
Destiny of the Chosen One: Journey of the Apprentice Witch

Monsters known as werewolves are scattered on this continent. They hang out in villages during the day and wait for opportunities to devour humans at night. Dill was an Oriental orphan bought from the port by the big witches with a dozen dill spices. As a trainee witch, she soon came to the first village and swore to find the werewolf and win the favor of humans' belief. But one night, the handsome guy who had been rejected during the day knocked on the door of his room with a cute and naughty smile. He blinked his golden vertical pupils, his canine teeth slightly exposed under his lips and asked, "Now, are you still saying no?" The handsome little wolf with chocolate fur is dedicated to taking away the little witch with the seasoning potion.

Daoist41JuTq · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 41 Rose Witch

◎When I find him, I will curse him to death. ◎

"Madam, I went to the market to get some honey and fruit wine for you, and I also brought you guests." The maid reported loudly.

The castle hall of Green Emerald City is filled with the afternoon sun. The green marble floor is like a sparkling deep river. When people step on it, they can see their own clear reflections, so they can tidy up their clothes before facing the city lord. Appearance. Dill saw a piece of goose down in her hair, but she couldn't put down the white goose in her arms, so she had no choice but to step forward.

This is the first time Dill has stepped into the territory of a noble, and it is also the first time he has been an upright guest as a witch.

Along the way, she passed the array of heavily armed knights, and even the holy priests gathered in groups of three or two. The flags of the Leicester family fluttered vividly on the cloaks of the knights and the cloaks of the priests, and extended to the velvet tapestries and curtains of the hall; the green background The color symbolizes the fertile upper reaches of the river, with three red oak barrels on it.

Of course, there are wine barrels everywhere, and Dill's heart is like a wine barrel floating and sinking in the middle of the Green Valley River, with the danger of drowning at any time.

A hand touched her gently, and another reflection on the floor gave her a reassuring smile. Dill smiled back. It was as if the tension was sucked away by that momentary touch, which gave her courage.

This time she is not alone.

Mrs. Leicester came out from behind the main seat in the hall to greet her. The woman was still elegant and calm, but the brisk steps under her feet betrayed her joy.

"I'm glad to see you again, what should I call you..."

Mrs. Leicester stopped talking in time. There was a holy priest who was walking down the corridor of the court holding a book of scriptures. He clamped the silver chain of his gavel in the book as a bookmark, which looked like a gleaming dagger in the sunlight.

The young witch took her time and her voice echoed in the hall: "Just call me Dill. I can't wait to meet Miss Rosalie and teach her the etiquette and knowledge of the bride."

Mrs. Leicester's blue eyes shone with intelligence: "Yes, I have received a letter of recommendation from the trade officer's wife in Terranzova City. You are her most loyal maid. Your parents have the blood of the East Coast. I believe you She is also well versed in the etiquette and culture of various places, Rosalie can't wait to learn with you."

Dill's identity and origin were simply solved in one or two sentences. Even if he had to seek confirmation, the city of Terranzova was far away in Cape South, and letters could not be exchanged for a month and a half. In addition, the Duchess personally vouched for it, even if he was in charge of an entire city. The holy masters of the temple did not dare to act rashly.

Mrs. Leicester turned to the maid who brought in dill and ordered: "Tina, you did a good job. Take our guests down to rest first."

The young maid bowed down and responded. She was wearing a brown horse-faced skirt without trimmings, and her hair was tightly wrapped with a simple cloth scarf. She looked humble and loyal.

Mrs. Leicester glanced at her sweat-soaked headscarf and said softly, "That bottle of honey cider is just for the reception. You can also drink some. It's sunny outside. Thank you for your hard work."

"Madam, you are so kind."

Dill followed the maid quietly and left. Most lord's castles had a maiden tower designed for unmarried girls to live in, but the maid took Dill to avoid the towers and balconies.

They got into the deserted garden path, and a few young leaves fell on the gray stone ground. With one hand, they pulled up the metal ring hidden under the yellow garden and the sage pile, and after a while they found a secret Cellar trap door.

As soon as she entered the cellar, all light was cut off. The maid couldn't help it, and directly opened the cloth on her head. Her dark brown hair hung down to her waist.

"Oh my god! It's suffocating me."

The silent and ordinary maid just now turned into a beautiful and charming girl in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Dill was motionless, the other party shrugged and said, "Don't worry, this is an abandoned wine cellar. There are empty wine barrels and spider webs underneath. No one knows about this place."


There were only two people here. Dill could no longer restrain her impulse and immediately rushed forward to hug this acquaintance whom she had not seen for a long time.

She buried her head on the other person's shoulder and was obsessed with smelling the bright and fresh scent of the girl. It was the scent of the wild roses of Miller Valley. It was also one of Christina's favorite herbs. It also smelled like home.

Although she couldn't see her face, Christina's voice clearly rose: "Long time no see, Dill, you gave me such a big surprise. The distinguished guest who kept me busy all morning turned out to be you."

The big white goose also recognized Christina. It flapped its wings at her feet. Christina immediately thought of something and took out a small thing from her pocket.

"Oslo, go say hello to Turnip."

The colorful parrot quickly jumped on the owner's shoulder, and while arranging the messy feathers, he shouted harshly: "Rude! Rude!"

Christina retorted indifferently: "Sorry, there is a whole church of holy priests outside. If I were one of them, a girl with a talking parrot would look suspicious. I would make them roast witches together. And roasted bird."

"Roast Tina! Roast Tina!"

"Oh, shut up. I prepared the squab stew tonight. I can change it to parrot stew at any time."

Dill and the big white goose just watched the other group of people and birds start to argue with each other.

When Christina grabbed Oslo and was about to pull the colorful feathers off his butt, Dill rushed to stop him before the tragedy happened: "Okay, Christina, I don't recognize you at all, you hide yourself very well."

The parrot took the opportunity to break away and jumped onto the wooden beam of the cellar with a few snaps, uttering dirty words.

Before Dill could say a few more words, she was caught by Christina and pressed against the wall, as if she was going to be tortured.

"I haven't even talked about you yet, my God! How did you do it? You walked in so arrogantly and asked the lady to treat you as a guest!"

"It's a long story."

"Then speak slowly."

Christina opened the linen cloth on the maid's basket and took out two bottles of honey cider, just one for each person, and a large piece of fresh white cheese wrapped in straw paper.

The delicious cheese and sweet candied fruit dispelled Dill's previous discomfort. The two little witches in a foreign land sat in the dusty abandoned cellar, and the atmosphere became more relaxed and comfortable with the aroma of fruit wine.

"You said you were kidnapped by Oya at the banquet?" Christina couldn't believe it.

"Didn't any of you notice that I'm missing?" Dill was even more surprised by the other party's reaction.

"No, Helena asked me where you were going. Not long after the banquet ended, I heard Ms. Amber say that she had seen you off. She said that you were afraid that you would cry like a cat when you said goodbye, so you left alone. "

Amber... Dill swallowed the wine in her mouth, and the mellow and warm liquid secreted into her heart. Although it was expected, she still felt the warmth coming from her body.

Yes, how could such Amber curse her or even erase her memory?

Christina curiously asked: "Why did Oya kidnap you?"

Dill downplayed: "She hoped that I would give up hunting and change my religion. I scolded her and told her to get out."

"You should give her a punch." Christina felt a little pity.

Dill silently fantasized about that scene, which was more enjoyable than finishing a whole barrel of honey cider.

The parrot flew down with a few clatters, and a circle of beautiful colorful feathers slid through the air. It happened to land on the big white goose, one colorful and one white, looking very funny.

"Tina, do you remember that I got into trouble before and raised a puppy named Cinnamon?"

Christina frowned and thought for a moment: "Cinnamon? Oh, that dog that hasn't stopped breastfeeding yet, you went to the village house to secretly milk the cow. Becky and I both saw it and secretly covered you."

"You still remember!" Dill breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. Even Christina remembered, yes, how could a puppy that still needs milk be a werewolf?

Kristina didn't notice her abnormality and said to herself: "To be honest, I really want to raise a Kaorvalson wolfhound. This is not outside the valley. We have to fight the werewolves. The old rules will only cost us our lives."

Dill's ears perked up: "Are you here because of werewolves?"

She was beating a drum in her heart, damn luck, she might step into a wolf's den wherever she goes.

Christina didn't answer immediately. She put down the bottle and took a breath before speaking: "Actually, it's some private matters."

Dill couldn't figure it out, so she listened to her next sentence: "I want to find my biological father."

Perhaps due to the influence of alcohol, the girl did not shy away from it, and even described it in an unusually calm manner: "The lady told me the location of that home. When I arrived, I discovered that it had been burned to rubble fifteen years ago, and a poor man had died. widow."

Her tone was extremely firm: "When I find him, I will curse him to death."

Dill sighed and put his arm around her shoulders, but thinking of Mrs. Leicester, she still couldn't help but ask: "Is it the Lester family?"

"I don't know. I can only look for it along the river bank. Lester is the fifth one. I don't have much memory of that family... Damn it! I only remember the color of the family emblem, but there is something on the Junli River. Hundreds of royal families and countless nobles, hundreds of family crests, the same colors and even patterns everywhere."

As Christina spoke, she took out a roll of crumpled parchment from her arms.

She smiled bitterly and said: "This is the guest list for tonight's banquet. Now I have to swallow this paper that is as long as my knees. The family, medals, and even illegitimate children in it. I have to serve them tea and water. If I am not careful, If I offend even one of these noble bastards, my life will be in danger."

Dill couldn't see her forcing a smile like that, so she suggested: "You can stay with me. I'll tell Mrs. Leicester that I need an assistant. We can see who is more suspicious from a high position."

Cristina immediately felt amnesty. She threw away the parchment and quickly got into Dill's arms like a wounded animal seeking comfort.

Dill secretly hid the piece of parchment. If it really contained Christina's biological father, she believed that the other party would definitely poison the wine glass without hesitation. After that, what awaited the girl would not be the glorious temple of the goddess, but only the public gaze. The gallows.

Dill accidentally glanced at the ink-stained paper, her eyes suddenly froze in one place, and the bright red ink stung her eyes.

It was a wolf head pierced by a sword, and underneath was a gorgeous and lingering font: [Holdrog. ]

The question is which Holdrog?