
Chapter 43

"He'll be fine?" "Yes, he's very weak, but he's also frightened."

"Of the hospital?"

"No, he's scared that she won't make it. The doctor hasn't told him her condition. He doesn't want her last memory to be of him being an asshole. Also, something about breaking one of his rules."

"What rule?"

"I don't know, something about letting her go to bed angry and hurt." I opened my eyes, wincing at the bright lights as they shined in my sensitive eyes. I blinked a few times, allowing them adjust to the sudden brightness. Once I could see without any pain I looked around the room, frowning when I saw my my parents and a nurse. "Were you guys talking about Samuel?" I whispered, grimacing at the sound of my voice.

My mother smiled softly at me and walked over, "He's going to be okay." She stated, already knowing my silent question.