
Taking Decisions Is To Hard...

" How's you Lee.." Medelline and Lucy come to me and hugs me.. I do hug them showing there big smile..

Only I know that how much my days are going worst.. how much I want to tell them that I am not happy.. what is going on with my life.. I need them.. but I don't want to make worry so I hide all my emotions in my this fake smile..

" I am doing all well... Exams are finally over so here I am.. stress less.. how's you ledies..  you all are looking beautiful.." I tell them.. and they giggle..

" I can see how you happy exams is over.. but you are not like this when last I check you love to study's right.. anyways now going to be senior year.. " they tell me.. how can I tell me why I am badly want to complete my exam and leave this holle..

" And don't say those things. Which we already know.. say those things which we never hared.. " and I laugh..

" There is our favourite girl.." Michelle said.. Kayden and dad also come and than I greet them.. hug them..

" How's you my old boys.. all fine.. " I tease them..

" We still look young.. who said we are old.. " Kayden said.. and I giggle..

" I am saying " I tell them..

" You lier.. you said ledies that they looking beautiful and telling us that we are getting old.. are you Changing team.. " Michelle said.. and I laugh..

" How can I leave you old man.. when I loves you guys more than anything... " I tell them.. and they again hug me..

" How's you my little princess.. finally exam's over.. " dad ask me.. and i look at him.. and give him smile..

" Yeahh it's over.. and i do want to talk about something.. " I said to him..

" You can whatever want to you say.. you can.. but not now.. later.. for now we do have news for you guys.. " dad said to us..

" So now everyone is come lets go we can have some tea.. " mom said.. and all are agree for this..

I did see that Nick and Ari already seating there and doing don't know in there phones.. I ignore them.. me and Noah both seat together and than everyone also did same.. get on of chain and seat beside to each other..

" Dad now can you tell us.. what is the news about... " Ari said in bored tone.. I know she don't like my presents at all..

" So we all know that you guys exmas is over.. and you guys going to be next year.. but still we do forget about something.. " dad said.. I give him question look.. so did Ari..

" You forget that someones bday is coming... " And I remember what he want to tell me.. but why he is saying.. in all this going on I forgot that our birthday is coming our.. and I am going to 18th..

" We already know dad.. what's big deal about this.. " I ask him..

" It is a big deal my little princess... " Michelle said.. and give him question look..

" You guys going to be completed your 17th year old.. and going to be 18th... " Kayden said.. and I just wild my eyes and stund what he just said.. how can I forgot this.. i look at my food.. drink the glass of water.. my hand is shaking Noah help me to give me glass of whater..

After drinking water.. my eyes lean on him.. and he also doing same.. what is the our family planning..

" Yeah we alos know that dad.. " Ari said..

" We kind of celebrating and we thought to throw ball for this.. and also announced about you guys engagement and plus we do think that why not do that that day.." dad said casually.. how can he said that it's to easy for this..

" Dad... " I look at him.. I want to tell him not right time but how.. I can't..

" I know it's to fast we are doing it.. but we want that you guys spend time with each other know each other.. so this will be better first step to do.. if we don't than you guys never try to spend time with each other.. " mom said.. why we want to do it.. even no one is ready for engagement..

We four of us.. look at each other.. it is not going to happen.. not now not ever.. I stood up and leave them.. they did call me but I didn't stop.. I walk to Noah's bedroom and jump on bed.. how can they do this to us..

Here I am thinking to leave everything behind and they are want to stuck with each other.. do I ready for this.. no I don't think so.. but still it's these promise to each other.. and we can do that in all this..

" You okky princess.." I turn around look at them.. they all are come here.. I wipe my tears and get out from the bed..

" Do you think that I am okky dad.." I tell him..

" What happened.. " Michelle ask me..

" I am still not ready for this guy's.." I tel them..

" We also know that it's just that we thought you guys take this seriously and stop playing around and focus on othar that's it.." keyden said..

" Focus on each other.. you think it's easy.. " I tell him sarcastically..

" You think it's easy.. than let me tell you one think it's not.. everything is not easy.. i have my own goal so did they.. all are bussy on there future.. no one thinking about to this engagement.. " I tell them..

" But you guys are happy right.." Michelle ask me..

" We are happy but hearing this news we are not now.." I tell him..

" Than tell me what you want to do.. " my dad ask me..

" Dad I thought I am free.. I thought I will be ask you to teach me how to do work.. I want to know about this business.. I am interested in that.. I want to learn.. I want to work.. but here you guys give us announcement which i don't know about them.. but I am not happy.. I already made lots of plan that I want to do lots of activities and learn things.. but now ughhh.." I said to them..

" If you want that you will get it.. but this think will be not going to cancel Angel.. you guys have to aslo work on each other.. you guys have to spend time each other and accept each other.." keyden said to me..

" Lena.." Noah come and we all are look at him.. he come in with blink look..

" You okky Lena.." he said again.. I nodded with my head..

" What's going on here.. all okky.." he ask us.. we all look at each other and than him..

" Nothing just normally talkin' about what we give you news about this.. nothing else.." Michelle said..

" What you think about this Noah.." my dad ask him..

" I don't kbow I am not ready yet.." he said what he feel.. dad look at me.. I give him look that told yaa.. no one is ready for this..

" Well if you don't than get ready.. because this will be not going to be cancelled.." keyden said to him smriking at him..

" We better be join everyone they all are worry about us.." I change the topic and we all again join everyone..

" Lena you okky.." Lucy ask me.. I smile at him and nodded with my head..

" In this Ball lots of people are coming... I do want you to meet famous designers  for your future.." mom tell Ari. And they talk about this.. I did look at her she is not interested at all.. I do look at Nick who's already observing me.. I do look at him lots of things is going on in my mind.. but don't know how to explain how to get out..

" After this Ball after lena you are coming with me office I have work for you.." dad said and I snap out of my all thought and our eyes break and I look at my dad.. nodded with my head..

" So you are going work now.." Noah ask me.. I look at him give him smile and nodded with my head .

" Well than I am also going to join you.." he said to me..

" Dad I am also want to come.." he ask them..

" Well i told you thousands time you never considered it.. now you are.. well that's suprising.. but boy I am proud of you.." keyden said to  him..

" My boy growing up.." medelline said and smile at him.. I do agree with him.. Noah not work type of boy.. but now he is working I do impressed about this..

" Mom I am thinking to come with you to.. so I can observe it and also help out with some work too.. if you don't mind.." Ari said..

" Why not.. I thought you will always try to another company for learn things but if you want to work under me than I always happy for that too my child.." mom said to him..

" What is your plan Nick.." dad ask him.. I do look at him want to see what he is going to do in this summer.. he did feel my eyes on him.. he look at me than look at dad..

" I have my own work which I am bussy in that.. " he tell him.. yeahh his fucking stupid gang.. seriously it's dangerous.. why he do bad things can't he work with his dad.. but no he want to do dirty work.. asshole..

" Girls you are not excited about your birthday?" Lucy ask us.. I do look at them give them blink look.. I am really not excited about this at all..

" There is nothing special about that day..." Ari said to them..

" Well there is.. big Ball is coming and you guys not excited about that.." before Michelle complete his statement Ari cut him off..

" We have to act good front of people and we can enjoy ourselves like we use to it.. we can't do anything stupid that make our image down.. we already know this.. that's why I said there is nothing special about that Ball.." Ari said.. yes she is right.. that's what we do evry damn time...

" You don't like party's..." Medellin ask her..

" We do like party's.. we do go every weekend but the Ball your guys are talking about that is not party at all.. it's more than some business meeting I can tell you.." she said to me..

" What if I said you guys are behave like you guys always do.." dad ask him.. and that is not going to ever happened..

" Dad don't joke around us.. we know that that is not going to happen.." I tell him..

" Lets not talk about this..." Ari said to them.. before dad protest and argue about it..

" I thought you guys will be happy about this news.." mom said..

" Mom we are happy that we are going to be 18th.. but we are not happy about other things.. because we still want time for this..." Ari said to her..

" Time for this what... I don't get it..." Medelline ask her..

" I don't know about you guys you guts settled down in young age.. and parfact love life.. but that doesn't mean that same gose to us.. we have other thing that det in in relationship.. we guys know each other in our whole life.. but still what about our own choice we do want chose whom we want to be with whom we don't be with.." Ari said arrogantly..

" Ariana you are crossing your limits..." Mom said angrily...

" She is not saying anything wrong.." Noah said to them..

" You guys saying us that we are taking decisions very fast..." Lucy said in sad voice..

" Yes you are.. we still 18th.. and you want us to settle down.. when we still are growing up and don't even know what we want.. and you guts giving us this responsibility.. which are not ready to handle..." Nick said to them..

"Is Taking care of your partner it's to hard for you guys ." My dad said..

" I thought you guys ready to take next time.." Medellin said..

" We are not..." I Noah snap her mother..

" Noah..." Kayden said angrily.. and everyone is just shut up.. and didn't said anything about this.. kn whole time I just want to hear it out what they think.. but than hearing those things I feel like I am not the one who's not agree with this agreement..

" What about you Lena.." Lucy said.. I look at her.. she feel already sad. If I do tell her I am also agree with her she will going to be cry I know.. I do look at mom and dad.. Nd than everyone.. I again look at my food.. and think that what should I say..

" You guys our family.. and you know the our good or bad.. if you guys did thing somthing like that.. I assure that you did it for some reason I know.. so I don't know what to say.. but whatever you guys decide.. I am not going to say no about this.. I will do it.. than its doesn't matter if I like or not.. " I tell them.. and I eat my food.. I know everyone eyes on me.. but better not to look at them. It's best I can do that for now..