
Destroying NTR Stories as Jugram

I was an average person in my life. My grades, my friends and family, everything was average. I read manga and watched anime, but there was one genre in manga and anime that I didn't like, NTR. For as long as I can remember, I have hated NTR with all my heart. One day I died a cliché death to Truck-kun while crossing the road. When I opened my eyes, something beyond my expectations happened. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Don't expect regular updates. English is my second language so be ready for some grammar mistakes. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

5thPleiades · Anime und Comics
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Soon I began to hear the voices I had been waiting for.

"AAHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK! WHY CAN I FEEL WHAT IT'S DOING TO ME!?!" Gojo screamed aloud. The expression on his face was truly spectacular.

"Why are you so surprised? I told you I stole your power, so it's strange that you're surprised." I said with a normal smile.

"Or did you think I was lying, telling you that to scare you?" I asked further, smiling at him.

The rat that was put there was not a normal rat, of course. It was a special mouse that had been experimented on. Normally, if it was forced, it would break the bucket and run away. But the experiments on it change its decision system and prioritize attacking human flesh.

For this reason, what would normally have been a long process was shortened.


It hadn't even entered his flesh yet, so I didn't understand why he was screaming so much. He must have a really low pain tolerance.

"What do you want, heh? Money? Women? Or power? I've got all of them you could ever want. So let me go now or some very powerful people who are watching over me will come and kill you." Gojo was talking nonsense. What good would his power do to me? I had already defeated him. As for those who would rescue him, I would gladly give them Gojo if they managed to get here.

Besides, the power he was so proud of is already mine. Even if it's temporary.

"I wouldn't be in such a hurry, Gojo. Our friend in the bucket hasn't started his tunnel yet. Maybe I'll let you go after he's had a taste of you." I wanted to give him some hope.

"No! You will release me now, or I will make you regret you ever lived." My patience with Gojo was wearing thin.

"Looks like that friend over there doesn't want you to go." The rat had finally pierced the skin of the abdomen. Now it was time for the flesh.

"Damn it, let me out now. Or I'll kill you and all your loved ones." Yeah, that's all I had the patience for. It was time for him to shut up.

I wiped the fake smile I was holding on my face and spoke looking at him. "Just wait a bit, I'll be right there." I said and left the room we were in and went somewhere else.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? Get this fucking rat off me right now. Argh, enough with the gnawing!?!" I could hear him yelling even though I had left the room.

A minute and a half later I came into the room with a strange-looking device in my hand.

This torture device was called the Pear of Anguish.

This heinous contraption was used during the Middle Ages as a way to torture women who were accused of facilitating a miscarriage. It was also used to punish liars, blasphemers, and homosexuals. The device was inserted into one of the prisoner's orifices; the vagina for women, the anus for homosexuals, and the mouth for liars and blasphemers.

The device featured four metal leaves that slowly separated from each other as the torturer turned the screw at the top. The torturer could use it to tear the skin or expand it to its maximum size to mutilate the victim. It rarely caused death, but was often followed by other torture methods.

The rat had come a long way too. Now he's got his head in his flesh, eating the nerves there.

"I wonder if you'll be able to talk after this. Let's start." I said. I came near his head and I forced his mouth open. Then I put the device in his mouth.

"Mhnn Mhnnn Helmmm MHMMMM!!!" I couldn't understand what he was saying because of the mechanism in his mouth. That's what I preferred.

"Here I go." I said and started to turn the screw on the device. As I turned it, the 4 metal leaves in its mouth opened.

Gradually the metal leaves became wider and wider. Because of this, Gojo's mouth began to open too wide.

He could only respond by shaking his head. The pain of the rat and what was about to happen had already given him enough fear.

But I wasn't going to stop there, so I turned the screw even more. Gojo's mouth was now abnormally open.

That wasn't enough for me, so I kept on turning and turning. Gojo's mouth couldn't seem to open any wider, but I knew the way. I turned with a little force and the metal petals expanded even more. Then the flesh on Gojo's cheeks began to rip and tear.

I took one look at the mouse and it pleased me. Half of its body was already inside Gojo's belly. It was gnawing and eating everything in sight.

Gojo, of course, couldn't even scream about it. The only sound that came out of him was the sound of his throat as he cried.

"I think that's enough. If I go on any longer, your sanity will die from the trauma and the pain to your nerves." After saying that, I put the device back into its closed state and took it out of his mouth.

I put out the fire in the bucket and put it away. I picked up the mouse with my reishi-covered hand and put it back in its cage. "Good job, buddy."

I glanced at Gojo and witnessed his state. His mouth was free, but he was not speaking. Or rather, he couldn't speak. He also had a huge hole in his belly.

"Well, did your friends come to your aid? I'll tell you a secret, Gojo. Even if those people behind you could come here, they wouldn't. Why is that? Because they wouldn't want to fight someone who defeated even you. I'm sorry, but that's the truth." I spoke to him as I untied the bindings on his hands and feet.

"It's time to go. Now that you're free of me, are you happy?" I throw him over my shoulder again like a sack. And asked him.

No answer came as I expected.

I didn't worry about it and used the Sternritter badge. We were back to the tower where we fought.

When I came to the place where we fought, three people were standing there as if they were waiting for me.

All three of them rejoiced when they saw Gojo on my back. "Was it you who defeated that man? Sirzechs asked me.

"Yes, it was me." I answered. It was raining terribly outside. And the castle had no walls, so it was coming in. I made a white coat out of reishi and put it on so I wouldn't get wet.

"We cannot thank you enough. I'm calling for reinforcements now, so they can provide security if his allies attack." Sirzechs bowed to me and thanked me sincerely.

"I am here. What better security can there be?" I frowned and said while putting some pressure on them. Water ran down my coat as I spoke.

"You're right." All three answered and gulped.

I threw Gojo to the ground and started walking toward a random shadow. "I did something to him. If you don't give him phoenix tears now, he'll probably bleed to death. So hurry up. Also, as for the power to not take external damage, don't worry about that either. I took it away with the help of a ritual, so you can do whatever you want with him." Even though I lied about what I did to his power, most of it was true.

"I leave it up to you. If you screw up, it's your responsibility." I used the badge again and went back to Silbern through the shadows.

Before I left, I could hear them all sincerely paying their respects and thanking me.

I could have killed Gojo if I wanted to, but I didn't. Because they need to get it off their chest too. In the end, Gojo hurt them more. So I took his power and gave him to them.

'I stole his power temporarily and it'll be back to him in 10 minutes. Then it won't be what I want. But I've found a way to prevent that. If I go to another universe with Gojo's power, I don't think it can return to him. After all, there's a wall of reality that that power has to overcome to return. And it can't do that. Even if it travels forever. How ironic. The power of infinity cannot return to its owner because of infinity.'

I wandered the streets of Silbern, thinking to myself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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