
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 30: to the border

week following Finn's coronation, their activities were confined to scholarly pursuits and rigorous training until Finn summoned them, assigning a mission to rendezvous with General Oliver at the barracks.

In transit to the barracks, an unbroken silence prevailed. Even Jake refrained from uttering a single word. Timothy, contemplating his elemental affinity, struggled to discern its nature. His deductions suggested a correlation with sound. His experimentation unveiled heightened auditory acuity, surpassing even his meditative states. Channeling the breath into his being revealed this peculiar enhancement—a manifestation unique to Timothy, distinct from the fiery auras associated with other elemental attunements.

Contemplating this unexpected development, Timothy pondered its relevance in battle. Abruptly, the carriage halted, the coachman opening the door. A procession of knights clad in armor ushered them toward a colossal edifice. Three silver-armored knights greeted them, leading the way to a meeting room where General Sedrigus Oliver awaited.

In the meeting room, General Sedrigus Oliver, a figure of authority, sat with a relaxed smile. His brown, combed hair complemented the high-quality robes he wore. Magnificent armor adorned the other figures in the room, but Sedrigus stood out, embodying a blend of strength and composure. As the conversation unfolded, his expressions shifted from cordiality to seriousness, reflecting the urgency of the matter at hand. Sedrigus, a seasoned leader, commanded respect, and his presence left an indelible mark on the gravity-laden atmosphere of the meeting.

"Esteemed guests, welcome to the barracks," General Oliver exclaimed, rising with a bow. The ensuing exchange conveyed urgent news of a subterranean cave. Its grim contents implicated La'faurians in heinous acts against their kingdom, revealing dead bodies of missing noble citizens, including women and children, as well as knights stripped of their equipment.

Komoni spoke with a tone of concern, "General, it's our greatest honor to meet a great man like you."

"A man like me doesn't deserve your praises," the general replied, his smile reflecting humility.

"If you may, General, we are in a bit of a hurry," Komoni interjected, sensing the gravity of the situation.

The general's relaxed expression vanished, replaced by a serious one. "My men found an underground cave near the forest border that separates our kingdom and La'faura. Inside the cave, they found dead bodies of our missing noble citizens, including women and children. But that is not all. They even found some of our knights inside, but all of their equipment was missing, and they were left to rot naked. We have every reason to believe the La'faurians did this, and we need to take action, as the war has already begun."

Komoni nodded, absorbing the weight of the revelation. "General, what do you think they could be doing with the armor they stole? They can't infiltrate us since all of our knights are accounted for. So what is it that they are doing with our armor?"

"They are probably going to replicate and mass-produce it, making their knights use it against us during the war. That way, we will be confused and not know who the enemy is. Imagine being stabbed through the heart by someone wearing the same armor as you," Timothy answered Komoni, his strategic insight drawing attention.

"Mesa?" Timothy looked at the person who spoke but didn't answer. He knew from the voice who it was.

"I know it's you. I would recognize that voice anywhere. Why are you here? How did you survive our city's destruction?" Timothy looked at him but didn't say anything.

"Morgan! That's enough. You will not speak to our esteemed guests like that," General Sedrigus warned, maintaining decorum.

"Forgive me, my lord. I thought you sounded like a friend of mine," Morgan bowed at Timothy, even though he was certain that the voice he heard just now was Mesa's voice.

Timothy wanted to roll his eyes but held himself back. Sedrigus continued, "But if what you said is true, then we are in great danger, aren't we? We need to change our armor then."

"We can't. There's not enough time left for that, and the La'faurians know that. What we need is a last-minute change that our enemies won't see coming. I already have the perfect idea, but we will have to alert the king first," Jake spoke, his strategic acumen evident.

Morgan, still in awe, muttered to himself, "These two... how?"

"But rest assured, General, we will investigate the matter. If that is all, then we will be on our way," Komoni spoke, concluding the intense discussion.

"Wait, wait. Here you go. My men also found that in the cave. I believe you have knowledge of what it is," the general spoke, pushing a round metal object across the table. Komoni caught it and inspected it.

"Yes, thank you, General. We will be on our way," and with that, they left the meeting room, their minds buzzing with the gravity of the impending challenge.

Back in the meeting room, Sedrigus looked at Morgan with a smile. "Are you sure you know who that boy is?" Morgan shook his head.

"Not just him, even the one wearing the red cloak. We come from the same city, but I do wonder how those bastards survived and what are they doing with the KING'S BLADES?" Morgan answered.

"Haha, boy, those two are part of the King's Blades. It's a pity we didn't see their faces to confirm whether what you say is true. Anyways, go resume your training and don't slack off, you three," Sedrigus sighed as he dismissed the trio, leaving him alone with a smile on his face.

"I wonder if you can still win this one, La'faura."....


The scene transitioned, revealing a contemplative Sedrigus left alone in the meeting room.

"Where to now?" a boy in a blue cloak with tattoos on his head asked as they removed their hoodies, except for one with a green cloak who remained the most silent among them.

"To the border," Komoni answered, setting the course for their next destination.

Nobody spoke afterward as the carriage made its way to the ancient gateway of the capital. This gateway, once utilized by Finn to introduce Timothy and the others to the city, held significance. Finn had imparted the knowledge of its operation during their private training and study sessions. A week had passed since Finn's coronation, during which he had shared profound insights about their world.

The journey continued, each occupant of the carriage lost in their thoughts, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on their minds as they approached the border. Finn's teachings echoed in their minds, guiding them towards an uncertain future.