
Destiny's Awakening: A High School DxD Tale english version

issei True loginus op broken

lokinhobr · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


Five years ago, on a starry and peaceful night, an extraordinary event occurred in the mind of Issei Hyoudou, a young boy of only 10 years old. He was engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions after the brutal death of his parents, feeling a mix of sadness, anger, and determination that consumed him from within.

In his mental landscape, Issei found himself in an ancient stone temple, illuminated by a soft light that permeated the air with a sense of tranquility and mystery. At the center of the temple lay the Sacred Gear True Longinus, emitting an aura of power and protection that instantly captured Issei's attention.

As he approached the True Longinus, Issei felt a deep connection with the Sacred Gear, as if it were the answer to his prayers for justice and vengeance. A feeling of determination and courage blossomed in his heart, strengthening his resolve to fight against the forces of evil that threatened his mind and soul.

With his eyes shining with determination, Issei reached out and touched the True Longinus, triggering a flood of intense visions and sensations. Images of epic battles and immeasurable power danced in his mind, fueling his will to face the challenges that lay ahead.

When the light finally faded, Issei was at peace, feeling empowered and revitalized in his mental landscape. With the True Longinus firmly in his hands, he knew that his journey to master the power of the Sacred Gear and protect his mind from the Devils began there, in his own inner temple.

Thus, Issei Hyoudou, a brave young man seeking redemption and justice, embarked on an exciting journey within his own mind, determined to face his fears and eager to forge a brighter future for himself and his mental landscape. The thrilling adventure was only just beginning.

Time break

The morning after the awakening of the True Longinus in Issei Hyoudou's mind, the demonic and angelic factions soon felt a disturbance in the power balance that governed their world. Rumors quickly spread through the dark corridors and majestic halls of their realms, echoing the news of the awakening of a legendary and powerful Sacred Gear.

The Devils, led by Sirzechs Lucifer and the high-ranking members of the Gremory Clan, were intrigued by the possibility of a Sacred Gear of such magnitude being awakened by a human. Sirzechs called for an emergency meeting of the council of Infernal Clans to discuss the situation and devise plans to investigate and, if necessary, deal with the threat posed by the True Longinus.

On the other hand, the Angels, represented by Archangel Michael and his celestial commanders, also closely monitored the unfolding events. They recognized the potential danger that the awakening of the True Longinus represented for the peace and stability among the factions, and began to consider the best approach to deal with this new threat.

Meanwhile, other minor and neutral factions, such as the Grim Reapers and the Fallen Angels, also caught wind of the rumors and glimpsed the possibility of upheaval and conflict on the horizon. Everyone was aware that the power balance among the factions could be significantly altered by the influence of the True Longinus and its bearer, Issei Hyoudou.

Thus, news of the awakening of the True Longinus quickly spread like wildfire among the factions, causing anxiety, curiosity, and preparation for an uncertain future where the fate of Issei and the reverberations of his newly discovered power would be felt by all inhabitants of the celestial and infernal realms.

With the news of the awakening of the True Longinus and the growing unrest in the demonic and angelic factions, Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angels and mentor of Issei Hyoudou, realized the need to act quickly to protect his protege and ensure that his potential was channeled positively.

Azazel called for an emergency meeting with key members of the Fallen Angels and exposed the situation, explaining the importance of welcoming and guiding Issei in this critical moment. He emphasized the need to help the young bearer of the True Longinus understand and control his power, in order to avoid tragedies and unnecessary conflicts among the factions.

With his experience and knowledge of Sacred Gears, Azazel took on the responsibility of leading Issei in his training and development, seeking to guide him in the proper use of his newly discovered abilities. He saw in Issei not only a potentially powerful ally, but also an individual worthy of protection and support on his journey.

Thus, Azazel welcomed Issei under his wing, providing him with a safe and educational environment in which he could explore and enhance his mastery over the True Longinus. With patience and determination, the leader of the Fallen Angels guided Issei through intensive training, teaching him the importance of balance and control of his power to avoid collateral damage and unnecessary conflicts.

Over time, the relationship between Azazel and Issei grew in mutual respect and trust, becoming a powerful and beneficial partnership for both. With the support and guidance of Azazel, Issei became not only a powerful bearer of the True Longinus, but also a valuable ally in the imminent struggles awaiting the celestial and infernal factions. Together, they would face the challenges and trials that lay ahead, with determination and courage to shape the destiny of their realms.