
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



Iris' hands were neatly folded on her laps, and she kept her eyes fixed on the floor.

"You can talk to us, Iris please. How did you know that Anisha was in danger? Who told you?"

"Sir Dylan, I am happy that I played my part. I'm happy that I managed to help save Miss Anisha. But please, allow me not to say anything else. I cannot say anything else."

"Iris please. We won't tell anyone. We just have to know, so that in future we know who our enemies are." I did my best to plead with her.

"Be careful in everything, sir Dylan. Everyone has enemies. You may not need to know them by name, but if you're careful enough, you will survive." Iris said in her usual motherly voice.

"Ok, Iris please just tell me this….did someone tell you that Anisha was being targeted…or did you overhear people talking…or you accidentally saw a message?"

"I am sorry, sir Dylan, but that I cannot say." She refused to give in. "And as I have asked you before, please, when you give your statement to the police, please don't include my name in it. Please. I don't want to be part of it. I played my part when I gave you a warning. Kindly leave me out of everything else."


The social media was full of the news....Gareth Everdeen, founder and CEO of the detergent making company, has filed for divorce against his wife Lisa. Lisa Everdeen, a manager at the ice-cream shop, was caught red handed in an adulterous affair with Carter, a tutor in the fine arts department at the university…..

And people commented with all sorts of remarks….Carter? He looks so young, Is he into sugar mummies?...You can never satisfy a woman. I thought Gareth's company was doing well, and here his wife cheats on him…why play the sex video online, though….funny how small Carter is, in comparison to the big fat mamma…I feel for Gareth, he is a great guy, I used to work for him….another eligible bachelor back on the market. I wouldn't mind taking care of those two boys…..I saw the video, ewwww…someone please inbox me the video….the video has been removed, someone deleted it...did someone save the video? Please send me…..the Lisa woman is not beautiful, Carter is too handsome for her….that Gareth guy needs to do a DNA; who knows, those two boys might not be his…is Carter married?….

Anisha and I laughed off as we read the many comments popping out on different social media platforms.




"One last push..yes..yes! The baby is here!" a loud wail filled the hospital ward as the bouncy baby came into the world.

"It's a little girl," the gynecologist announced.

Pete was there to cut the umbilical code, and the little one was placed neatly onto Arianna's bare chest. With tears of joy, my daughter kissed her baby countless times. Pete stood nearby and hugged his family, kissing them both many times.

"Our baby, our baby, Pete! Look how beautiful she is!" Arianna failed to control her joy.

"What is her name?" Roderick asked excitedly.

Pete and Arianna looked at each other. Arianna smiled sweetly before telling us, "we decided to name her Amanda Janine."

"Ohh that's so sweet. Janine; her late grandmother's name!" I smiled at them, wishing if only my friend Janine was around to see her granddaughter named after her.

"Yes. It was Arianna who suggested that we name her after my mum. I was humbled by that gesture." Pete patted his wife.

"Welcome to the world, Amanda Janine Rockridge!" I spoke to the little one who was clad on her mother's chest.

"She's as beautiful as her mother," Pete said proudly.

The baby was taken away to be cleaned and dressed up. My son, the child's pediatrician, went along with the child's father. Many people came in to see Arianna.

Hayden came in, overexcited at the arrival of his granddaughter. Ciera came along with Keith Junior. Dylan was there throughout the birth process, and as soon as his little niece arrived, he just had to call Anisha to inform her…ughhh!!

She also visited; and Arianna was more than happy to see her. No one stayed for too long, for everyone understood that the new mother needed to rest.