
Destiny Forgers

In a tumultuous world, plagued by militarization, and impending conflicts, a mysterious girl who possessed mystery power and a small group of individuals decided to fight against the chaos. These unlikely comrades, band together to forge a path as the world teeters on the brink of destruction from war. The story is set in a fictional world. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this light novel are fictitious.

TsukasaFrier · Krieg
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73 Chs

From Rejected to Resolute

"Mr. Rainier, good to see you again!" Rosseaulyn greeted Lyon with a smile.

"Good to see you, Lieutenant! Just call me Lyon; you are still in such a formal way of talking."

"Perhaps you can just call me Rosseaulyn, and we don't have to be this formal. It's really annoying for me sometimes. Haha!"

"Me too. Judging from your expression, I assume everyone is safe and well. Carmella sure knows how to handle them."

"You are right. Thanks for speaking up for me just now. Right now, all of them are going to look for someone that never existed because of us."

"It seems like our sin, but to be honest, Dialla is the one who is behind all this."

"Yes, that scumbag… This is the first time I have had a conversation with him. What an unpleasant talk…"

"I bet he must have blamed everything on you, since you are the one who oversees all the military here right now."

"He's not really blaming me but more personal attacks and humiliation."

"I'm wondering how such a person can be one of the top officers in the military…"

"Power to influence, bribe, and of course, dirty tricks… Be cautious about him. If you ever serve under him someday, don't follow any of his orders."

"Of course. Did he say anything else on the attack? Since we took away his important hostages…"

"He almost said it out just now, but his man stopped him right on time. He even challenged me to who will find out the assailants first. Oh boy… funny… There's no chance he could ever find out! Haha!"

"What does he propose if he wins?"

"He wants me to resign, but if I win, he ensures that I will get promoted. Seems like I will get promoted again very soon."

"Then I shall congratulate you in advance!"

"Thanks! Haha! How about you? I should reward you with something in return for your help. Is there anything you want? Money?"

"Not necessary, but it sounds very tempting…"

"I was talking with Carmella this morning. I told her you helped us out, and she couldn't believe this coincidence. This world is indeed really small…"

"I bet she must be very happy after I joined the military. There's no one to disturb her anymore. Alex seldom at home as well… Sorry, just forget what I said."

"It's fine; I already knew what she and Dr. Apgar, also Alex as well, have been doing. I just can't persuade her or change her mind."

"But to me, they are really doing something incredible, unlike me who is just so timid and did nothing at all…"

"Don't think that way. Every person has their own time to shine in life. It's just a matter of when and how. You will become an outstanding soldier someday. My sixth sense tells me that."

"Outstanding? Is that a good thing...or are you just trying to comfort me?"

"Don't doubt my judgment. I rarely misjudge people, especially when it comes to potential."

"It's not that I don't believe you...more like I don't believe in myself."

"How can a youngling speak as if they've been through everything and lost confidence in life?"

"But I haven't succeeded in anything yet...no matter how hard I've tried. Even my dream of joining the commando unit was rejected."

"Commando?! Why did they reject you?"

"They said I was too weak to join."

"Haha! Indeed! If I were the assessor, I might have given you a failing grade too!"

"Am I really that bad?"

"Right now, I would say yes. Unless you change your mindset and gain confidence, you won't achieve anything."

"How? I've lost all motivation to serve in the military. Every day, I'm just assigned cleaning duties with no training at all."

"Youngling, stop being downhearted. How about this? If you can show your determination to me and complete the half-year novice training in the military, I will immediately recommend you for the commando division as a gesture of gratitude."

"Really? Can you really help me join the commando unit?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Then I promise too! I'll prove to you that I'm truly capable of becoming a commando!" Lyon declared with determination.

"Congratulations, your eyes and expression just changed. You've passed my first requirement. Now, maintain that determination throughout your military service."

"I passed the first test?! What do you mean? When did I..." Lyon suddenly stopped, realizing something.

"I think you know what I meant."

"Thank you. I won't forget your gratitude."

"That's how a youngling should behave. By the way, why do you want to join the commando unit? Mind sharing your story?"

"It's kind of embarrassing...but please don't laugh or mock me."

"I won't."

Lyon began sharing his story and his dream of joining the commando unit. Rosseaulyn listened attentively, without a hint of mockery, until he finished.

"Hehhh… Wanting to become someone like the three great warriors… It's not easy but indeed a respectable dream."

"I thought you were just going to laugh at my delusional dream…"

"It's not delusional at all! The only thing I find delusional is the greed of Dialla."

"I just hope to become someone who is very strong, able to help as many people as possible, and get admired by the people."

"If you work hard enough, it's achievable."

"Yeah… Everyone around me is doing something really admirable, like Carmella, Alex, and Dr. Apgar. After seeing even Vermilion willing to risk her life to save Geena and Cathie last night, I'm really wanting to push myself harder and further. Right now, even you… I've started to admire you very much deep down in my heart."

"I'm glad I've earned your respect! I will convey your admiring thoughts to Carmella."

"Please don't! She will laugh at me…"

"She won't, trust me!"

"Please don't… Even if she won't laugh at me, I'll still feel very embarrassed…"

"Fine, I'll just let you convey it yourself someday."


"Ma'am? Are you there?" Sergeant Whitlock was looking for Rosseaulyn.

"Yes. How is the assessment?"

"After checking with Corporal, I think we should replace the wired fence with a concrete wall. Need to set up more watchtowers along the wall instead of only at the entrance."

"Great. Please submit a full detail on that to me."

"Yes Ma'am. I am ready to leave; how about you? Are you still trying to get more info from him?"

"Nope, there's nothing else here. Let's get back to HQ. See you, Lyon."

"See you."

"Soldier, thanks for assisting Lieutenant! You may go back to your station."

"Roger that!"

As Rosseaulyn and Whitlock walked back to their car, they encountered Dialla again, who was bringing Private James with him. Rosseaulyn noticed that Private James was shivering, his face pale and uneasy compared to this morning. Dialla just walked past them, not even willing to look at them.

"Ma'am, Private James looks uneasy… Is Dialla pressuring him to get more info… Poor bastard..." Whitlock said.

"This is his way of doing his job… Pathetic. He will earn no respect from anyone."

Rosseaulyn and Whitlock boarded their vehicle and headed back to the HQ. Meanwhile, Dialla, along with Victor, brought Private James into an empty tent. Dialla sat down behind a table, and Private James stood opposite, sweating in the intense and tense atmosphere.

"Private James! What are you waiting for?! Explain to Captain Dialla now!" Victor demanded fiercely.

"Sir! My sincere apologies! I'm so sorry we are not able to capture them back…"

"Why is it? And whose problem is this?" Dialla asked in a threatening and scary tone.

"Erm… They… They were equipped with powerful weapons against us! This is something not in our expectation… That's why we were overwhelmed…"

"Why didn't you keep chasing them?"

"Captain, I… All the rest of our men have fallen while chasing them, I am the last one and I almost get killed too!"

"So, you're afraid to die at the hands of those assailants more than defending your honor and duty?"

"No Captain! I was not running away from them! I just wanted to help those injured comrades!"

"Enough of your poor and unconvincing excuses…"

"Sorry Captain!"

"I just only want to know, are they still alive?"


"My two important guests."

"I don't know… I…" Private James was shot right in the head before he finished his words.

Dialla used a pistol equipped with a silencer, and the bullet pierced through Private James's head. He fell to the ground, dying on the spot. Victor, who witnessed the whole scene, started to feel uneasy, similar to what Private James felt.

"Victor, your face looks pale. And your legs are shaking. Are you scared of a corpse?"

"No… No Sir…" Victor said with a trembling voice.

"Hahahahaha! Oh come on, Victor. You were on a battlefield! This is nothing compared to what you experienced there!"

"You are right Sir. I don't know; I just suddenly don't feel well. Perhaps this tent is a little cold for me."

"Feeling cold? Is it because of me?"

"It certainly has nothing to do with you, Sir!"

"Of course, it has nothing to do with me. Then is there anything to do… with YOU?!!" Dialla's tone became heavier, making Victor feel more uneasy and scared.

Victor was startled for a moment before he answered Dialla, "Anything to do with me…? Sir… do you mean I'm the one to blame for arranging to hide them in this camp…?"

"Are you interested to find out?"

Victor unwillingly nodded.

"Then, please come over here and lend me your ear. I need to say it secretly."

Victor slowly approached Dialla, lowering his head. Dialla pretended as if he wanted to share something secretly with Victor, but it turned out to be a ruse. Dialla used almost all his strength and delivered a powerful slap right across Victor's face. Not only did Victor's teeth fall out from the impact, but there was also a significant bruise on the left side of his face, and his nose started bleeding.

"Wughh… My face! So painful…" Victor held his left face and screamed in pain.

"I will be generous this time… Remember, Victor. Next time, I'm going to end your life. Got it?"

"YeZ… SuRry… Wurghh…" Victor couldn't speak properly.

"I'm getting tired and annoyed. Why do I have to listen to others apologize to me most of the time?! I just don't get it… Get lost, Victor. I don't want to see your ugly face."

Victor nodded and left the tent in a hurry. Dialla stood up from his chair, then stepped on the corpse of Private James. He pulled out a matchbox from his coat, lit up all the matches, and set fire to the whole tent. He walked out of the tent casually and watched it burn to ashes in a few seconds.

"Captain Dialla! What happened here?" Other soldiers came as they spotted the black smoke from afar.

"I'm just burning some thrash… Help me clean it up once it finishes burning everything."

"Alright Sir… Please leave it to us."

"Please don't mind seeing something unusual while cleaning up those ashes later. Just clean up everything. Hahahahaha!"

"Okay… understood Sir."

Victor ran to the toilet rapidly while covering his injured face. Suddenly, he collided with someone, and both of them fell to the ground. Victor uncovered his face and saw that he had collided with Lyon.

"Ouch!" Lyon exclaimed as he fell to the ground. He quickly recognized Victor.

"Damn you! It's you again! I remember you ran into me and hit me the other day as well!" Victor said angrily, pointing his finger at Lyon.

"No, Sir! You are the one who hit me the other day! And now, it's the same!" Lyon bravely argued back in a serious tone.

"How dare you argue with me?! Eat this!!" Victor slapped Lyon on the face, but it was not as powerful as Dialla's slap.


"Don't ever let me see your face again! I will tear you into pieces for sure!" Victor went away immediately after finishing his insult to Lyon.

Lyon's eyes turned very sharp, almost similar to the sharpness of Ayukawa's eyes. He stared at Victor with full rage from behind while holding his fist tightly, and he started to mutter and repeat something under his breath.

"I won't forgive…! I won't forgive you…! I just won't forgive you…! I swear I won't forgive you…! I definitely won't forgive you…! I won't forgive you forever and ever…!! I WOULD NEVER EVER FORGIVE YOU!!!" Lyon roared with determination.