hold me still!

I bowed low and act like a weak girl that almost fell to the floor from pain. That's it! One, two, three…


The man fell back on the floor and moan with pain in agony. Seconds earlier I bowed low and spring up so that my head would hit his nose. Another man yell in panic and hop backward ready to fired a bullet.

I grab the man gun that's lying on the floor and shot him the scariest look I cop make now, if look cold kill, then he'll be a cold, white corpse now.

"Put that down or I'll shoot you!"

His voice was calm, clear but full of panic. I know he is scared.

"Same to you… uh?"

I replied with a grin spread across my face, now that the table have turned, I have rights to ask now. And my first question is…

"Who sent you to harm me?"

"Our boss, you'll never know him you b*tch!"

I ignored his rudeness and reply thoughtfully.

"So… your boss sent you here, and I'll never know who's your boss… and if I'll know soon?"

"Never!, never even if you put the shotgun to my head!"

His reply was full of confidence and that proof he's faithful to his boss, who ever he is. I gave up on squeeze the truth from him so I planned to send them to the DCFC.

"fine if you don't wanna tell me… but know that you two'll never see the light of days again!"

I snapped as fury mingled inside me. I pick up ropes from the floor and tie his wrists together the way he did to me.

Minutes later, I was texting my detective teammate to help me bring these men to the DCFC, although I didn't even know where I am now… so, I really needs help.


"Are you hurt? Did they harm you? Oh god I was so worry about you!"

"Thanks for coming, I'm fine… let's hurry up!"

Catherine Dominic, my teammate immediately came to help me since she got my text. Seconds later we are settled safely in the police van and she as the one driving under the dim horizon. Even though I can't drive.

Shortly after not so long travel, we reached our destination, we climbed out of the car and held the guys who kidnapped me into the building. When we stepped inside the air conditioner made us feel comfortable like being at home, of cause this is detective's home.

"I'll be sending them down stairs, you wait here, you need some rest"

I nodded my head in agreement, that's not the question but almost an order. She's right, I need some rest, I thought to myself as I sit there and closed my eyes.

Why do I always end up getting trouble? With a sight, I fell asleep according to my tiredness.


"Hey, wake up! It's late!"

Catherine's voice reached my ear made me blinked several times to force my eyelids to open. My gaze met her and when I didn't respond she said gingerly.

"You were asleep here all night."

She looks worry for me, but I'm fine.

"Thanks… I'm fine, don't worry."

I assured her to cease her worry, but she seem not to be convinced. She then sighted and sit down beside me. Silence lapsed between us as we were wrapped in our own thoughts. I looked at the wall clock and shock to see it's already nine a.m. but why the PS seem so quiet?

"Where are the others?"

I asked her without looking at her, it's weird, it's already nine but no one come to work?

"Ravena… look where you are…"

Realization hit me hard like sharp lightning, we are in the detective's private office room. That's surely Catherine's office. So last night she bring me here for my own privacy, thanks god, I can't imagine I sleep on the waiter's chair in the DCFC.

"Thanks again, I think we're going to work or else captain will hit our butt"

She laughed at my joke and then nodded her head in agreement, she led me to the door and we strode to the changing room. We change to our uniform and get our tools, ready for a fight.