
Destined to you

What happen's if two completely different personality collides. One is big homophobic and a playboy, and the another one is simple calm but arrogant, What will happen if they get's married because of their elder's wish. Will they be together forever or they don't even have a chance. Let us all dive into the story of Arak and Arthit.

WizardsAngel · realistisch
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30 Chs

Chapter 4

One more thing grandpa, Arthit said with a serious tone. If, I don't like him or don't get along with him in 6 months, without a second thought will cancel this wedding..

And without any hesitation Mr.Somchai said "OK"..... like his was very confident about his decision....

Arthit thought it will was good deal, because he was damn sure that he won't get along with the man his going to marry and to that, he can call off this wedding in 6 months...

And, After a half-an-hour of argument everything settled and Arthit was ready to enter the wedding hall.....

Arthit slowly opened the doors of the wedding hall and, His enter was just like an entry of an hero and another groom was sat on chair like he is the king and, He was staring at Arthit seriously like, he will kill him for wasting his time..., But, Arthit calmly walked towards the aisle like, He don't give damn about, what the other person thinks.....

Both the grooms are standing on the aisle and the church father started the wedding promises and said "Mr. Arthit do you take, Mr. Arak as your husband, Arthit said "YES..." with a disgust face and then church father asked the other groom that "Mr. Arak do you take Mr. Arthit as your husband a cold and spine chilling voice said "YES...".

Arthit thought to himself that even though this bast*rd is an eyesore but his voice is kinda se*y...

And after that church father said "you guys can kiss now....."

Everyone started saying 'Kiss..., Kiss...., Kiss...., Kiss....,

Arthit murmured to he's self that "It was the worst joke, I have ever heard...," But, Mr. Arak took few steps forward like his was really to kiss, Arthit.

Arthit stopped Arak with his hand and blend a few inches forward and whispered in Arak that "don't even think about it....."

After hearing that, Arak felt offended and when, Arthit was blending back to his position, Arak grabbed Arthit's tie and forcefully placed his lips on Arthit's lips.

Arthit was completely shocked his eyes are wide opened and his body became so stiff and he felt like he was electrocuted...

And after few seconds, Arthit realized, He was kissed by a man and immediately, He went into the washroom and started washing his mouth like, He didn't washed it for a month...., and opened his phone and called someone and said "Come..... Back... you idiot..." with a very frustrated tone....

While looking in the mirror, Arthit talked to himself that "Why did you took leave now 'NAM....,' without you, How am i going to handle of this shit.....

After a few hours later, Arthit went to his house to get something and when, He entered inside a maid came forward and said "hello master...," Arthit just 'nodded..,' his head....

When he was going to a take step on the stairs someone called his name and, He turned a side to see, who is calling and then he saw everyone are seating in the hall even, Arak's family and, Arthit went there and his was about seat but his mother said "I am sorry, Thit this seat is taken and when, He moved to aside to seat with his grandfather, His father rush in between and sat and when, He looked at other side there was only space beside, 'Arak..'

Everything was seems like everyone did it purposely...

With a big sigh , Arthit sat beside, Arak and, Mr. Somchai said "What are you doing here, Thit...,?..." and, Arthit replied, I just came to get something after getting it, I will go back and his grandfather said "OHOO....., But, I just shifted your things to, Arak's house and from now on words you have to stay at his place....

" Ahhhhh......., What did you just said grandpa, Arthit said with a high pitch and, Mr. Somchai said "I shifted all your belongs to Arak's place..."

Arthit 'shouted,' now, What the h*ll is this grandpa you guys think of me as a newly wedded women that you shifted all my things to his place.

Mr. Somchai showed some documents to, Arthit and in those paper it was clearly mention that if, Mr. Arthit didn't listened to, Mr. Somchai words then, Mr. Somchai can cutoff all the shares of Mr. Arthit at any time.

Arthit said "Grandpa you scammed me you just showed me a blank paper and said to sign them but now you did this.

Somchai said with a 'Smirk...', it's your mistake to sign the blank papers, And you have stay with him for 6 months and there no question back now.....

Arthit was very annoyed and it was enough for him for a day and, He don't have much strength to fight back and he just walked out.....